Yeah, that last bit, ain't that a kick in the head?
The wife and I went for a drive-by of her grandparents house in another city
several hours from here. I remember in the day, that house looking HUGE! The trees were huge, everything was huge. I loved driving there, staying over before major flights out. (She snuck into the frilly four-poster bed in the 'guest bedroom' and woke me up one morning there
That was a treat. Frilly sheets, frilly lace canopy, massive pillows and a down bed) Oh, where was I...
So we drove down to the area. I always land marked the roads I had to turn down, and counted the streets and did the requisite turn and drove right by the house. Nothing looked right. Nothing. We drove by three times before she squeals 'THERE IT IS!!!'. It looked small. Anemic. Ordinary... Such a disappointment. Such a shock. Wow...
Sometimes it's best just to leave your memories there and not try to revisit them. 🥲 (I think I need a beer)
Got some Nutter Your Business in the local store's cutout rack. We don't get much from Michigan.
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