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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
My buddy took this one - I handed him my camera, I was busy enjoying my first Bi-plane ride... :) (I didn't want to spend any time looking through a viewfinder - that's me getting out of it). He takes great pics.

Olympus E-420, Zuiko Digital 14-42 ED at f6.3, 17mm, 1/1000, ISO100


OMG, THAT's what I need to try next... or someday. Beautiful aircrafts.

Yes, you definitely need to do that. I now know why Pilots choose the Bi-Plane or open cockpit - it's quite the experience.

I'm glad I handed my buddy the camera. I already have plenty of pics of the area from the air. He took a lot of pics of me getting in, taxiing, taking off, landing, taxiing back. Pics I'll treasure.

We almost got a ride in the C47 (in the background) - they configured it as a troop carrier inside as well. They even have that parachute line and said you can bring your parachute... :eek: (LOL - now that would be fun for you!)

Unfortunately, the C47 had carb trouble on the left engine after taking riders back. :(


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
Would you mind explaining this pic, or at least a little help with what it is...

It's a macro shot of the door leading out to my deck. Shot with a D700 and a 105 macro lens. The peeling paint has exposed the wood and allowed some mold to grow. Yuck. I liked the shot for the texture and bit of color. The fact that it needs to be explained means that it fails as an image, at least for you. *sigh*. Oh well, better luck next time.


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2008
It's a macro shot of the door leading out to my deck. Shot with a D700 and a 105 macro lens. The peeling paint has exposed the wood and allowed some mold to grow. Yuck. I liked the shot for the texture and bit of color. The fact that it needs to be explained means that it fails as an image, at least for you. *sigh*. Oh well, better luck next time.

I really like the picture. I'm a big fan of lines and textures. :)


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
It's a macro shot of the door leading out to my deck. Shot with a D700 and a 105 macro lens. The peeling paint has exposed the wood and allowed some mold to grow. Yuck. I liked the shot for the texture and bit of color. The fact that it needs to be explained means that it fails as an image, at least for you. *sigh*. Oh well, better luck next time.
I didn't need any explanation... I agree with Chitoneus. I love how the textures pop.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
It's a macro shot of the door leading out to my deck. Shot with a D700 and a 105 macro lens. The peeling paint has exposed the wood and allowed some mold to grow. Yuck. I liked the shot for the texture and bit of color. The fact that it needs to be explained means that it fails as an image, at least for you. *sigh*. Oh well, better luck next time.

I thought it was peeling paint, but as i have never seen mold like that i was starting to think it might be cheap upholstery. Even though i wasnt quite sure what it was, i was still drawn to it. So I wouldnt call it a 'fail' per se... :)


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
I really like the picture. I'm a big fan of lines and textures. :)

Thanks so much. It was one of those easy to miss shots. It's a tiny part of my deck door. Easy to ignore. Sometimes potential photographic subjects lurk right under your nose :)


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
I thought it was peeling paint, but as i have never seen mold like that i was starting to think it might be cheap upholstery. Even though i wasnt quite sure what it was, i was still drawn to it. So I wouldnt call it a 'fail' per se... :)

No worries. It's not easy to orient yourself with the shot unless you know what it is. I like it because of the lines, texture, and spot of color. But it isn't a National Geographic image by any stretch. Your criticism is valid and i am flattered that you find the shot interesting. Thanks for taking the time to comment :)


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Oregon surf...

...somewhere just south of Depoe Bay (where Jack Nicholson's character took the inmates fishing in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.) Trying out my newly aquired, yet well-worn Nikkor 80-200 f/2.8 on a lowly D50...;)


Camera: NIKON
Model: D50
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/200 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 200mm


macrumors 6502a
Nov 20, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Saw this guy this morning. Had a couple flies caught that were struggling and was hoping to get some pictures of him in action but he was lazy apparently. :rolleyes:



macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
Pardon my comments, first time checking this month

Pardon the longer post, my first time visiting the thread this month, had to go page by page and pick my favorites.

Nice catch! I go watch them every year at Nellis and never have a nice angle like this.

I love the softness of this, despite the rocks. Very nice contrast. Well done.

Beautiful. I hate that I live 4 hours from here and never make time to go!

That water looks so thick, and that day looks so terrible... I really like it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but... isn't that.... GOONIES!!

LOVE IT, did a terrific job capturing motion in a split second, not always easy to do.

Really Cool

A: Really cool picture, having the moonlight hit the wood like that is awesome, nice layers. B: Mineral Basin, up AF Canyon?

Must try to stay awake...


That's quite amusing. Poor guys, must be hard to ever sleep good when you've got predators around you. At least I'm assuming he'd be the prey for something larger and meaner.

I will go see one of those launches someday. That just seems amazing to me.

A snapshot of my little brother taken today. Not sure how I feel about this one. CnC appreciated. :D

(it's clickable...)

You should feel really good about it! The layers of light on his face are terrific, very well caught shot. I'm always impressed by your pics Miss Nintendo.

Okay, my turn. Nothing super exciting, just an alley in Salt Lake City that I decided to point my rented 45mm TS down. I give you - Air Conditioning.

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