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Do you find the design ugly?

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macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2017
I was one that was not happy with the notch when I originally saw pictures of the X - but as soon as I handled one for real, the notch was soon forgotten and does not worry me at all. For the camera bump, as I always use case, that is no worry either.

For beauty, as they say it is in the eyes of the beholder - but as a pleasure to use, I really enjoy the X - its gestures are so much better than the home button, while the display is stunning and camera unbelievably good (well worth the bump).


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I get other people's view on something. It's called taking opinion. Nobody is going to get hurt either by asking a general question or by answering one. When you are eating in a restaurant, do you ask/tell your buddies whether or not they like/hate the taste of a dish just like you? I do.

I guess so, just don't see the point as the topic has been discussed to death in these forums. It's a personal opinion, do you like it or not? If so, you get the phone. If not, you don't. End of story. At a restaurant, I will order based on what I know I like or want to try and then make the decision for myself. Same applies here.


Dec 15, 2017
I guess so, just don't see the point as the topic has been discussed to death in these forums. It's a personal opinion, do you like it or not? If so, you get the phone. If not, you don't. End of story. At a restaurant, I will order based on what I know I like or want to try and then make the decision for myself. Same applies here.

We can also say, if you don’t like the subject matter you didn’t have to click on and post ;)


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Yeah it’s ugly, no getting away from that really.

It’s always reminded me of a Friday afternoon idea that fulfilled the claim of making the screen bigger. Once you’ve double tapped the screen to avoid the notch, the screen is smaller anyway. Not Apples finest hour for me.


macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
That is something I might do when it comes to the things I need.

It's not something I will do when it comes to the things I want.

I need a phone. I do NOT need an iPhone. But I HAVE an iPhone because I WANTED an iPhone. Therefore, this is not a compromise I am willing to make when it comes to my next phone.

I understand what your saying, but all it tells me is that people are far more comfortable with settling than they are with trying to get what they actually want.

Not surprising.
all comes down to people caring to change things to suit them better. How many people alter their cars compared to just leaving them alone because they dont have to do anything compared to changing things the way they want? The majority of the population doesn't care enough to go through hassles.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
The majority of the population doesn't care enough to go through hassles.
Yeah, this is where I diverge from the majority of the population.

It's been my experience that the majority of the population prefers not to think, exert themselves, expend energy, or otherwise engage in anything that might cost them a little bit (time, money, energy, etc) in order to gain what they really desire.

It's good enough to settle for.
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macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
Ah yes, the typical response from case users.

That's not a solution at all if you don't use cases. ;)

In my case having a case just prevent it slip out of my hand. While for such case I also have apple care I don’t want to try it too early in the terms for the X. So just in case it’s in a case.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2013
I forget... were there polls asking if the huge chin and forehead were ugly on previous iPhone models?

At least the "notch" is full of tech.

But tell me the purpose of those giant empty patches of dead glass on the old iPhones...


It's symmetric though. Something that was a trade mark for Apple before they came up with the X.

Or the camera hump on the 6 was also something that wasn't like Apple actually.


macrumors 68040
Jul 27, 2013
No, it's become my favorite phone design despite greatly preferring the S8+ design at first. I think the way the screen covers the entire front face of the device is so cool.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2017
I’ve got the feeling that although some people are not happy with the notch now, in years to come it will be viewed with great affection as a distinctive Apple style feature.

Does allow screen corner to corner, which is kind of attractive in itself.

I look at it as rather like the mirror set in car windshield - serves an important purpose, even if it takes a little bit of the display


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I’ve got the feeling that although some people are not happy with the notch now, in years to come it will be viewed with great affection as a distinctive Apple style feature.

Does allow screen corner to corner, which is kind of attractive in itself.

I look at it as rather like the mirror set in car windshield - serves an important purpose, even if it takes a little bit of the display

I hope it’s not a feature that has a long shelf life. I’m hoping it’s a compromise for this release until Apple figure out how to thin the FaceID cameras out. For many it’s just something people try to ignore or put up with. I don’t think many truly admire its presence.

The other look we are used to, currently on the iPhone 8 was iconic and synonymous with Apple in a positive way I’d say. The notch will take time to get used to but there will always be people who think it looks ugly.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
I hope it’s not a feature that has a long shelf life. I’m hoping it’s a compromise for this release until Apple figure out how to thin the FaceID cameras out. For many it’s just something people try to ignore or put up with. I don’t think many truly admire its presence.

The other look we are used to, currently on the iPhone 8 was iconic and synonymous with Apple in a positive way I’d say. The notch will take time to get used to but there will always be people who think it looks ugly.

Personally, I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, but I would guess that Apple thinks that a really cool next step for marketing purposes would be to have a truly full-front display. In the meantime, they can market the notch as a signature identifier. Here's hoping they don't come to think of the notch as "iconic."

flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
That's fair. Just hoping the forums can become better one day.
software forums.

those are where you go on the internet for good conversation about computer-centric stuff..

i think it's because at a software forum, your skill as a user comes into play.. ie- can't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk..
(and generally speaking, people who have mastered particular software(s) aren't really the type to be sitting around talking crap all day.. for the most part, they're there to be helpful and/or share ideas)

if talking hardware, anybody can say anything and there's not much of a gauge as to the poster's credibility.. (and if i'm being honest, that's why i think hardware based forums have a high rate of poor conversation.. everybody thinks they're an expert)
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
That's beautiful. Cameras are allowed to have lenses.
I have a different opinion. I do not see it as beautiful.

Although I do agree that camers should have lenses.

However, I probably use my camera differently than you and many people. The camera on my phone is 99% of the time used to take pictures of product on store shelves so my wife can decide what she wants me to bring home.

If I am in need of a professional camera I will buy a dedicated camera. Or hire a professional. If it's something important, I will go down to Walmart and buy one of those disposable cameras. Walgreens still processes film.

In short, I don't need what Apple offers with a camera on my iPhone. I don't use my iPhone in a professional or even enthusiast capacity. I make phone calls, send an occasional email, text and do light web browsing. Anything more and I grab a computer or a camera.
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