Need some advice on headphones. I currently have the Senn HD 555 and the HD 238 headphones. I love the sound quality of the 555, but the 238 sounds muffled to me. The only thing I don't like about the 555 is having to have the adapter to use it with my MBP or hackintosh. I was looking at the B&W P5, but read some not so good things about them over at Head-Fi. Basically I'd like the sound quality of the 555, but the convenience of it having the 1/8" jack. I will not be running a DAC, so something that sounds good straight from the computer is a must. Looking to spend somewhere between $1-200. Thank you in advance. 
Edit: Source is ALAC on the desktop, with 256Kb AAC version on my MBP.
Edit: Source is ALAC on the desktop, with 256Kb AAC version on my MBP.