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macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
This beautiful lady is Mila. She's not mine but a friend's. We're in love anyhow.

i mean, just look at her beautiful brown eyes!!!
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macrumors 68020
May 15, 2008
Weymouth, UK
It's been nearly 14 years since I last showed Jackanory and Star to you folks. Here is a pic of Jackanory (now 12 years old - Sepia Snow Bengal), the new guy Dexter (a 15 month old black & white Tuxedo), and of course little missy Star (now 14 years old - brown rosetted Bengal).

Dexter is near 6Kg/14lbs, a bit of a chonker! Jackanory (Jax) is still doing well with his chronic kidney disease. Star is healthy and has even become just like a kitten again since we have had Dexter. They roughhouse and wrestle all the time.

These guys have helped keep Jeff (MacMan45) and I sane during all this lockdown madness. Every home should have some furry children.

Three Amigos 1.jpeg
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