I think there is a lot of truth in that...... It is just to obvious to ignore or defend.I think you meant financial interest. Headphone Jack got removed so they sell more airpods. Add wireless charging and upsell fast chargers. Remove MacBook ports and upsell dongles.
Every company does it differently. But I would suggest that they did not ask users which they preferred. I have seen polls on various forums that would suggest most users would prefer TouchID over FaceID and would like the headphone jack back......
I think Apple makes some decision on purely design interests.
I find it very funny that Google is a giant software / advertising / marketing / analytics company yet - completely - misses the mark on what people actually want out of a phone. I'm not even talking about the whiteness of Android Pie, which is baffling to me. Spying on and tracking consumer behavior is all Google does. How are they so out of touch?
Well I firmly believe that Apple strategically planned to remove the headphone jack because it would increase airpods sales. Cock blame them? No they are a business.Why do people keep pushing that narrative that Apple designed their phone around selling AirPods that they could barely make at launch?
Edit: And blaming Apple for the shortcomings of USB C is laughable
Well I firmly believe that Apple strategically planned to remove the headphone jack because it would increase airpods sales. Cock blame them? No they are a business.
It's not a coincidence that the airpods was released around the same time period as the iPhone 7. Not everything goes smooth. Not because they could barely make it at launch make it untrue.
You don't think Apple wanted to release their wireless charger the same time as the iPhone X? Not all things goes as plans when it comes to business.
Well I firmly believe that Apple strategically planned to remove the headphone jack because it would increase airpods sales. Cock blame them? No they are a business.
It's not a coincidence that the airpods was released around the same time period as the iPhone 7. Not everything goes smooth. Not because they could barely make it at launch make it untrue.
You don't think Apple wanted to release their wireless charger the same time as the iPhone X? Not all things goes as plans when it comes to business.
I don't think it was just AirPods...they have a whole line of Beats products wired (lightning port) and Bluetooth headphones that benefit from that business move,Well I firmly believe that Apple strategically planned to remove the headphone jack because it would increase airpods sales. Cock blame them? No they are a business.
It's not a coincidence that the airpods was released around the same time period as the iPhone 7. Not everything goes smooth. Not because they could barely make it at launch make it untrue.
You don't think Apple wanted to release their wireless charger the same time as the iPhone X? Not all things goes as plans when it comes to business.
https://www.macrumors.com/2017/09/07/iphone-7-modded-headphone-jack/Apple said that the removal of the 3.5mm headphone jack was needed to make room for the internals of the new camera system -- as well as increasing water resistance -- but Allen found that "there was inexplicably a lot of extra room" near the lower left hand corner of the iPhone 7, where he added the component.
So....what problem was that? What problem was solved by removing the headphone jack as you say?You’re right. Apple did make a strategic business decision but I think alongside the sells of AirPods they also saw this as an opportunity to push the industry forward towards a wireless future.
We will probably never know if sells or the future was their driving force behind inventing the AirPods but I say they came up with a perfect solution to the problem of removing the headphones. AirPods remains as one of Apple’s best innovations. More than the Apple Watch for me.
Just so I'm making things clear, I wasn't meaning form over function. By 'sleek' ie. Smaller bezels, function's gained by having more screen real estate to work with, & if they took it further, in perhaps a smaller device.
So, either Google place front firing speakers with a smaller screen as priority, or they make more efficient use of the visual component of the device, which I'm saying is the more important functional feature for more people.
Basically sound v screen size (& hence form factor size).
So....what problem was that? What problem was solved by removing the headphone jack as you say?
Does it solve the problem of charging your phone while listening to to music through lightning headphones?
Let's hope Google fixes the true worst thing about the Pixel 2, the software.
Again...it supposedly fixed a problem that did not exist......It solves the problem of having to deal with wires on person. The charging while listening to music is a very small / lower priority use case and to push the industry forward sometimes businesses take such steps. Have you noticed since iPhone 7 the quality of wireless headphones have drastically improved at a lower cost?!
Again...it supposedly fixed a problem that did not exist......
Eliminated a feature and did not replace it with another better feature. It was to spur accessories sales....
But in all fairness YOU said it solved a problem...yet you haven't listed one problem removing the headphone jack solved..... It actually creates problems like charging while listening to music. Can't say to make it thinner or smaller. because there are a LOT of phones that are small and thin that have a headphone jack. It was a move to spur accessories from a company Apple owns.That problem might not exist for YOU but plenty others are happy with it. Especially when as a whole the wireless industry has started producing better headphones for cheaper.
Again...it supposedly fixed a problem that did not exist......
Eliminated a feature and did not replace it with another better feature. It was to spur accessories sales....
Cannot really disagree with this sentiment with maybe one additional element.
I’d heard one ‘hypothesis’ made somewhere online or in a podcast that Apple originally planned to omit the headphone jack from the X because space was much more at a premium in that design but to avoid having the narrative be about the removal of the headphone jack on the X instead of the great new design, Apple decided to move it up a year early and remove it first from the 7 models.
But quite clearly, a by product of removing it was spurred wireless headphone sales, not coincidentally products Apple sell 5 different version of. And I also don’t appreciate Apple’s ******** explanations for the move. That probably pissed people off more than the actual change. Just be upfront and stop treating your customers like we’re morons.
Whatever reason Apple wants to say for removing the headphone jack, Google didn't need to follow. If Apple wanted to, they could have easily pushed bluetooth technology simply by releasing the Air Pods and making them really good, which they seem to have done. That alone would have brought about more bluetooth competition without the need to sacrifice the headphone jack and inconveniencing people and dropping audiophiles in the dust.
Wireless charging didn't require the need for the removal of the charging port, and wireless charging accessories have still gotten cheaper, more plentiful, and better.
In the case of the headphone jack, it's silly to think the only way to improve bluetooth technology and options is to remove the headphone jack. I'm sure that had an affect, but it didn't need to be this way.
And certainly Google didn't need to follow.
Google's explanation is even worse. They say they actually upgraded the headphone port to USB-C for better quality audio. That's nice in principle, but where are the affordable USB-C earphones?
Only now are they rumored to include a pair in the box for the upcoming Pixel 3. How stupid and how cheap is Google? Now, they're skimping on storage and RAM even in the XL model.
Also, at least Apple gets BT somewhat right.
Then we are completely off topic in the Pixel 3 thread. Sorry everyone!
Face unlock on the pixel 3XL would be great and maybe that's why that gigantic notch is there to?
But in all fairness YOU said it solved a problem...yet you haven't listed one problem removing the headphone jack solved..... It actually creates problems like charging while listening to music. Can't say to make it thinner or smaller. because there are a LOT of phones that are small and thin that have a headphone jack. It was a move to spur accessories from a company Apple owns.
Then we are completely off topic in the Pixel 3 thread. Sorry everyone!
Yes if we could all please return to saying how absolutely disgusted, appalled, sickened and down right offended we are with the Pixel line in general, and how Google is now the devil and doesn't deserve to make phones anymore, then I'd appreciate it.
We've only had about 40 pages of it so far, so less off topic, more hatred.
I didn’t buy the iPhone 7 thinking exactly the same thing about losing the 3.5mm jack but then I realised that the event of charging and listening to music at the same time is an event that doesn’t really occur much.
The problem being - fiddling around with wire - while out and about. This has been a significant cause of annoyance on more than one occasion. I think AirPods are awesome in terms of every concern I had with having to lose the 3.5mm jack.
It helped with water resistance and also propelled the wireless industry forward. You can’t deny that.
I'm doing my part!
Airpods etc. are a significant move forward.Again...it supposedly fixed a problem that did not exist......
Eliminated a feature and did not replace it with another better feature. It was to spur accessories sales....