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I put the day and date on my homescreen. I'm still tweaking with the font and color to get it to look just right, but I think it looks pretty good so far. I'm not sure what font Apple used for the time in the status bar or what the exact color code is. I saved a screenshot and did the dropper on it in photoshop, but then when I applied the color code to the day and date it looked a lot darker. I dunno hehe. I'm using Helvetica as the font, not sure if it matches... If anyone knows what font they use please let me know. :)

Please help me decide! Should I have a status bar border on top or not? Thank you!

With Border:



Would you mind sharing how to do that, step-by-step? I am a noob when it comes to css and .plists, lol. :)
I put the day and date on my homescreen. I'm still tweaking with the font and color to get it to look just right, but I think it looks pretty good so far. I'm not sure what font Apple used for the time in the status bar or what the exact color code is. I saved a screenshot and did the dropper on it in photoshop, but then when I applied the color code to the day and date it looked a lot darker. I dunno hehe. I'm using Helvetica as the font, not sure if it matches... If anyone knows what font they use please let me know. :)

Please help me decide! Should I have a status bar border on top or not? Thank you!



Without man...looks awesome! The only other thing you could possibly do would be to do the active weather wallpaper in a beach theme (Wallpaper changes to reflect current weather)
Draven, any slow down in performance? I am already using some pretty decent weather icons, but I think I like yours little bit better.

No performance issues. It's just displaying an image over top of a blank background. The Wallpaper.html is basically static, only reaching out to yahoo to update every 35 minutes. The 35 minute update can take a toll on the battery, I suppose but it's not any worse than it was before. I wouldn't use the lockscreen functionality for the weather widget. From what I understand, every time you view your lockscreen, it tries to connect to the weather feed which can murder your battery.

fireshot91 said:
okay, one more question. How do I get the icons from Vivid onto the icon set for the Bliss?

As confuzed already explained, the themes from Winterboard are in /var/stash/Themes.xxxx (the xxxx is different for every firmware install). You will find the Vivid icons in /var/stash/ I would recommend you create a new theme and leave the other themes alone so that you can easily go back to them if you decide to. So:

cd /var/stash/
mkdir fireshot.theme
chmod 0755 fireshot.theme
cp -r /var/stash/ /var/stash/

Then open Winterboard and you'll have a new theme named fireshot. Move it above your other themes in the list and apply it. Voila, you have vivid icons.

dieburnbot said:
Please help me decide! Should I have a status bar border on top or not? Thank you!

I prefer it with. Looks awesome either way though.
No performance issues. It's just displaying an image over top of a blank background. The Wallpaper.html is basically static, only reaching out to yahoo to update every 35 minutes. The 35 minute update can take a toll on the battery, I suppose but it's not any worse than it was before. I wouldn't use the lockscreen functionality for the weather widget. From what I understand, every time you view your lockscreen, it tries to connect to the weather feed which can murder your battery.

As confuzed already explained, the themes from Winterboard are in /var/stash/Themes.xxxx (the xxxx is different for every firmware install). You will find the Vivid icons in /var/stash/ I would recommend you create a new theme and leave the other themes alone so that you can easily go back to them if you decide to. So:

cd /var/stash/
mkdir fireshot.theme
chmod 0755 fireshot.theme
cp -r /var/stash/ /var/stash/

Then open Winterboard and you'll have a new theme named fireshot. Move it above your other themes in the list and apply it. Voila, you have vivid icons.

I prefer it with. Looks awesome either way though.

ummm. how do I make a new theme? I copied the icon sets know.get the other stuff?
that would be cool if you're under 13yrs old

Or old enough to have been obsessed with Mario while in elementary school, and now a grown-up computer geek. 13 year olds today don't even know who Mario is.

fireshot said:
ummm. how do I make a new theme? I copied the icon sets know.get the other stuff?

If you did the steps that I outlined above, then you just did create a new theme. It should now appear in WinterBoard as fireshot. What other stuff are you looking for?

My theme is piecemealed together from a bunch of different things. If you want the weather walls, go to and download his theme, then copy each of the components into your new fireshot.theme directory. The important part of that theme is the /private directory. This is where the stylesheets and weather icon sets are. Then you need to edit configureme.js to change it to your location. If you want it to look like my background, copy the WeatherWalls.css that I posted on the last page and replace the one that comes with the theme with it.
uhm. all I got to was copying that folder called 'Icons' lol, I don't get what all those abbreviations mean. but I think I'm good. I kinda undid my jailbreak...wayyyyyy to much trouble and problems for my phone. so If I ever jailbreak again(hopefully not in 10 minutes), I'll come back in here.

Anyone know how to set this theme? I'd really like to go with this direction - looks very professional.

I already downloaded winSCP, installed OpenSSH...just need to know the rest. I could not locate Glass Orb anywhere either.

Edit: Ok, this is the closest I got to it. Could not get the blue glass orb to work like the one above but I'm content with this for now...

I put the day and date on my homescreen. I'm still tweaking with the font and color to get it to look just right, but I think it looks pretty good so far. I'm not sure what font Apple used for the time in the status bar or what the exact color code is. I saved a screenshot and did the dropper on it in photoshop, but then when I applied the color code to the day and date it looked a lot darker. I dunno hehe. I'm using Helvetica as the font, not sure if it matches... If anyone knows what font they use please let me know. :)

Please help me decide! Should I have a status bar border on top or not? Thank you!

With Border:


how did you get the date/time in that format? What needs to be downloadd and modded?

Thanks in advance.
Made the Calendar app look like a Calendar widget since all the other information is already on my taskbar:

Spinning beachball?

Changed my Leopard Theme up a bit on 2.1:

Made a custom retro Apple/Signal logo since there is no "Default_CARRIER_ATT_US.png" or "FSO_CARRIER_ATT_US.png" in springboard app. anymore.

Hard Drives work using Categories (Cydia) and customized to open with Beach Ball. Seperate theme inside each drive:


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Can you post the spinning beach ball and where to place it? I have been wanting to do this since jailbreaking.
This is the current theme I'm using. I turned off the background theme and I've been only using the icons. I like it for now.


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