I disabled power management for HDD in the 10.6's Preference (No sleep) and no HDD Power Management item is enabled in Acreca's configuration page. Shutdown the box nicely on last night. I went bed 8 hours ago. Now, I just wake up and turn on my Mac. The problem remains. All Pass-Through Disks are not mounted. I checked to the configuration again and all Pass-Through Disks are returned to "Free pool" except one, The SSD! Let me explain the disks combination here:
My Mac Pro has been installed the following disks and connected to ARC-1880LP RAID card.
The Red disks returned to Free pool unexpectedly and not mounted after the system was power off for 8 hours

Internal Slots connect to SFF-8087 on ARC-1880LP internal SAS port, they are connected thru Maxupgrade's Backplane Attachment Kit
Slot 1 Pass Through - OCZ Vertex II 3.5' SDD 120GB x 1 (dedicated scratch disk for Photoshop and FCP)
Slot 2 Pass Through - Seagate ST350000644NS 2TB x 1 (Enterprise Grade HDD, support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - SN11)
Slot 3, 4 RAID-0 - Seagate ST315000341AS 1.5TB x 2 (Desktop Grade HDD, NOT support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - CC1H )
ARC-1888LP external SAS port SFF-8088 connects to Stardom's ESATA x 4 case (Case model: ST5610-4S-S2)
Slot 5 Pass Through - Seagate ST350000644NS 2TB x 1 (Enterprise Grade HDD, support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - SN11)
Slot 6 Pass Through - Seagate ST350000644NS 2TB x 1 (Enterprise Grade HDD, support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - SN11)
Slot 7 Pass Through - Seagate ST350000644NS 2TB x 1 (Enterprise Grade HDD, support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - SN12)
Slot 8 Pass Through - Seagate ST350000644NS 2TB x 1 (Enterprise Grade HDD, support 24 x 7, Firmware REV - SN12)
First, the ST35000644NS does not exist, but the
ST32000644NS does, and was cleared by Areca with firmware rev. SN11 or higher (presume these are the models you're actually running).

These sorts of details are critical, so don't think I'm trying to be mean spirited (wrong information tends to cause more time wasted and generates additional aggravation trying to figure out what's going on).
Now I see a significant issue with the information provided this time:
- All the disks you're having an issue with are in the external enclosure.
So the cause is more likely between the external cable and enclosure, not the disks or the card.
The answers to the following questions will help significantly (must have these answers).
- How long is the cable used to connect the card to the enclosure?
- Can you verify the enclosure works on another card?
For the first question,
the cable cannot exceed 1.0 meters (3.3ft). Any longer, and you get signal degradation that results in instability or they won't even mount (sound familiar?). If you're running a longer cable, then this is almost certainly the cause of your problem.
Testing the enclosure is a bit harder, but something else to try (more commonly done when say one to a few disks in an enclosure aren't working), is pull and re-seat each disk in it's bay. I doubt this will help in your case, as it's present on all disks in the unit. Ideally, you need to hook it to another computer (can be done with the external cable as well, to see if it's damaged internally).
What you can do with what you have:
Pull one of the enterprise Seagates, and place it in an internal HDD bay, and see if it will mount (as the MP doesn't have an inrush current limiter, turn the system off first, then drop in the disk, and reboot). This will tell you if the disk is good or not (can repeat with each drive, or toss in a pair at a time and make either a stripe set or mirror). Up to you. But it will tell you if the disks are good or not (which I suspect are fine).
What you guess is right!

The problem only occurs on Enterprise Grade HDDs (The 644NS). All Desktop grade HDDs (341AS) , including SDD are working fine! What can I do with this?! To trash all enterprise disks??

Oh NO! These Enterprise Disks (644NS) are expensive and very reliable. They can work 24 x 7 for 5 years based on my past experience! I can't lose them!
Actually, you have this backwards. Consumer disks are where you have problems (they're more likely to work under some levels, such as Pass Through or RAID 0 <non parity based levels>,
which is why the SSD and consumer disk stripe set ar working for you).
You could have a bad batch of enterprise disks (assumes you ordered all of them from the same source), but this likely isn't the case (see above).
I have flashed the Mac EFI BIOS for the card to replace the original factory one before. The EFI BIOS comes with the driver CD. I will try to restore all the PC BIOS (4 images) later to see if the problem persists. Meanwhile, please kindly advise how to fix the "resetting" problem on Enterprise disks (644NS). Many thanks!!
I don't think you need to bother with this, given the issues are with the external disks only.
NOTE: I will try to form two 644NS disks (Slot 7 & 8) into a RAID-0 array tonight to see if it is reset even under as an RAID array. So that I guess we will know a bit more about the behavior of the controller and 644NS Enterprise disks. I will report the result on tomorrow.
From what you've revealed in your most recent post, this won't change anything, as you've a connection issue between the card and enclosure (either the cable or enclosure is the problem). I have seen bad enclosures, but it's usually limited to a single bay or so (bad connector or bent inside that keeps the disk from making proper contact), and more importantly, rare. When the enclosure is bad, it's usually the PSU, though there is the super rare exception that the backplane board is bad (one that has the SATA + power connectors in the enclosure = you can see it when the disk/tray is removed).
The cable length issue OTOH, is quite common with new users to hardware RAID systems (SATA is why the limit is 1.0 meters; SAS can go to 10 meters due to the higher signal voltages). And I do see bad cables from time to time, so that's not unheard of.
They do.
That's why they publish the HDD Compatibility List for their products (saves a ton of headaches when you get a drive that won't work; I've run into this with early enterprise models as well - this is why such a resource is invaluable IMO).