Thank God![]()
Still nothing for me...could this wbApp/wx widget have something to do with it?
Here is my picture of success:
Thanks again!
It could, but I couldn't tell you for sure because I don't have those installed. You might want to install BossPrefs and make sure it isn't hidden. It might be possible that the iPhone is hiding it by itself because it is a blank app. Not sure if that is the case, but who knows?![]()
Lookin' good! What is the hard drive?
It could, but I couldn't tell you for sure because I don't have those installed. You might want to install BossPrefs and make sure it isn't hidden. It might be possible that the iPhone is hiding it by itself because it is a blank app. Not sure if that is the case, but who knows?![]()
LOL...I installed BossPrefs and THERE IT IS!!!!! I didn't do anything else, they were all of a sudden just there. Odd.
Thanks for your help peeps.
am having some issue when using categories
icon on my normal springboard looks sharp
OK I have asked a few times now for help in getting the transparent icon set but to no avail, therefore maybe someone could PLEASE try and explain to a totally incompetent 50 year old want abee iPhone hacker (ME) how to do all this SSH stuff and hopefully help me get these transparent icons.
My phone below
I can try, but I have to warn you, I don't own a mac; never have and probably never will. I see in your signature that you have an iMac. I'm not sure what programs you would use on osx, but I can give you the general method.
You want a program that lets you do ssh (probably going to have to ask one of the mac users around here) .
First go on cydia and install a package called OpenSSH. There is no way to turn SSH off once it is installed, unless you install Boss Prefs off of Cydia, that has a toggle to switch SSH off. This is recommended by me in case you are going somewhere with public wifi, you don't want people trying to hack into your phone. Shouldn't be a problem though if you change your default login and password, but that is whole other set of instructions.
Anyway after you are done installing OpenSSH and have rebooted your phone, go to your phone settings>tap on wi-fi>and then tap on where it says the name of your wireless network. In there it should have an IP address written like for example. Make a note of that, you might want to make sure Static is selected, so that this IP doesn't change and you don't have to keep checking in settings for a new ip address when you try to SSH in the future.
Before doing the next step make sure your phone is turned on and the screen is lit up otherwise it won't connect, unless you are running a program off of cydia called Insomnia which I recommend if you are planning on spending a considerable time using SSH. Insomnia lets you keep running your wifi connection when your phone goes into sleep mode, otherwise the iPhone automatically shuts Wi-Fi off after about 30 seconds. If you do decide to install Insomnia I would recommend that you remember to turn Insomnia off after every use, because I've noticed that it drains my battery a lot faster when it is running.
After making sure the phone isn't asleep, go to your ssh program and in the address field type in the ip address you got from the iphone such as the default login name is root and the default password is alpine. If you are using terminal then you want to type in ssh root@<the ip address you had in your iphone settings>
You'll see the directory structure, after that just follow the directions Bear Hunter posted on Pages 10-11 of this thread to get the invisible icons. If you need more help let me know and I'll try my best.
Oh and just for future reference, if you want to take a screen shot of your iPhone screen, all you have to do is quickly press the home and sleep buttons together and release. This will save a picture of your iPhone screen in your camera roll and then you can post it on here without having to actually take a picture of the phone itself.![]()
Make some blank dummy apps. No need to hide anything or turn on transparencies.
OK I have asked a few times now for help in getting the transparent icon set but to no avail, therefore maybe someone could PLEASE try and explain to a totally incompetent 50 year old want abee iPhone hacker (ME) how to do all this SSH stuff and hopefully help me get these transparent icons.
My phone below
Perfect man that is great, unfortunately I am on an Oil rig right now and do not have wireless access but cant wait to get home and try this out.
I did install open SSH a while ago and it is still in my phone (acording to Cynda installed packages) but i do not have an icon of ssh on any of my screens, so what is a SSH program????
Perfect man that is great, unfortunately I am on an Oil rig right now and do not have wireless access but cant wait to get home and try this out.
I did install open SSH a while ago and it is still in my phone (acording to Cynda installed packages) but i do not have an icon of ssh on any of my screens, so what is a SSH program????
...You want a program that lets you do ssh (probably going to have to ask one of the mac users around here).
First go on cydia and install a package called OpenSSH. There is no way to turn SSH off once it is installed, unless you install Boss Prefs off of Cydia, that has a toggle to switch SSH off. This is recommended by me in case you are going somewhere with public wifi, you don't want people trying to hack into your phone. Shouldn't be a problem though if you change your default login and password, but that is whole other set of instructions.
Whoa, is that completely custom, with the dock set up like that? I'd really like to use that theme if I jailbreak.
Here's mine, i am using the Bluebird theme...this theme was THE reason i chose to jailbreak 2.1, and i really don't think i could switch to anything else (Blue's my fav. color).
EDIT: Just added a new WiFi icon, as well as the dock and dock icons from the Glass Orb theme, and it looks ridiculously PERFECT with the Bluebird theme and background...
Here is my picture of success:
Thanks again!
It could, but I couldn't tell you for sure because I don't have those installed. You might want to install BossPrefs and make sure it isn't hidden. It might be possible that the iPhone is hiding it by itself because it is a blank app. Not sure if that is the case, but who knows?![]()