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Do you find the design ugly?

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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
Personally speaking (and I am fully aware that it's a subjective thing) the only wow factor is "Wow, what were they thinking?".

They were thinking that it is a beautiful design. And, you know what, I think they were right.

I have a feeling people dismiss the "notch" just because it feels like a compromise (which is, for some reason, not allowed in Apple world), not because they genuinely dislike it.

As for the bump, it has a beauty-of-function look that I like.

Really, it's the best looking iPhone since the 4. Not sure where these negative feelings are coming from.
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Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
I am not bothered by the notch, camera bump, lack of a home button or lack of battery percentage indicator

Notch was something I never noticed from the moment I got my X
Same with camera bump, just not something that bothered me and I use my X nekkid (um, that means no case)
My battery percentage was always turned off before anyways so no change for me (and less obsessive stress)
The home button took me about a day to adjust and now I don't miss it at all

Bonus: Face ID has worked aces for me

I realize that makes me unusual on the Forum, but...
out in the real world I would guess more folks feel like me than like Forum readers


macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
As for the 'wasted space'. I don't understand why people keep saying that was wasted. It's not. Sure apple could put a better display on a 6s. But since they didn't, that doesn't mean there was nothing underneath (Circuit components and PCB modules are there). And as for the 'purpose' of the giant empty spaces... well it looked good. I'm a UI designer by profession and in no way I'm an expert on industrial design. Personally I just hate the notch. It's ugly to me. Again this is subjective.

Look at it this way, you can strive for an unattainable ideal (having an edge to edge screen) and make a compromise (the notch), or you can strive for attainable averageness (like every high-end Android phone out there) and don't make compromises within a less exciting design (put bigger bezels without the notch).

I am really glad they went with the first option - it strives for the ideal. They couldn't reach it, but they made something unique and distinguishable. And they did it in style, instead of making just another 2017 phone. Why is it wrong? It's Apple. They never did the conventional. In fact, this is a kind of return to form for them with phone design, if you ask me.
I am surprised to see how many people are actually okay with the notch. What a terrible choice of design!

I see it as a brlilliant choice of design, as I tried to explain above. As someone said, you can't please everyone. The greatness of Apple is that they are not trying to.

Phil A.

Moderator emeritus
Apr 2, 2006
Shropshire, UK
Really, it's the best looking iPhone since the 4. Not sure where these negative feelings are coming from.

It's called an opinion and not everyone has the same one - in my opinion it's the ugliest iPhone ever made but I am happy to accept other people may find it attractive or even beautiful.

That's why choice is a good thing :)


macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
I think its honestly the best looking and feeling iPhone ever made. I loved the 4 design with the glass but it was never seamless like the 6 and on models. The 6 with the antenna lines just ruined the back for me. I thought the 7 in matte was one of the best looking blacks out there. The x is my favorite design for an iPhone especially the feel of it without a case.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2017
West Central Ohio
I forget... were there polls asking if the huge chin and forehead were ugly on previous iPhone models? :p

At least the "notch" is full of tech.

But tell me the purpose of those giant empty patches of dead glass on the old iPhones...

I choose the notch over this. To me the notch is a non-issue
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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
It's called an opinion and not everyone has the same one - in my opinion it's the ugliest iPhone ever made but I am happy to accept other people may find it attractive or even beautiful.

That's why choice is a good thing :)

Sure. No hard feelings or anything :) It’s not like I designed it, just that with all the criticism, I like both sides to be heard.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2015
Initially I loved it. Turned out that this was just a honeymoon period. Impracticalities to the design started occurring to me. FaceID started annoying me.

And it just stopped looking good. It all fell apart when I saw the Samsung S8. It made the X look really old-fashioned. I dont like the round corners. And the lack of a bezel at the bottom meant I was activating things I didn’t want to activate. I guess I was “holding it wrong”.

Anyhoo, it’s on its way back. I “downgraded” to an iPhone 8, and am happier with the size and weight. Bezels? Meh.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I don’t see anything wrong with the camera bump, in fact, I wish it was bigger.
Considering that the size of the camera bump got bigger with the 7 and then with the X, then you are probably going to get exactly what you want in future iPhones.

At this point it's obvious that Apple sees this as a design element. It's one I don't agree with though so my 6s+ is my last iPhone until Apple changes design direction.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I am just surprised how so many people got used to the notch so quickly.
I find it interesting that this phrase "got used to" seems to be used a lot to describe certain things about Apple's new iPhone.

People are spending a lot of money to buy something they' will "get used to".

People don't buy jewelry, cars, homes, or other items that way. But it's okay to rationalize the decision here.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2012
Right behind you
I have had my X for a few days now. I am not a fan of notch, but understand why it's needed. With that said, in my opinion, the buzz around the notch is overblown. After a few uses, the notch really does just fade into the background. Your eyes adjust very quickly, and you forget its there. Maybe in the same way that your eyes forget that your nose is there :)
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macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Love the notch so much that my next hair cut is going to look like that guy from the samsung commerical.

Jokes aside: I remember getting my 6+ 3 years ago coming from an s3. I couldn't put the phone down as I was just in awe of the design. For the X, same deal here.


macrumors member
Dec 23, 2010
Louisville, KY
I can admit that I would prefer the X not have the notch but I also can easily say that it does not bother me when I use the phone at all. Everyone has their own personal views however so that is cool if you don't like it.


macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
I find it interesting that this phrase "got used to" seems to be used a lot to describe certain things about Apple's new iPhone.

People are spending a lot of money to buy something they' will "get used to".

People don't buy jewelry, cars, homes, or other items that way. But it's okay to rationalize the decision here.
There always something I want to change about things I buy. Mostly things you can change them for the better. Most people put up with things because they don’t care that much for the hassle of altering things.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
There always something I want to change about things I buy. Mostly things you can change them for the better. Most people put up with things because they don’t care that much for the hassle of altering things.
That is something I might do when it comes to the things I need.

It's not something I will do when it comes to the things I want.

I need a phone. I do NOT need an iPhone. But I HAVE an iPhone because I WANTED an iPhone. Therefore, this is not a compromise I am willing to make when it comes to my next phone.

I understand what your saying, but all it tells me is that people are far more comfortable with settling than they are with trying to get what they actually want.

Not surprising.
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macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2008
I don't find the design ugly but I wish the notch wasn't there or that there was a slim top bezel instead of a cutout. Most apps handle it decently and add either bars on either side in landscape mode or reconfigure controls around it.

Most video is provided in an aspect ratio that would naturally add bars on either side anyway but it is a bit of a problem with content shot in a theatrical, wide aspect ratio. Usually, I keep the video zoomed out since I can't stand a cutout.
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macrumors regular
Jan 9, 2013
Doesn’t bother me. I am too busy being wowed by the display... I didn’t even factor in the oled display when I got my X, but wow it is stunning. Honestly don’t even think about the notch. This is an amazing device.

Sovon Halder

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 3, 2016
What do you get out of someone telling you if they think something is ugly or not? Every person sees design or attractiveness different. What is the end game?
I get other people's view on something. It's called taking opinion. Nobody is going to get hurt either by asking a general question or by answering one. When you are eating in a restaurant, do you ask/tell your buddies whether or not they like/hate the taste of a dish just like you? I do.
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