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macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2013
I am a Pro photographer and been using iPhones since 2007.
I absolutely love the new XSM camera.The quality and features are simple but great. The new Depth of Field feature is awesome but not new. There is an app I've been using for a while called FOCOS, that does the same post editing DOF adjustment. Although Apple's is much easier and better but not a first.
But, I am really pissed off that you now have a huge 6.5" scren but you can't take full screen photos!
You get this stupid 4:3 (3:4) ratio that is useless in for today since nobody prints anything anymore and in fact you have a photo that looks more like 2007 iPhone in terms of size, at least on the screen... What is the first thing you do when u look at a photo with those nasty black bars on the side? You pinch to zoom in to see a bigger photo that fills up more of your screen.
People only use their phones to view and transfer photos or post them on social media. Proof is the millions of horrible vertical videos that suck in a TV look good on a phone because they take, or should I say used to take up the whole screen. Since iPhone X, and it looks that this is the future, aspect ratio is 19.5:9. There is no crop setting on "edit" photo to crop to full screen if u wanted to. You still get 16:9 which is closer and better but still don't fill up the screen. BTW, talking about the crop choices on "edit", why not use a smaller, less invasive crop list instead of having to scroll through useless crop ratios that take up most of the real estate of the screen... :rolleyes:

If this is a truly mobile device, Apple should make it so you take advantage of the new gorgeous screen. There are a few apps that take full screen photos and even though they re not as nice as Apple's, they make the photos look a lot more impressive.
Why have a big screen when you are using maybe 70% of it's actual size?
So your a Pro photographer and your saying nobody prints photos anymore.
I print photos all the time and then I sell the prints.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
I’ve never heard of a professional photographer who wants to throw away sensor information.

Are you also a big fan of digital zoom?

Yes, it would be great if the phone used a more rectangular sensor (of course that causes problems with lenses, which like to be circular, but...).
Man, I got 42MP on my Sony Camera and I try to squeeze every pixel out of it. This is a phone with a screen to look at photos and videos, it only makes sense that the sensor be custom built for it.

And no, I try to shoot at 1x or 2x if I can help it. I don't use digital zoom on any of my cameras or phones.


Jul 25, 2007
Man, I got 42MP on my Sony Camera and I try to squeeze every pixel out of it. This is a phone with a screen to look at photos and videos, it only makes sense that the sensor be custom built for it.

And no, I try to shoot at 1x or 2x if I can help it. I don't use digital zoom on any of my cameras or phones.

But you’re changing your story. It’s fine to say there should be a custom sensor that matches the screen aspect ratio. But I asked you about it and you said you instead wanted the sensor output cropped. No real pro photographer would ever wish for that.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
You do realize that the cameras are 12MP and the screen is around 2 or 3 MP. So you don’t have to “edit” the photos to fill the screen - they just zoomed in. Which is what a real photographer does. You capture everything that the sensor gives you, then crop later for display purposes. Cropping before you take the picture merely eliminates possibilities.
dude how long have u been taking real pictures? I make a living as a photographer since 2002 so a real photographer composes the picture before hand to maximize the megapixels from the sensor. what's a big sensor good for if you have to zoom in to recompose your subject and therefore lose megapixels? Even crooked photos take MP away. Cropping is not the way for Professional photos but on a phone its a different story. It's all about a better visual experience. that's all.


Jul 25, 2007
A custom built sensor to suit a screen to take photos that are going to be edited in post anyway. Uh-huh.

He’s also ignoring the physics. Good luck making a lens that doesn’t distort the hell out of a sensor with extremely long length to width sensor. It would have to be much bigger than it is now. Unless he wants to shrink the width of the sensor rather than increase the length. Given that he wants the opposite of what any pro would want, it’s possible.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland
He’s also ignoring the physics. Good luck making a lens that doesn’t distort the hell out of a sensor with extremely long length to width sensor. It would have to be much bigger than it is now. Unless he wants to shrink the width of the sensor rather than increase the length. Given that he wants the opposite of what any pro would want, it’s possible.

They'd just use whatever sensor it available COTS and then use software to crop it down - but oh noes my migapixels1!11!


Jul 25, 2007
dude how long have u been taking real pictures? I make a living as a photographer since 2002 so a real photographer composes the picture before hand to maximize the megapixels from the sensor. what's a big sensor good for if you have to zoom in to recompose your subject and therefore lose megapixels? Even crooked photos take MP away. Cropping is not the way for Professional photos but on a phone its a different story. It's all about a better visual experience. that's all.

2002. Lol. “In all my year of experience...”

I have an a7rii and an a7s, more or less like you, big guy. And a bunch of Leica adapted glass to go with it. And the reason you cannot be an actual pro is you want the camera to precrop. Cropping is fine when the photographer does it.

Take the photo, crop, zoom, and develop. That’s how it’s done, even for “visual experience.”


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
So your a Pro photographer and your saying nobody prints photos anymore.
I print photos all the time and then I sell the prints.
There are maybe 2 professional photo labs left in Miami. There used to be dozens 10 years ago.
People don't print much for personal use anymore. Walgreens and CVS still have photo labs but they will surely disappear soon. Even Costco, which had a great lab, does online printing only.
I have been selling my prints for years now but that's my job. I am talking about a freaking Phone here.
Pictures that people take will end up in Facebook or instagram but not printed beacause you can't show off a print to hundreds of people at a time and no-one can comment on a print... and that's what people want. comments, likes and views. And those photos are going to be seen 90% on phones because EVERYBODY has a phone on them now. No iPads, no computers, no TV's and definitely no printed pictures to carry around.


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
Any time someone insistently restates their “credentials” in an online discussion board are likely not very good in their profession
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
He’s also ignoring the physics. Good luck making a lens that doesn’t distort the hell out of a sensor with extremely long length to width sensor. It would have to be much bigger than it is now. Unless he wants to shrink the width of the sensor rather than increase the length. Given that he wants the opposite of what any pro would want, it’s possible.
oh yeah? ignoring the physics? what about the 16:9 aspect ratio of video on the same sensor and with the same lenses? where is the distortion??? :rolleyes:
Any time someone insistently restates their “credentials” in an online discussion board are likely not very good in their profession
take a look... and


macrumors 68020
Mar 7, 2009
4K video is much less resolution than 12mp so presumably that 16:9 video is cropped from the sensor

If he doesn’t get something as simple as this you guys are just wasting your time and energy.. he’s never going to get it.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
2002. Lol. “In all my year of experience...”

I have an a7rii and an a7s, more or less like you, big guy. And a bunch of Leica adapted glass to go with it. And the reason you cannot be an actual pro is you want the camera to precrop. Cropping is fine when the photographer does it.

Take the photo, crop, zoom, and develop. That’s how it’s done, even for “visual experience.”
well that's not the way I work. to each it's own. Art is art and you and me, as both artists, will take a different approach at a subject even with the same equipment. that's what makes it interesting and unique. You don't have to work the way I do.
and what's so funny about having almost 17 years of experience? not enough for you?
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macrumors 6502
May 26, 2011
I don't mind the cropping but on my Note8 the camera uses the whole screen.

You should probably check out Android phones as well since the stock camera would have many pro features. iPhone are great for simple point and shoot.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 6, 2001
Miami Beach
If he doesn’t get something as simple as this you guys are just wasting your time and energy.. he’s never going to get it.
of course it's cr
If he doesn’t get something as simple as this you guys are just wasting your time and energy.. he’s never going to get it.
of course the sensor is cropped from the 12MP to about 9MP for 4K.
the iPhone X, XS or XSM or XR would give you about 7.6MP at the current aspect ratio. The same as cropping the original 12MP file. I just want to be able to take a photo using up the whole gorgeous 6.5" screen and not a midget 70%.
Don't worry about it. I found a nice $1.99 app that does what I want but its doesn't have portrait mode or panorama or hdr. that's why I just wished apple gave us the choice. simple.
I don't mind the cropping but on my Note8 the camera uses the whole screen.

You should probably check out Android phones as well since the stock camera would have many pro features. iPhone are great for simple point and shoot.
yeap. androids have had full screen shooting for a long time now. it only makes sense.


macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2009
I feel this discussion is going nowhere.

OP, have you submitted an Apple Bug Report with this request? You want to persuade Apple, not MR.


macrumors 65816
Dec 6, 2009
So your a Pro photographer and your saying nobody prints photos anymore.
I print photos all the time and then I sell the prints.

I have been a full time advertising, editorial and fine art shooter for over 30 years. I have just completed a full tilt, state of the art fine art darkroom for meeting the rising demand for silver prints based from black and white film. This has cost me well north of $150,000 in total to go from 100 square feet to over 500.

So yeah, like you I make and sell prints and don’t agree with the OP’s broad assertion that no one prints.

As for their complaint about the camera in the phone not filling up the aspect ratio of the, don’t have much to say about that, it’s hardly a concern of mine since I don’t really concern my self with it. The cameras in these phones are great so if you have a good eye and know light, you just get on with making images and people enjoy them if sharing is your thing which is not mine.

To each his own I guess....

Arctic Moose

macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
You take a 12MP photo and you get 3024x4032 pixels (or 12.1MP) and you get an jpg image of about 5MB.
You take a screen shot, and you get a 1242x2688

That should suit you just fine, you get a photo that pixel for pixel matches your screen. Why have more detail in the photo than you need to show it on your phone?


macrumors member
Sep 20, 2018
Hamburg, Germany
dude how long have u been taking real pictures? I make a living as a photographer since 2002 so a real photographer composes the picture before hand to maximize the megapixels from the sensor. what's a big sensor good for if you have to zoom in to recompose your subject and therefore lose megapixels? Even crooked photos take MP away. Cropping is not the way for Professional photos but on a phone its a different story. It's all about a better visual experience. that's all.

Okay. So squared pictures are taken with a DSLR with a squared sensor? Or panorama pictures with a panorama shaped sensor? I somehow doubt that. Or are you inserting stencil in your view finder when you want to take pictures with a non standard aspect ratio? Seems highly impractical to me...


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2015
I kinda get what the OP means, but at the same time I don't want to crop a photo so that it fills the entire screen. I don't mind the notch but I'd rather crop to 16:9 and avoid the notch cutting into the pic.

4:3 is what my SLR shoots, so the fact my iPhone does is no biggie. If I want a crop ratio thats not 4:3 or 16:9 then I use the Photoshop Express app which has a ton of presets.

It's all down to personal choice. And most apps that while shooting fill the entire screen are just using digital zoom and most have less clarity than the stock camera, I'm talking about Facebook etc.

I only ever crop to 16:9 or leave it as 4:3, as I said cropping to literally fill the entire iPhone screen seems pointless to me. My iPad isn't widescreen and 16:9 is fine for casting onto my smart TV.

Personally I think this is a mole hill being turned into a mountain.....
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macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2008
I agree - if they give you a 'square' option in the camera app, why not offer a 16:9 or 18:9 option to precrop? It would also help you to visualise the result if you are planning to share it in that aspect ratio anyway.

Several 'proper' cameras have options in the settings to take 3:2, 4:3 or 16:9 photos so whats wrong with that?
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