I really like them, for the price point. I have 2 pairs(black and white)
My black ones are starting to crack on the remote, so i think its time to replace them. So i was looking around and the reviews seem positive but is it worth the extra $80. (assuming you pay retail)
The retail price is actually $99 (at least, that's what they cost at the Apple Store and Best Buy). I wouldn't pay retail if I knew that I could get them cheaper somewhere else ($65 right now from Amazon).
From everything I've read, people love them. They seem to be the #1 recommended earphones in the $100 range. My set will be delivered on Monday, so I won't really know how much I like them for a week or so after that (after the burn-in).
I'm also planning on eventually getting a set of Comply foam tips to use instead of the silicone tips.