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1.9l nonTDI Turbo Diesel Golf.

Needs cluster fix, bushings and a few other little things.
Omg I did it...

I bought plane tickets so I can go to Winter Park, Colorado again!

I went there last year for snowboarding but ended up wasting the first two days because it was super hard to breathe (I'm from close to sea level and it IS a difference when you get up there!).

This year I will be there for longer and be there a few days sooner :) I can't wait to snowboard!

There is a trail there I LOVE because there is a tunnel in it. Its a green trail so there's usually a lot of people on it but its a ton of fun.


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Got it real cheap on Ebay. Great fit.

Will help to keep the keyboard clean.

Love and also hate the moshi clearguard. Love it because it's a perfect fit, not too intrusive, and does its job well. Hate it because it gets cloudy and dirty so fast. Cleaning it helps a little, but the haze never totally goes away on some keys.

I really should just buy a new one, but for some reason I'm cheap about this.

I bought a ticket home to Boston for Christmas. Get the sleds ready, Dad. I'lllllll be home for Christmas.. :)

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Love and also hate the moshi clearguard. Love it because it's a perfect fit, not too intrusive, and does its job well. Hate it because it gets cloudy and dirty so fast. Cleaning it helps a little, but the haze never totally goes away on some keys.

I really should just buy a new one, but for some reason I'm cheap about this.

I bought ticket home to Boston for Christmas. Get the sleds ready, Dad. I'lllllll be home for Christmas.. :)


Its been AGES since I've ridden a sled! I snowboard so maybe that counts :p
Its been AGES since I've ridden a sled! I snowboard so maybe that counts :p

It's so fun! Our house is set back on a hill, so we can sled right down our lawn. When we were little, my dad would take us sledding at parks all the time, so it's something I'll always do.

I really want to try snowboarding again, but I tore my ACL during my first lesson, which kind of scarred me off of it. After that, I stuck to skiing, but maybe it's time to give it another go.
It's so fun! Our house is set back on a hill, so we can sled right down our lawn. When we were little, my dad would take us sledding at parks all the time, so it's something I'll always do.

I really want to try snowboarding again, but I tore my ACL during my first lesson, which kind of scarred me off of it. After that, I stuck to skiing, but maybe it's time to give it another go.

Definitely! I won't lie, most people don't like it at first, but if you stick with it after a few tries its a ton of fun.

These videos are corny but have excellent information for learning how to snowboard. Give these a watch before you go next time:

The setup is a little weird on the site, but if you go look at the lower right side of the page you will see all the videos in order.
Bought this little fella to cast an eye over my desktop..


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Boots for work...


I'm breaking them in now. Have been for the last 2-3 days. I like my leather soft and supple. My old ones are 4 years old and feel amazing but the soles are about to crap out after wearing them every week day for that long. I hope these last just as long but I need to get them moveable first.
1.9l nonTDI Turbo Diesel Golf.

Needs cluster fix, bushings and a few other little things.
Why nonTDI? And le sigh, reminds me of a boy. :)

ANYWHO ... beer run!

Blue Moon Grand Cru, Sam Adams Imperial White (I've never seen this before), New Castle Winter IPA, Weyerbacher Winter Ale, Shiner Double Wheat 102, Dogfish Head Raison d'Etre‎ (for shelving), Natty Greens Red Nose, Rogue Santa's Private Reserve Ale, and Clown Shoes Clementine.

I've only had the Dogfish Head but I bought that one specifically to store. The others I've heard about or never even knew about and wanted to try. Someone mentioned Shiner hit NC so I thought I'd give their 102 a whirl. Once I decide if I like any of them I'll probably pick up more.

Anchor Brewing Merry Christmas Ale because it's from SF and it said Merry Christmas, how can you not like it.

Still not able to get Great Lakes here. Total Wine says it's not yet in my county. :(
I may wind up picking up a glass as well since it's more of a limited edition deal at Anchor Brewing.
Just ordered these

A t shirt

A USB Flash drive for Lion.:apple:

I forgot the best bit cost €8 including postage, you've gotta love free trade.

Chp. 11 be damned, 2 round trip tickets for my wife and I to fly to NY for her birthday next weekend... $300.00


Rental Car


3 nights at Courtyard Marriott


2 tixs to Phantom

Birthday and Christmas, done! :D
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8 GBs of crucial ram for my MBP for 39.99 off of Amazon.

A 160GB Intel 320 ssd off of Amazon. 274.50 with a 100 MIR.

Overall it cost me 314.49 today and after I get the rebate back it will only have cost me 214.49.

Not bad for a SSD and 8gb of ram!


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Recent Xbox 360 game picks up. Fifa 12 and Skyrim.


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