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My Turn!

Lacero, what kind of computer due you have to be running all of those things at once?
Right, I have at last remembered to show my dock. The apps are as follows:

Finder, [Spacer] iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, Stickies, Address Book, [Spacer] Freeway Express, Scribus, NeoOfficeJ, [Spacer] Photoshop CS2, Pixen, X11, GIMPshop, [Spacer] ScanFont, Classic Startup, TypeTool, [Spacer] FontBook, Preview, Bluetooth File Exchange, Quick Time, SnapNDrag, SnapShooter, HP Director, [Spacer] CandyBar, System Preferences

And then a folder for my latest project next to the Apple hyperlink thingy, and a modified trash can ;)

No magnification, actual size shown.


It's what you do with it...

I keep my dock the extreme. Thanks to Quicksilver I can have 2 applications in my dock as default, just press control+space and a few keypresses takes me anywhere.

Left to right:
Safari - Because it's my most used app (after Quicksilver)
Quicksilver - To do anything at all, really. Download it if you've never tried it!
Grab - To get the shot of my dock.
Documents - Opens a finder window to get to all the main folders quickly (Apps, etc)


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Lacero said:
Is that a challenge? :D

Here it is. Scaled 50% because screenshot would be huge!


Well it's nice to see that you finally opened Mail too as it was looking a little lonely in the dock with all of those open apps. ;)
I got one question for Lacero, just out of curiosity, did your Mac sort all those windows out smoothly as it would 2 or 3? Be honest! On my PB G4 1.5, I opened about 15 Firefox windows, plus my iChat buddy list and Mail, and Expose was a little jerky sorting them out. Just curious how a G5 handles the task... :)
Hey, Lacero, how does the video playback perform in the exposéd windows with all those apps open?
Here's my work computer. I'll post my home computer tonight...

EDIT: Left side for the dock, right side for the icons. Anything else is just cluttered :D


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    Picture 1.jpg
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Lacero said:

Here's mine...

Finder, Safari, Mail, AdiumX, Ecto, DEVONthink Pro, Shiira (trying it out), Address Book, Mellel, Bookends, Accordance, MS Office Project Gallery, Keynote, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, Sys Prefs | Excel Sheet for tracking my diet (gotta drop some pounds! dropped 45 so far...hoping to drop 20-30 more), Downloads Folder, Classes/Research folder, shortcut to the wife's iMac, Trash

Decent amount of magnification because I think it looks cool.


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    Dock 1.jpg
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stevietheb said:

Here's mine...

Finder, Safari, Mail, AdiumX, Ecto, DEVONthink Pro, Shiira (trying it out), Address Book, Mellel, Bookends, Accordance, MS Office Project Gallery, Keynote, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, Sys Prefs | Excel Sheet for tracking my diet (gotta drop some pounds! dropped 45 so far...hoping to drop 20-30 more), Downloads Folder, Classes/Research folder, shortcut to the wife's iMac, Trash

Decent amount of magnification because I think it looks cool.
How do you like Bookends? I'm currently using Endnote, but it's a little too finicky for me sometimes.
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