Originally Posted by bryankm282 View Post
I love that theme. I installed Bluebird but how do I get the bottom part to match what you have installed. Excuse my ignorance, I am new to jailbreaking.
marker227 (who quotes bryankm282 above): I wanna know how also!
my response to marker227, as accentuated by my quoting his quote of wanting to know how to get the dock i used for bluebird theme:
Originally Posted by marker227 View Post
I wanna know how also!
me: Go to page 10 of this thread, i posted it along with instructions. You'll have to hunt down the other Glass Orb theme icons, however. Google is your friend.
So, bryankm282 asks me how to get the dock i used for bluebird. He even quotes me, with my posted pic of my homescreen. Then, marker227 QUOTES bryankm282's request for my dock, saying he would like to know as well. I proceed to tell him where i posted the dock along with instructions, back on page 10.
Then, you quote me, about my instructions for the dock, and tell me its not there. And proceed to tell me how they were talking about TRANSPARENT ICONS. Wow.
Reading comprehension, anyone?