Two more months and i will have enough to put a down payment i need for this vehicle
it called a monotracer bmw powered motorcycle
Coming up to taking my test, looking at cars lately and fell in love with this as my first car, hopefully picking one up within the next few weeks![]()
ya see this "bike" on the freeway alot, its pretty cool.
Good luck getting insured on that.
If you have to worry about getting insured over a Corsa( it doesn't even look like the VXR version), then there are bigger issues with the UK than I thought.![]()
The Corsa is about the size of the upcoming Chevy Sonic I believe and insurance companies in the US would love to have a teenager in a small low HP vehicle like that.
They seriously are. In 2003, it cost me £1300 Third Party Only to insure myself on a 1989 Vauxhall Nova 1.2L (probably about 60bhp...). I can only imagine how bad it is now for 17/18 year olds now.
Good luck getting insured on that.
He seriously has to worry about getting insured over a Corsa( it isn't the VXR version)?
The Corsa is about the size of the upcoming Chevy Sonic I believe and insurance companies in the US would love to have a teenager in a small low HP vehicle like that.
I can't imagine paying that amount for insurance for such a small car!
I'm pretty much in shock at that price still. I was paying £1000 for a 1997 Hyundai Coupe up until the end of April. 2 litre 16v and with the price you're paying for a Corsa, it makes me feel like a 125 would be so much cheaper! Are your parents helping you with this or have you been saving since you were 10?!
I hate insurers, they give ridiculously high quotes to anyone under 20, they believe that "we're the most dangerous on the roads".
Which is fact!
Not really, I've found that some older drivers are terrible, and much worse than us.
YOU might have found that, but statistics tell a different story. Now what do you think is a more reliable source?
There is nothing worse than a 17 year old who has just made his license. Period.
Statistics, obviously. But, according to 'statistics' I'm going to drive about like a complete nutter- when I'm obviously not, as I've got buy the car myself, and cant afford to repair it if I ruin it, so like anyone with some common sense I'll drive sensibly.
The annoying thing is, older people are considered to be better drivers, which is clearly not the case- many pick up bad habits, which lowers their level of driving.
There's nothing worse than an older driver thinking he/she is better/right, because they've been driving longer.
Do you seriously believe what you've just said? You don't have to be a brain sergeant to realise that young, unexperienced (in both driving and their life) drivers are more likely to crash than older drivers. It's just the way it is and statistics (that analysed the actual annual crashes) prove this.
Grandma drives far more responsible than younger people. Probably not as good as she used to do, but certainly slower and more careful.
Believe me, in 10 years you'll think exactly as any other grown up does about young people's driving skills.
I don't know where you live, but in my area there are some terrible older drivers- for example an elderly woman crashed into our car because she "mistook accelerator for the brake"..
YOU might have found that, but statistics tell a different story. Now what do you think is a more reliable source?
There is nothing worse than a 17 year old who has just made his license. Period.
£6372 is roughly $10,000 [USD], so yeah an awful amount of money for such a small car.
I'm doing my Pass Plus too, which brought the price to £6372, otherwise it'll be an extra £700.