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Yeah, the focus I was going for in this one was not supposed to be the same soft focus as for a portrait. With that picture, I was just trying to experiment with ways of making a crisp, new picture look older. I'll definitely take some quick portrait pictures and try some of these suggestions out. I would just shoot out of focus, but then I would be boned if I wanted a copy of the shot that was clear.
You will usually find old photos of buildings are pin sharp because the cameras were almost always used on a tripod.

You could convert the colour image to sepia, this will give a better "old" look.
there are a number of ways to do this in Photoshop.


Nikon D40x
18-55mm @18mm
ISO 100
What I was doing here was trying to make my picture look like an old picture in color and texture and focus and everything. I'm not sure I've succeeded. Does anyone have experience doing that sort of thing? Is there a technique that seems to work fairly well?

On a related note, anyone have a good technique for creating a soft-focus look (kinda like the one you often see on nudes) in Photoshop?

Tunica, MS
Olympus E-500
Taken: 5/28/07
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f/18
Focal Length: 29mm
Flash: Off
ISO: 100



  • Sepia.jpg
    168.6 KB · Views: 78
Yeah, the focus I was going for in this one was not supposed to be the same soft focus as for a portrait. With that picture, I was just trying to experiment with ways of making a crisp, new picture look older. I'll definitely take some quick portrait pictures and try some of these suggestions out. I would just shoot out of focus, but then I would be boned if I wanted a copy of the shot that was clear.

If I understand what you are trying to achieve it is a Polaroid type effect. The grainy almost like a faded image.

Nikon D40x
18-55mm @18mm
ISO 100

Definitely my favorite shot in this thread, but then again ive only viewed like 20 pages. I just like the rich details. It looks HDRish to me... what program did you use if you HDR'd it?
Definitely my favorite shot in this thread, but then again ive only viewed like 20 pages. I just like the rich details. It looks HDRish to me... what program did you use if you HDR'd it?

Well thank you, I'll take one out of 20 pages ;)

It's not HDR. It's just a normal photo shot in RAW, and slightly tweaked with differing saturation and curves etc.
new here, relatively new to the field of DSLR photography. The following were shot with a Canon Digital Rebel XTi with a Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 lens. I will post the EXIF data after each one

Essex, MA
Digital Rebel Xti
Taken: 06/02/07
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 24mm
Flash: Off
ISO: 100

Essex, MA
Digital Rebel Xti
Taken: 06/02/07
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 24mm
Flash: Off
ISO: 100

Though they look similar, they are two separate shots
i took this picture at a "bearjam" in yosemite park... basically traffic stopped because everyone was watching a mama black bear and her 2 cubs frolic in the woods. if you look carefully you will see 2 cubs. im not an experienced photographer and i didnt know how to zoom, so the cubs are hard to see. lolz

one stupid guy got out of his car to get a closer pic. little did he know black bears can run up to 32mph and could have killed him before he reached his car. a part of me wanted to see that happen.:eek:

Recreation of a Medieval Village



Nikon D200
Nikon 18-200 f/3.5-5.6
1/200s @ f/7.1
31mm DX (46mm FF)
ISO 200

One of a short series
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