Love and also hate the moshi clearguard. Love it because it's a perfect fit, not too intrusive, and does its job well. Hate it because it gets cloudy and dirty so fast. Cleaning it helps a little, but the haze never totally goes away on some keys.
I really should just buy a new one, but for some reason I'm cheap about this.
I bought ticket home to Boston for Christmas. Get the sleds ready, Dad. I'lllllll be home for Christmas..
Its been AGES since I've ridden a sled! I snowboard so maybe that counts![]()
It's so fun! Our house is set back on a hill, so we can sled right down our lawn. When we were little, my dad would take us sledding at parks all the time, so it's something I'll always do.
I really want to try snowboarding again, but I tore my ACL during my first lesson, which kind of scarred me off of it. After that, I stuck to skiing, but maybe it's time to give it another go.
love the shirt! Did you watch last nights game..crazy!!
Why nonTDI? And le sigh, reminds me of a boy.1.9l nonTDI Turbo Diesel Golf.
Needs cluster fix, bushings and a few other little things.
Why nonTDI? And le sigh, reminds me of a boy.![]()
HAH love the shirt! I love that show.Just ordered these
A t shirt
I think non TDI is referring to that it doesn't use Direct Injection into the cylinders. It still used fuel injection rather than a carburetor.