Yeah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Samsung’s software has certainly improved (not exactly a high bar to clear) and even has some bright spots (Samsung browser is best available on Android, IMO) but placing their software capabilities ahead of Google is pure folly. One word...Bixby.
@jamezr isn’t wrong though when stating in ‘in a lot of ways...Samsung does Android smartphones better than Google,” but that’s more attributable to their hardware, not software. Think of these scenarios...would you rather have a Pixel with Samsung’s skin? Most would say ‘Hell No.’ Or how about a Galaxy S9 with Googles version of Android? How often have we seen a comment online wishing that Google had Samsung make their Pixel hardware?
Samsung has often then the way when implementing new features (i.e. multi-window for apps well before it was part of stock Android) and their software certainly has improved but most certainly wouldn’t proclaim they do software better than Google and its services.