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macrumors regular
Dec 6, 2016
tell me how this is not much better. having this beautiful sharp 6.5" screen in front of you is like having a window! it's amazing...

As others have said, it just comes down to personal preference. Personally I do not like the FullPix Camera App interface, with the picture cropped and taking up the whole screen. I'd much rather see the full picture and crop to 16:9 afterwards. I also don't like all the buttons over the picture.[/QUOTE]
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macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2018
I think it's time to close this thread?

OP's a Pro photographer using what's very clearly a non-Pro device with non-Pro features expecting a Pro picture.

Every year since 2012 some dude will spit out an article saying "is this the year that the iPhone will replace my enormous, heavy, $5000 DSLR"? and this will create an expectation within the general public that this is the truth. All things considered my Nokia N95 from 2008 fared better compared to the cameras of the time than the iPhone does today.

This "iPhone replaces DSLRs" couldn't be further form the truth. iPhone pictures are a post-processing orgy made to look good on Instagram. Why on earth we keep discussing this is beyond me.


macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2017
well dslrs take photos at 4:3 why are you complaining about an iPhone?
most cameras shoot in 4:3 format since it is the standard. having 16:9 would mean more elongated photos which wont work well when printing photos or any kind...
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
tell me how this is not much better. having this beautiful sharp 6.5" screen in front of you is like having a window! it's amazing...

Apple Camera and FullPix Camera App View attachment 787973 View attachment 787974
It looks "niftier", but seems like that's at the cost of losing information due to the cropping/zooming that's involved. So, I guess for the essentially superficial cooler looks of it, there's perhaps something to it, but not really anything actually worthwhile beyond that it seems.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2018
I am a Pro photographer and been using iPhones since 2007.
I absolutely love the new XSM camera.The quality and features are simple but great. The new Depth of Field feature is awesome but not new. There is an app I've been using for a while called FOCOS, that does the same post editing DOF adjustment. Although Apple's is much easier and better but not a first.
But, I am really pissed off that you now have a huge 6.5" scren but you can't take full screen photos!
You get this stupid 4:3 (3:4) ratio that is useless in for today since nobody prints anything anymore and in fact you have a photo that looks more like 2007 iPhone in terms of size, at least on the screen... What is the first thing you do when u look at a photo with those nasty black bars on the side? You pinch to zoom in to see a bigger photo that fills up more of your screen.
People only use their phones to view and transfer photos or post them on social media. Proof is the millions of horrible vertical videos that suck in a TV look good on a phone because they take, or should I say used to take up the whole screen. Since iPhone X, and it looks that this is the future, aspect ratio is 19.5:9. There is no crop setting on "edit" photo to crop to full screen if u wanted to. You still get 16:9 which is closer and better but still don't fill up the screen. BTW, talking about the crop choices on "edit", why not use a smaller, less invasive crop list instead of having to scroll through useless crop ratios that take up most of the real estate of the screen... :rolleyes:

If this is a truly mobile device, Apple should make it so you take advantage of the new gorgeous screen. There are a few apps that take full screen photos and even though they re not as nice as Apple's, they make the photos look a lot more impressive.
Why have a big screen when you are using maybe 70% of it's actual size?

What’s with the “not new”. They are not trying to be the new on this. Are you trying to prove something that doesn’t matter?


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2008
while we're talking options - I would like a way to force '2x' to actually use the 2x lens and not let the phone decide 'well its not really bright enough so I'll just do a digital zoom'
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