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Just put my order in for some UE-4 Pros to replace my B&W P5 headphones. Getting a bit annoyed with on-ear headphones and want to go back to something in-ear when I stumbled across these. Maybe one day I can upgrade to the UE-18 Pros.
Should be ready for pickup when I get back from Hong Kong in a month.
how did you win UE18s... anyways, the Fiio E7 is a solid portable amp. you technically don't even need an amp for them.

UE ran a national contest on Facebook to find the best art design for the visible face on a set of UE 18's. Four finalists were chosen, and then they were revealed to the public for a week of voting. The artist whose design received the most votes walked away with a paid visit to the audiologist for custom molds and their very own set of 18's :)

I'm totally stoked that I won, but I have to say that they got some seriously lackluster entries, not to mention the ones that they chose as finalists shouldn't have been chosen in the first place (except mine, haha). People entered pictures of themselves, illustrations they pulled off Google, over-filtered Photoshop messes...

In any case, that's how it happened :eek:

Regarding the amp, I've also read that the 18's don't really require an amp since they're designed to be used on stage by musicians who [usually] only wear wireless receivers. I'll try them with and without my E5 to see if I hear any improvement, and then consider stepping up to the E7 (or something).
Ordered my Ultimate Ears 10 Pro's today, will be replacing my Shure E2c's, the cable's messed up a bit.

So, from this:


To this:


Very excited, can't wait to start using them live with my band!

Ordered my Ultimate Ears 10 Pro's today, will be replacing my Shure E2c's, the cable's messed up a bit.

Very excited, can't wait to start using them live with my band!


You'll love them. I occasionally play bass with a group as a stand-in and use my's as stage monitors and they're great. Isolation is amazing and they're very well balanced. Take good care of the cables, because they have a tendency to break. I've had mine for a year and they've gone kaputt on me twice already...luckily a replacement cable is only twenty bucks.

The newer cables are supposedly stronger and more resilient, but when I ordered a replacement cable a few weeks ago, they sent me the same flimsy one I started with, and not the newer, stronger one that they just sent a buddy of mine.
This pic has most of them:


I also have some old school Realistic electrostatic headphones that are not in the pic above:

Beyerdynamic DT880pro - I adore these things.. I have a set of AKG 240MkII at work I use as well but I prefer the low mids of the beyer over the AKG's..

For IEM I use Westone UM3X for live performance so they're my go to IEM for listening when I have them with me. When I'm at the gym or doing work around the yard/house I'll usually just take a pair of Sennheiser ($50 retail I think?) ear buds that came with my wireless in ear setup. Single driver IEM's just don't cut the mustard after being spoiled to other products. I do like these though, even if they are a bit muddy below 300hz..
Might as well post my IEM grab bag here since this is what I will be wading through today and tomorrow!

Got all these in a grab bag deal from from a seller for $180. Over $600 worth of iems, earphones and headphones!

Might as well post my IEM grab bag here since this is what I will be wading through today and tomorrow!

Got all these in a grab bag deal from from a seller for $180. Over $600 worth of iems, earphones and headphones!

[pic of incredible array of sound gear snipped]

:eek: Now that's a collection and a half! I would think you could find some usable gear in there somewhere...
:eek: Now that's a collection and a half! I would think you could find some usable gear in there somewhere...

Yeah there is actually a lot. Here is the complete list:

Yuin PK1
Yuin PK2
Yuin PK3
Shure E2c
Creative Zen Aurvana
Creative Ep630
Sennheiser CX300B
Sennheiser CX300W
Sennheiser MX500
Sennheiser MX70
Sennheiser PXC350
Audiotechnica EC-7
Audiotechnica EW-9
Klipsch Custom 3
Etymotic Hf5 Blue
Meelctronics M9P-SL
Vmoda Bass Freqs
AKG 27i
AKG K81dj
2 sets of complys
4 sets of nokias
1 set of creative generics
Pelican Case
4-5 random hardshell cases
and a whole mess of tips.

I am MOST excited about the ATH-Ew9s and the yuins. The other guys I am going to sell/give away. I also have two more headphones coming in the mail today - BW P5s, and Shure SE425s!
Ive got a crappy pair of headphones but they work for me. Not used for any audio editing or anything audio related except for listening to music.

SkullCandy Skullcrushers.

not my pic btw
Beats by Dre: Tour with Controltalk...don't hate, i listen to music all the time and i have no complaints about quality though i do agree with most that they are overpriced. it's the first pair of headphones i've dropped a lot of dough on and i don't regret it, for the amount of time i spend listening to music and my obsession with it i'd much rather have these over standard Apple headphones for example.

Little Dot MK III (AMP)
AKG 702 (Headphones)
HRT Music Streamer II (DAC)

@Uofmtiger you have practically the same setup as me just different DAC. Have you triad tube rolling yet? Also are those HD600 or 650 in the background? Which are your favorite phones and if you don't mind one more question how do the 701s compare to the electrostats
Compared to everyone else's they look crap but they give good sound quality and are moderately comfortable...what more could I ask? They're Sennheiser PX100-II headphones. They fold as well which is nice.


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Alien and Heath Xone XD 53

Simply the best headphones money can buy, these even put the Pioneer HDJ2000 to shame never mind Beats by Dr Dre!

Little Dot MK III (AMP)
AKG 702 (Headphones)
HRT Music Streamer II (DAC)

@Uofmtiger you have practically the same setup as me just different DAC. Have you triad tube rolling yet? Also are those HD600 or 650 in the background? Which are your favorite phones and if you don't mind one more question how do the 701s compare to the electrostats

I really want that little amp but I cannot justify $200 on something I probably don't quite understand. :eek: Not to mention, I rarely have to put headphones on when I am working.
Alien and Heath Xone XD 53

Simply the best headphones money can buy, these even put the Pioneer HDJ2000 to shame never mind Beats by Dr Dre!

Actually - these are the best money can buy. Sony's "king" MDR-R10. $5,500.

Or Sennheiser HD800 - $1500
Or Ultrasone Edition 1os - $2800
Or Grado PS-1 - $3,000
There are more but I don't know what is the most expensive.
@Uofmtiger you have practically the same setup as me just different DAC. Have you triad tube rolling yet? Also are those HD600 or 650 in the background? Which are your favorite phones and if you don't mind one more question how do the 701s compare to the electrostats
I have not tried tube rolling. I know Headfi has a huge thread on it and I plan on doing it at some point. I am pretty happy with the sound already.

I have the Senn HD580s with the upgraded cable and the covers. I don't think it makes a big change to the sound, but I did not like the plastic look of the original covers.

My favorite headphones are the 701s. The electrostats don't get a lot of use these days because the cushioning inside is worn down. I don't think they sound as good as the 701s (sound stage is smaller and less bass).

A couple extra pics from my other setups:


This setup is now next to my fav spot on the couch:

I love this setup. Do you just have listening nights where you sit on the couch, or do you listen when you play PS3?
It is mainly for when I am surfing on the iPad and the gf has taken over the TV.:D

I have Airport Express units in the bedroom and living room, so I can stream from my computer or from the iPad. I have the camera kit connector for the iPad, which feeds a USB DAC the digital signal, but now it can all be done wirelessly thanks to the new Airplay feature. The audio can be sent for video sources, too. That makes it possible to watch something different or mess around with Youtube and still have it fed to my headphones.

The uDAC you see in the photo was needed to take the USB out from the iPad and push it through via Coax, which the Beresford DAC could read.

I also used the uDac quite a bit as a headphone amp over the summer while I was out in the backyard or on vacation. I used it mainly with a pair of ER-4Ps, but below is a pic of it paired with full sized headphones.


Unfortunately, Apple lowered the output of the USB, so this no longer works without having a powered hub or a T3Hub that does not need to be plugged into an external power source (I have one and it fixed the problem).
what is the function of a headphone amp?:confused::eek:

I purchased an amp from Total Bithead. I had a pair of AKG cans (forgot the version). They were meant for mixing/mastering music, and therefore had a very flat sound, (no playing around with the bass output like Monster and Bose).

Because they are intended to be used by audiophiles and professionals, to use them to listen to a portable device such as iPod or Macbook, you need to boost the output of the device to get a decent sound level.

That's where the amp comes in. I think I paid about 100 bucks, and got a portable version that technically can be carried around like your iPod. The difference is quite noticeable, but you don't need an amp for every headset.

There are several good sites that explain this much better, and in more detail, such as those mentioned previously in this thread. I'm glad I purchased mine, but I don't need it with the majority of my headsets.

I have the Shure 440's, and they are awesome, but don't need an amp with iPod. My Shure lower end in-ear headphones also don't require an amp. If your headset says, "Studio", or "Professional", chances are you'll need an amp. Hope this helps. :)
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