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Do you find the design ugly?

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macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2007
Los Angeles / Boston
I have a different opinion. I do not see it as beautiful.

Although I do agree that camers should have lenses.

However, I probably use my camera differently than you and many people. The camera on my phone is 99% of the time used to take pictures of product on store shelves so my wife can decide what she wants me to bring home.

If I am in need of a professional camera I will buy a dedicated camera. Or hire a professional. If it's something important, I will go down to Walmart and buy one of those disposable cameras. Walgreens still processes film.

In short, I don't need what Apple offers with a camera on my iPhone. I don't use my iPhone in a professional or even enthusiast capacity. I make phone calls, send an occasional email, text and do light web browsing. Anything more and I grab a computer or a camera.

It would be stupid for them to reduce the camera functionality, though. It's a tentpole feature for the great majority. This has been the first phone that, as a photographer, makes me feel confident when I'm not working that I have enough of a tool in my pocket to do many things. It's a much better system than pretty much anything out there - these are just a few shots from the past couple weeks.

The idea is to not have to carry a professional camera, especially for the masses. Just like we're not carrying internet devices, iPods, and mobile phones around in three different pockets.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 4, 2013
The 8 and X are the 6 and 4s love child. The outer band is exactly the same as the previous generation, antenna lines and all. It's a hodgepodge of old concepts that lack innovation. I've seen how bad the glass back looks if it isn't precisely glued in place, and I've also seen some with glue that has seeped though the gap. Something about a $1000+ glued together phone bothers me. There is a lot of room for mistakes when the build process isn't as precise as machining. Another small note is the shiny metal lightning port. I wish it was one solid piece like the Magic Keyboard and Trackpad. Having that extra little piece never looked premium. While I'm nitpicking I may as well mention the screws. You would think they would use a substantially larger and more robust looking set. They just look small and cheap. I don't mind the bezel, it's actually quite practical. While pretty, I'm not impressed with the overall design of the X. I expected something radical. Maybe next time?
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
It would be stupid for them to reduce the camera functionality, though. It's a tentpole feature for the great majority. This has been the first phone that, as a photographer, makes me feel confident when I'm not working that I have enough of a tool in my pocket to do many things. It's a much better system than pretty much anything out there - these are just a few shots from the past couple weeks.

The idea is to not have to carry a professional camera.
Those are nice shots.

My objection though is not to what Apple is offering, just how the aesthetices of it look. And that is a matter of subjectivity. I buy my phones based on how they look because the demands I place on them are very easy and I live with the phone for 2.5 to 3.5 years usually. So, how the phone looks is important to me.

More than one person has told me that you cannot have the thinness Apple wants without the camera bulge. I disagree, but I'm no expert. I just see plenty of high-end phones out there not made by Apple that manage to have cameras flush with their housing.

Which tells me this is a design decision Apple is choosing to make. And since it's not one I agree with, I don't and won't buy.

My opinions on the matter in no way invalidate yours. You see the camera bump as beautiful and the phone takes great professional pictures for you. That's great. We just have different priorities/opinions in phones is all.


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2007
Los Angeles / Boston
Those are nice shots.

My objection though is not to what Apple is offering, just how the aesthetices of it look. And that is a matter of subjectivity. I buy my phones based on how they look because the demands I place on them are very easy and I live with the phone for 2.5 to 3.5 years usually. So, how the phone looks is important to me.

More than one person has told me that you cannot have the thinness Apple wants without the camera bulge. I disagree, but I'm no expert. I just see plenty of high-end phones out there not made by Apple that manage to have cameras flush with their housing.

Which tells me this is a design decision Apple is choosing to make. And since it's not one I agree with, I don't and won't buy.

My opinions on the matter in no way invalidate yours. You see the camera bump as beautiful and the phone takes great professional pictures for you. That's great. We just have different priorities/opinions in phones is all.

But like, I'd say the vast majority regard the iPhone X as the pinnacle of mobile phone design - a hell of a lot more so than the 6 these days. So if you're going for looks, the phone that's going to garner the most appreciation out and about is the X out of anything you can possibly get. So while it's okay to think it's not too hot, others will generally perceive it as a stunning object. Different strokes for different folks.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
So if you're going for looks, the phone that's going to garner the most appreciation out and about is the X out of anything you can possibly get.
I'm sorry, I probably should have been more clear.

When I am speaking of aesthetics, I'm meaning what I like - not what others may think looks good. I'm buying a phone because I like it, not because of what other people might think of it.

If that was my concern, I'd already own an X.


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2016
I find it very ugly. Trivial as it is it will be my deal breaker when my next upgrade comes around.
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macrumors member
May 8, 2015
Overall the iPhone X is very nice but there is no way that notch would have gotten by Steve Jobs.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Personally, I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, but I would guess that Apple thinks that a really cool next step for marketing purposes would be to have a truly full-front display. In the meantime, they can market the notch as a signature identifier. Here's hoping they don't come to think of the notch as "iconic."
It’s a Marmite feature I think. You either don’t mind it or dislike it. I’m in the latter and being a designer in the automotive industry it does remind me of a car windscreen. That rear view mirror that gets in the way although on a car that is useful lol.

I would imagine Apple are aware the notch has had mixed reviews and to be safe I’m sure they are already working on the technology to eradicate it.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2013
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
If I'm being completely honest here, I think the iPhone X has at least one of the most beautiful designs of any iPhone ever. The notch has become an absolute non-issue to me after less than an hour of using the phone. The camera bump thingy was 'solved' immediately when I put on a case. I do like how it perfectly fits in the camera hole of the case, exactly because of the bump. :p
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Jul 12, 2016
If I'm being completely honest here, I think the iPhone X has at least one of the most beautiful designs of any iPhone ever. The notch has become an absolute non-issue to me after less than an hour of using the phone. The camera bump thingy was 'solved' immediately when I put on a case. I do like how it perfectly fits in the camera hole of the case, exactly because of the bump. :p

Physical characteristics with an iPhone never bothered me, it always comes down to the experience inside iOS. I know there ate general complaints about iOS 11, none of which I have issues with, but I appreciate the build of the iPhone, but Ultimately I want the experience to be more so with iOS, and that's where Apple tends to Thrive is through their operating system.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The good thing about iOS is it looks exactly the same on every iPhone too. The phone model and a couple of software features here and there is about the only difference from user to user.


macrumors regular
Dec 19, 2017
Yes which is precisely why I’m waiting to see how this design evolves.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2013
I find it interesting that this phrase "got used to" seems to be used a lot to describe certain things about Apple's new iPhone.

People are spending a lot of money to buy something they' will "get used to".

People don't buy jewelry, cars, homes, or other items that way. But it's okay to rationalize the decision here.
you have to get used to new shoes. :p


macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2010
I think they're trying to convince themselves it's no big deal. It's horrible, but I dunno what else they could've done.

I think 90% of the people who have an issue with the notch are people who don't own an iPhone X. You could say that people with an iPhone X are biased as they use the device and can't really just look at the design separately anymore, while people without an iPhone X can only look at it from a design perspective but can't see it from a usage perspective.

The notch is not beautiful as a design element, but if you think about the alternatives it's the best solution in my opinion. Maximising screen real-estate. And.... when you actually use the phone, the notch disappears completely. That's what the non-iPhone X users can't understand, that for an actual iPhone X user the notch doesn't exist.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Its beautiful. I find myself just picking it up and looking at it closely admiring the design. Now, its only been a couple of days of owning it, but I grew to like the design (vs. the keynote when I was unimpressed).
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macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2017
I had all the same doubts. Notch is no big deal after awhile, unless I want to watch an edge to edge video. Gestures... Well, they rock. Superior to the home button, IMO anyway. Only took 10 minutes to get used to it. Only thing I don't really like is control center. Hopefully a better solution can be found for that.

Price now, you gotta point there. But two outta three ain't bad!

To compromise on the latest most expensive iPhone is so not Steve Jobs and Apple need to get their act together otherwise they will end up like they did after Steve before.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2010
To compromise on the latest most expensive iPhone is so not Steve Jobs and Apple need to get their act together otherwise they will end up like they did after Steve before.

People are so quick to forget and make things seem like everything was so much better in the past. Do you know what the first iPhone was? Maybe the biggest compromise of all products Apple has ever released. It only had 2G, it couldn't record video, it didn't have GPS, it couldn't send MMS, it didn't have a front facing camera, it was very expensive in comparison to other phones on contract and many other things were missing that were available in Nokia and Windows phones. Steve Jobs released that compromised phone... and guess what, it did really really well and people loved it.

I can tell you my personal opinion and that is that the iPhone X is the best and most fun and impressive phone I have owned since the original iPhone. After 1,5 month with it I still pick it up to just look at it and play around with the gestures and just look at the screen going from corner to corner. And reading here on the forum (and looking at people around me), people really love their X. It's people who don't own one who complain about it.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2017
I must say I was far from convinced about the X until I actually owned one - and now love it. True it is so fun to use and that full screen display is gorgeous.

I would not want to go back my previous 7 Plus, as good a phone as that was. I hope Apple follow up with full screen iPad Pro with Face ID next year!
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