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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 7, 2007
Yes, yes, I know - it's quite similar to the thread "What was your first Apple Product?" However, I figured this would be a bit of fun. Let's give it a try! :) If mods do not approve, feel free to lock this thread.

My first Apple-product was a hand-me-down PowerMac G4. I got it in 2004 if I recall correctly. This computer was surprisingly a lot faster than my 2.0GHz Windows PC I had at the time. Made me realize what Apple products were all about.


2005 - I got my first iPod. A black, 30GB fifth generation. I used it daily on my way to school and back. A great product. Still have it around.


2007 - Bought my first Apple computer with my own money. A brand new 15" MBP. I custom ordered it with a Glossy Display. Loved it! In 2012, I passed it onto my dad who still uses it. Also got an iPod Touch.
Update: The MBP finally died in 2015.


2008 - I sold my PowerMac G4 and bought a 2004 iMac G5 17". 1.6 GHz, 1GB RAM. Nice screen, but a terribly loud computer. It suffered from various AirPort/BT problems as well. That said, I never really enjoyed it.


2009 - Started high-school and received a 13" MacBook from school which we would keep during our three years. After the 3 years, it got a new top case through warranty. Since it now looked like a new computer, I decided to buy it. Passed it on to my mom and got myself something else. We still have it around.

2009 - Got my first iPhone. A black iPhone 3GS 16GB. This particular model remains my favorite iPhone of all times.


2011 - I had finally had enough of the iMac G5 17" and got a brand new 21.5" iMac. Although only the base model w/ 2.5 GHz and 4GB of RAM, it was quite an upgrade from the 7 year old iMac G5!


2011 - Upgraded my iPhone 3GS to a 16GB 4S in Black.


2012 - As I had graduated from high-school, I figured I would be needing something new for Uni. The MacBook Air seemed like a perfect fit. I got the base 13" model, which served me very well.


2013 - I got my first iPad, an iPad Mini 16GB. Not the retina model unfortunately.

2014 - I sold my iPhone 4S and bought a iPhone 5S 16GB in Gold to tie me over until the iPhone 6 arrived.


2014 - The Retina-hype got the best of me. Sold my (pretty much perfect) MacBook Air and upgraded to the new MacBook Pro 13". Not as perfect as the MBA to be honest, although the display was fantastic. Wrote many term papers on this thing.


2014 - Finally an iPhone with a larger display. Got the iPhone 6 64GB in Space Gray.


2015 - Upgrade time. The 2011 iMac was beginning to feel a bit small. Found a great deal on a late-2013 iMac 27". So much more quiet than the 2011 model, and plenty faster. This has been the most reliable Mac I've ever had.


2015 - Upgraded to an iPad Air from my 1st gen iPad Mini. Unfortunately it was very slow, possibly my worst iOS experience.

2016 - Upgraded to the iPad Air 2 and sold my MacBook Pro at the same time. Stuck with iMac, iPad and iPhone effectively until 2019.

2017 - Sometimes, every once in a while, a completely revolutionary product comes along. For me, it was the iPod, it was the first iPhone and most recently - the AirPods. They were absolutely impossible to get a hold of, but I eventually ended up with three pairs from nowhere. I've said it before, but this is my favorite Apple product in a very long time.


2018 - New MacBook Air. Finally the laptop I've always been waiting for. A MacBook Air with a Retina Display. Decided on the 8GB/256GB model in Space Gray. Very happy with this one so far!

Also got my first Apple Watch - an Apple Watch Series 4, 44mm in Space Grey.

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My Apple History

Back in 2010 I purchased my first Apple device ever.
It was an Black IPhone 4, 32 GB and I paid a 1000 USD for it because it wasn't official released in the Country where I stay and only available true grey market importers.

Unfortunately after half a year I was short on money and sold it for about 450 USD and used an 20 USD Nokia. :( That was a huge step-back for me.

In 2011 I purchased an IPhone 4s 16GB and was very happy with it for a long time.:)

In the same year I also bought an IPad 3, WIFI + 3G 64 GB

2012 I sold my IPhone 4s and my IPad 3 and bought 2 IPhone 5 Black 16GB for me and my ex - girlfriend. I still have mine ever since but my Ex lost her phone and she bought herself a new IPhone 5s white colour 16GB.

In all this years I had an Acer Laptop which was slowly dying on me and since I pretty happy with my IDevices and always had my eye on Apple computer but couldn't really afford it I finally had a good project at work going on and bought myself an Late 2012 IMAC 27'' I7, 16GB Ram, 3TB HDD.
Still was always using my Acer for travel.

When my Acer finally died I thought it is about time to upgrade to a MacBook Air 2013, 13" I7, 8GB Ram, 128GB Flash Drive.

My father always told me he would like to have an IPod since he travels allot over the world so I bought him for Christmas 2013 an IPod Nano white colour with 16GB. He is very happy with it despite he really don't like Apple products and is more an Windows and Android user.
But that IPod really makes him happy and is full of his favourite songs which he listens to on flights.

In 2014 I picked up a IPad mini Retina Black 16GB WIFI only. I don't use it much so most of the time my brother plays with it. GTA, Lego Batman, Minecraft etc.

This is my :apple: History ;) (I hope I got the timeline correct)
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Reactions: frappedia
ipod nano
iPod touch
iphone 3gs
iphone 5
ipad 2
ipad 4
iphone 5s
macbook pro
apple tv
ipad mini retina
iPhone 3
iMac 27
iPhone 3G
MBP 17"
iMac 27 2011
MacBook Air
iMac 27" 2012
iPad 1
iPad 2
iPad 3
iPad 4
iPad Air
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
iPhone 5S
RMBP 13"
ATV 3 x3
Time Capsule 3TB
AirPort Extreme
Probably a lot more I can't remember now, but it's been a lot!:)
Morning all

Sorry for the lack of pics, but here's my history:

January 2007, I got me an iPod Nano with my Christmas Bonus.
Then, later in 2007, I got a new 2.4Ghz Core2Duo 20" Alu-Glass iMac
In 2008, when the iPhone 3G came out, I got the original 2G iPhone
There was then a break for a while, when in 2010 I got a black 16GB iPhone 4. Then, to supplement the new iPhone I got myself Apple's more expensive earbuds.
I worked a full week's worth of overtime in 2011, so got myself an iPad 2.
In 2012 I got an iPhone 5, in black on day of release. Then, later in the year, treated myself to an Apple TV.
In 2013 I progressed to an iPhone 5s (and absolutely love it).
Finally, this year, I have purchased a MacBook Pro with Retina (13") and an iPad Mini with Retina.

And that's where I am at the moment. Nothing major compared to some, but we're well and truly an Apple home! :)

4th gen iPod Classic 20GB
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4S
2013 MacBook Air
iPhone 4S (new from insurance)
Computers only :)

2003 iBook G4 12" 800MHz
2005 PowerBook G4 12" 1.5GHz
2005 Mac mini G4 1.25GHz
2006 MacBook Core Duo 2.0GHz (white)
2008 MacBook Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz (unibody aluminium)
2009 Mac mini Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz
2010 MacBook Pro 15" Core i7 2.6GHz
2011 iMac 21.5" Core i5 2.5GHz
2012 MacBook Air 13" Core i5 1.8GHz
2012 MacBook Pro 13" Core i5 2.5GHz
2014 MacBook Pro retina 15" Core i7 2.3GHz
Apple IIe
Mac IIcx
Mac IIvx
Mac IIfx
Centris 650
Quadra 650 (Current)
PowerMac 6100/60
PowerMac 7100/66AV
Performa 6218CD
Performa 6400/180
PowerMac 9500/120
PowerMac G3 233
PowerMac G4 466 DA
iMac G3 600
iBook G3 Dual USB
Macbook 2,1 (Current)

iPhone 3GS Old Bootrom (Current)

I was a huge Apple fan in the 90's. Then Steve Jobs took away the upgrade-ability of consumer grade desktops and my interest started to wane. Since I tried out Windows XP, Windows has been good enough especially with all the cheaper DIY hardware options. I still like the laptops because of their combination of performance, weight and battery life which other vendors always seem to shirk one for the other. But I don't have the enthusiasm and loyalty I once had.
iPod Shuffle 1st Gen
iPod Nano 1st Gen
iPod Classic 5th Gen
iPod Nano 6th Gen (won it in a lottery)
iPod Shuffle 4th Gen (won it in a lottery)
iPhone 4
iMac 27" 2010
iPad 1st Gen (ebayed it later)
iPad 2nd Gen (ebayed it later)
Airport Express 1st Gen
Macbook Air 13" 2011
iPad 3rd Gen
iPad Mini 1st Gen
Apple TV
Time Capsule 2 TB
Macbook Pro Retina 15" 2012
Mac Mini 2012
Airport Express 2nd Gen
iPhone 5

was thinking of upgrading iPad 3 / iPad mini, but right now I'm waiting to see what will come up with the iPhone 6, if it's large enough to replace the mini, I'd be happy since I don't really use my phone at all and could live with a so called "phablet" in the sense of using it as a tablet in first place and then doing the occasional phone call (I hate them).
iPod Mini
iPod Photo
iPod Video
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
MacBook Pro
iPhone 4S
iPad 3
Apple TV 2
iPod Nano
iPad 4
iPhone 5
iPad Mini Retina
All of these were in the past 4 years.

  • iPod Touch 2G 8GB
  • iPod Touch 4G 32GB
  • iPhone 4 16GB
  • Macintosh Performa 5200CD (gift from teacher who knew I liked all things Apple)
  • iBook G3 Clamshell Tangerine
  • iPod Photo 20GB
  • iPhone 5 (replaced iPhone 4)
  • eMac 1GHz
  • iPod Video 30GB
  • Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 4GB RAM
  • MacBook Late 2008 (in signature)

Only one I still have is the MacBook, and will only go back to iPhone from Android if the new iPhone has the larger display.
2006 - I bought an iPod nano 2g 2gb, pre-ordered it after almost a year saving for it (i was 13 at the time).

2009 - Bought an iPod Touch 2g 8gb.

2011 - Bought my first Mac, a 13" Macbook Pro i5 2.3ghz that i still use and love, i've upgraded to 8gb after i bought it and a few months ago i removed the superdrive and added a 250gb 840 evo Samsung SSD.

2012 - Bought a Mac Cube with a 15" LCD Studio Display "for my mother", i've wanted a Cube for years and years.
Also bought an 16gb iPhone 4, a 3gen 2gb iPod shuffle and a 1st gen 4gb golden ipod mini (this two ipods were really cheap).


2013 - I won a short film contest and got a 16gb iPad mini!
A bit before my birthday i sold my iPhone 4 and got a 16gb iPhone 5S (the iphone 4 was the only apple product i've ever sold, not because i didn't like it, but because i needed the money to upgrade)

2014 - A few months ago bought a G4 Mac mini with a broken HDD, really easy to fix!
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iPhone 3GS 8GB
iPhone 4 16GB
iPad 1 16GB
iPad 2 64GB AT&T
Mac Mini mid 2011 w/AMD, 8GB RAM 256GB Samsung SSD
iPhone 5 64GB
iPad Air 128GB AT&T
coming soon ATV "next"
Next year new Mac Mini
So lets take a trip down memory lane...

December 2004 - Parents bought me an iPod Mini after thinking somehow the explicit lyrics were removed - This was due to a Black Eyed Peas album not having parental advisory stickers on them, but instead a "Get it on your iPod" sticker. How foolish of them, and brilliant for me!

August 2007 - White Baseline Macbook, lasted me brilliantly through the first years of college (High school?)

September? 2009 - iPhone 3G black 16gb. Due to the 3GS coming out, I took advantage of the cheaper rates on an iPhone 3G, that thing lasted me a good 18 months until iOS 4.1 came and basically killed it.

April 2010 - Baseline 13" Macbook Pro after my White Macbook started to fall apart in every aspect of the word, it also really didn't like Logic Pro, At all. Was a computer to last me my 3 years of Uni.

September 2011 - iPhone 3GS, after going to an HTC Desire for 3 months and having battery problems, software problems and the LCD (not glass/plastic) breaking on me when I accidentally layer down with it in my pocket, I gave up on android and went back to a used 3GS. Was damaged but kept me going for a while.

December 2011 - Mac Mini, still lasting me to this day even though its really starting to show its age on Aperture and Logic X.

April 2012 - iPhone 4S white 16GB. Contract over, started a new one, free phone so wahoo.

Also April 2012 - Bought the family an iPad 3 as a "thanks for everything" present. Thank you Student Loan.

February 2013 - White iPhone 5 16GB. Phone contract was in my mums name, said she wanted to take the 4S off me, so I obliged and went and found a super cheap deal for an iPhone 5. Win/Win for me!

August 2013 - 13" Macbook Air i5/256/8, the Macbook Pro was still rocking life, but I wanted to upgrade to something for my last year of university.

Future - Gonna get an upgrade to the Mac Mini, either a new one or an iMac, unsure yet. iPhone 6 when I can and probably upgrade the Air in 2 or 3 years, this thing is a beast at everything!
I've had so many I'm probably forgetting some and don't really remember the order completely......

iPod shuffle x2
iPod mini x2
Mac mini g4
iMac 17 inch
PowerBook 12 inch x2
Black MacBook x2
MacBook Pro 15 inch
iMac 20 inch
Mac mini core 2 duo
1st iPhone x2
iPhone 3GS x2
iPhone 4 x2
iPhone 5 x2
MacBook aluminum 13 inch
MacBook Air 11 inch
MacBook Air 13 inch
iMac 21.5 inch
iPad 1x2
iPad 2x2
iPad 3x2
iPad mini x2
iPad Air x2
iPad mini retina x2
Apple TV 2x2
Apple TV 3x2
Apple AirPort Extreme 3
Apple AirPort extreme 4
AirPort Extreme 5
Time capsule current version
Airport express 1st gen x4
Airport express 2nd gen x3

I upgrade quite a bit ;)
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Short one here. :)

iPod Shuffle gold avon edition
iPod Shuffle silver
iPod Shuffle silver
iPhone 4
13" MBP + Magic mouse and Apple batteries
iPad 3rd gen
iPhone 5 black
iPhone 5 white
iPhone 5s gold
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Post Your Apple Product History

iPod shuffle
iPod nano 2g
iPod touch 2g
iPad 2
iPod nano 6
iPad 3rd gen
iPad Air
iPhone 4
iPhone 5c
MacBook Pro retina 15 inch
Apple TV third gen
iPod Classic 30gb bought in 2005 used throughout my deployment in Iraq in 2006-2007 very useful
iPod nano 2nd generation
iPod nano 4th generation
iPod nano 5th generation
iPod touch 5th generation
iPod shuffle don't remember the generation
iPhone 2G
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3Gs
iPhone 4
IPad Air Wifi 32g
IPad Air cellular 16g
Apple TV 3rd generation
Imac 21.5 inch late 2013 model
Maybe I'll get the iPhone 6 when I move to germany this year. Have been a fan of android phones lately
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It all started with the LCIII+. My mother got this computer for herself way before I was born. After I was born, she picked up an iMac, with the LCIII safe in her closet. It had some kind of technical issue, but one day when I was little (Elementary school age) she found it in her closet and gave it to me. I was still a single digit age but I was able to fix it myself! I had it as my own personal computer for a while, although I didn't do much with it since I also had my own windows computer (no internet don't worry, it was only for games), but it was cool to have!


Arguably, the iMac is the first computer from Apple I actually had, since it was the computer I grew up using. I technically only had it in my possession for about 2 weeks since by that point it had some faulty issue that looking back on I could have easily fixed (replace the internal battery, zap the PRAM, and then reinstall the system, something none of the computer techs we had look at the computer even bothered doing...all they did was push my mom to buy a windows computer, and since then she hasn't owned any more Macs). I remember the day I discovered Nanosaur and I had a blast. I also would play Blues Clues games (my favorite) and I even used it for Word Processing sometimes, but mostly to just make the computer speak.


The 2nd Gen iPod nano was the first iPod I ever owned. I got it as a Christmas gift in I think 4th grade/5th grade, but it was totally awesome. It was the cheapest model, 2GB and Silver. It's still in my house somewhere...


After a while, I got a second gen iPod touch. I desperately wanted a smartphone, but my mom said no. This was around 5th/6th grade. At first, like all kids with iPod touches, I downloaded every app left and right, filling that 8GB almost immediately with fart apps, stupid games, and "sound grenades". I also learned about the world of jailbreaking and modded my iPod touch into oblivion. It still works (although it's restored) but the screen is heavily damaged (something I ended up partly doing on purpose).


After the 2nd gen iPod touch support was dropped with 4.2.1, I knew I was going to have to upgrade. I opted to not get the 3GS based model, but instead wait and see what they do with the iPhone 4 version after the iPhone 4 was announced. Of course when they came out with one that had cameras, I knew I had to have it. It was an immediate upgrade from my 2nd gen, with all the features of iOS 4 and I was really happy. It was a birthday gift, probably around 7th/8th grade. It was always attached to me. As I grew older I dumped all the junk apps and desired a more clean and simple iPod touch. I dumped over 3/4ths of my apps for ones I only used regularly, and started to keep all my apps in folders instead of having pages of icons. Eventually I started moving everything to the first page only. This was probably my favorite Apple product out of all of them.


By 9th grade, I needed a new computer. My Dell laptop may have been made in 2009, but it's components were taken straight out of 2006, with slow DDR ram and a horrible dual core 1.6GHz AMD processor that was originally released with Windows XP, I just had to upgrade. I had always wanted an Apple computer of my own, and Christmas 2011 was finally the time to get one, the 13 inch MBP. It's still the computer I have now (although when college comes around, this will probably change), and it's seen Lion, Mountain Lion, and now Mavericks installed on it, and hopefully it'll continued to be supported, until I can buy a new 13-inch rMBP of course.


In mid-2012, I lost my iPod touch on the school bus. Needless to say, I was devastated. I lost pretty much my entire world. Afterwards I ended up going several months with using my original iPod touch (the 2nd gen one) but I missed all the features I had with iOS 5 on my 4th gen. After discussing with my mom to get a new iPod touch, she made a declaration that she would allow me to get an iPhone, and only an iPhone, since she had just gotten herself a 4 not too long ago, and she figured I was ready to have a smartphone. I was ecstatic. I finally had an iPhone! It was my baby and I never separated from it until...


...Summer of 2013. The iPhone finally had LTE, a larger screen, and I loved the design way more than my 4S's. I made the decision: using my mom's upgrade (essentially forcing her to keep her 4 for another year, until just now when she switched to Verizon Edge to get the 5C) and the money I earned from my summer job, I'd upgrade to an iPhone 5. I picked the white of course, after loving the white 4S and the design of the White 5, and also not wanting the scratching issue of the Black model. The upgrade to LTE was a huge upgrade for me, and really one of the main reasons I decided to get the 5 and not just wait for the 5S/C. However, the iPhone 5 would be the last iPhone I owned, as I now have switched to the Moto X (though a larger iPhone would definitely make me come back). However, this is not my last iOS device because...


Late into the year of 2013, my grandmother replaced her iPad 1 with the iPad 4, and decided to give me her old one. I didn't even get iOS 6, but most of the apps I desired to use still ran fine, and jailbreaking gave me features that made it feel like OS X more than iOS. Of course, it was still too slow, so not long after...


I purchased an iPad mini with Retina Display, back in Feb. 2014. Honestly I would've preferred a white model, but at the time they didn't have any with the Retina display in stock, so the gray model would have to do. This is the current iOS device I have now (although it definitely won't be the last) and is my most recent Apple product.

I also have bought some older apple products throughout the years off of eBay, like an iBook or an older powerbook, but I didn't include them here, since i've bought and sold them constantly.
Main Machines

1. iMac G4 800MHz 512MB RAM, Tiger (2010)
2. Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8GHz (2012)
3. Power Mac G5 Dual 2.7GHz (2012)

iMac G3 400MHz and 500MHz (Graphites)
eMac G4 1GHz
iMac G5 1.8GHz
iBook G3 900MHz
Mac Mini Core Duo 1.83GHz
Power Mac G4 2x1.25GHz (FW400)
PowerBook G4 17" 1.33GHz
I got my first Apple product in the summer of '92. A very good friend of my family had bought a beefed up Macintosh SE/30. It had a hard drive, the max ammount of ram it could take, it came filled with apps and games that made me lose a lot of nights. I can still remember that b&w screen and me and my little brother trying to figure out this or that on a silly game. I even did some programming on it. I was already familiar with Basic and Pascal, but this thing really got me going the assembly way.
In '97 i got a Macintosh LC II. I used that poor bastard for almost two years until i discovered BeOS. I fiddled with that from '98 to 2006 when i gave up on it.
In '99 i got my first iMac. It was a gorgeous Tangerine model with a 266MHz G3. Man, could that computer amaze people or what!? All my friends had the usual grey boxes, windblows something... I had BeOS and this beautiful machine. By the end of the year i had another present from a friend. A new iMac. The Blueberry 400MHz DV SE. It was a screamer compared to the old one.
In the late summer of 2000 i changed the computer once again. Even though it wasn't much of an upgrade at first sight, it was obvious to me that i was going in the right direction. I got a 400MHz PowerMac G4. Not that i was going to use it as a weapon because i knew from the commercial that the Pentagon kept an eye on me... :p
In the summer of '01 i got a 533MHz PowerMac G4 Digital Audio. I loved that thing. I put as much ram as i could find in that thing and it blew my friends' minds. The computer was so darn fast, they were all jealous and most of them started thinking about switching to "one of these weird ones". Unfortunatelly, prices were and are still to high for most of us mere mortals in this part of the world.
The next upgrade i got came in the form of a Dual 800MHz Quicksilver in 2002.
I never thought up to that point that that beautiful computer had so much power under the hood. I had a 15" Apple Studio Display to go with it, and i even attached a second monitor. Needless to say that my friends didn't get the logic of having 2 displays. How the heck can you watch both of them at the same time? It took them a while to figure out what you can do with 2 displays... :))
My next machine came in the summer of 2006. It was a brand new 1.42 GHz eMac. As you might have already guessed, i upgraded that bad boy to the max. I managed to finish up at leas 30 games on it before my next upgrade. Doom 3, Prey, Quake 4, SW Battlegrounds something, and so on. Next came a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerMac G5 but i never used it as my main computer.
In April 2007 i got my first intel machine in ages. The 2.16 GHz 20" iMac. I used that machine for about 3 years, and my wife for another.
In 2010 i think, i got my first Aluminium iMac. It was a late 2008 model i think. I got it from a friend. It had a 2.4 GHz Core2Duo and an Ati Radeon HD 2400XT. My wife has it on her desk for now until i get her a new machine.
At the end of 2012, i finally managed to get a 27" iMac. I will be using it for at least another 2 years from now on. My next target for now is to get my wife a new iMac or a Mac mini.
On the portable side... I started in '99 with a 300MHz Clamshell followed by a 333MHz PowerBook G3. I got a dual usb 500 MHz iBook in '01. In '05 i got a 1.42GHz iBook G4 followed by a Core Duo MacBook Pro in '07.
I even had a Newton at one time. Sad it was in German and i'm not that good at it. Both me and my wife enjoy our 2nd generation iPads. I still have my trusty 3gs which i use as my day to day phone. We've also had a few iPods.
I currently have bought some configurations that i have previously owned. Most of them are in my signature. I have been doing upgrades and repairs on all sorts of computers since '94. I have worked on Alpha, SGI, Commodore, Atari, Mac, Pc, embedded systems, you name it. I love repairing and bringing back to life all the old systems i can get my hands on.
Hope you managed to read all of this without too much yawning :p
iPod Mini - 2005
15" Powerbook G4 - 2005
iPod Video - 2006
20" iMac - 2007
iPod Nano - 2007
iPod Touch 4 - 2010
Mac Pro 5,1 - 2011
11" Macbook Air - 2012
iPhone 5 - 2012
27" iMac - 2013
Apple IIgs
Mac SE
PowerBook 170
Mac Quadra 800
PowerBook 540c
Power Mac 7100
Power Mac 7200
iBook G3 (Late 2001)
iPod (3rd Generation)
Mac mini (Original)
iPod (5th Generation)
MacBook Pro (Early 2008)
iPod touch (Original)
iPhone 4
Power Mac G5 (Early 2005)
iPad 3
iPhone 5
MacBook Pro (Mid-2012 13")
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