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Totally knocked off bbplayer5's ... this was pretty much exactly how I wanted it to look in my mind. Once I saw that it was doable, off to work I went.

Anyone have anything better in the way of icons for Wi-Fi and Power?

That looks good too. How are you getting the shaded bezel around your folders? Is it built into the wallpaper or are you using some kind of code like your weather widget?
Invisible Icons available in steffwiz repository

It sounds like a bunch of people on here want to put invisible icons on their springboard. Maybe this has been mentioned before on here (I couldn't find that it was), but if you install the steffwiz repository in Cydia, it contains a bunch of pre-made invisible icons. They are called Blank Apps and are numbered up to 20. (If they are pressed on the screen, they will take you to a blank web page.) I'm only using one of them so that I don't have any icons on my first screen (except the dock), and it works great!

You install it and then you can find it by holding one of the icons down until they shake. The blank one will have an x next to nothing and you can move it to where you want it.
I pieced together some of my favorite things from this thread and other sites and just finished my first theme.

^^ yeah, whoever said that post about 3 above this one about transparent ones...If you were talking to me, I meant like semi-transparent.
That looks good too. How are you getting the shaded bezel around your folders? Is it built into the wallpaper or are you using some kind of code like your weather widget?

Just shopped the wallpaper. Took a screenshot and placed them side by side. Voila.
Originally Posted by bryankm282 View Post
I love that theme. I installed Bluebird but how do I get the bottom part to match what you have installed. Excuse my ignorance, I am new to jailbreaking.

marker227 (who quotes bryankm282 above): I wanna know how also!

my response to marker227, as accentuated by my quoting his quote of wanting to know how to get the dock i used for bluebird theme:

Originally Posted by marker227 View Post
I wanna know how also!

me: Go to page 10 of this thread, i posted it along with instructions. You'll have to hunt down the other Glass Orb theme icons, however. Google is your friend.

So, bryankm282 asks me how to get the dock i used for bluebird. He even quotes me, with my posted pic of my homescreen. Then, marker227 QUOTES bryankm282's request for my dock, saying he would like to know as well. I proceed to tell him where i posted the dock along with instructions, back on page 10.

Then, you quote me, about my instructions for the dock, and tell me its not there. And proceed to tell me how they were talking about TRANSPARENT ICONS. Wow.

Reading comprehension, anyone?
Lets..get back to the topic yeh?
Finally installed categories and condensed 7 pages of Apps to One !:D


Hmm, the dock seems different than the other Glass Orb screenshots posted up. There seems to be some black surrounding the middle giant orb which I think is neat. Any chance I can know where the dock is from?

I also like the smaller Phone icon that I couldn't seem to find anywhere as the one from Glass Orb only comes with the large phone icon for the middle (I prefer the phone icon first on the dock with the giant middle orb as the calendar). Can I also get that too?

If this all came as a theme, it would be awesome if you could point me in the right direction.

Good work!!

What icon set is that? And do you have the dock image?


The icons are Gradiance v2.1
The dock is part of a set on Cydia called iToons ExtraDocks.

Does anyone have a blue message waiting indicator badge image? I'm getting tired of the red one.


I am loving my jailbroken 2.1 software. Everything is finally coming together now.


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I changed mine up a little bit.

The wallpapers on my homescreen and my lock screen change automatically based on the time of day. I basically took a script that changes the wallpaper for you and edited it to work with wallpapers that I found.

I was on Cydia this morning and found this program called Stack and I installed it and got rid of the hard drive icon I had on there before. All I have on my homescreen is a blank dummy app so its completely clean. All of my apps are in the stacks as you can see from the screenshot. :)

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