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i bought myself the Stretch headphones, impressed so far, just need a portable amp now


Also one of my favorite. Had to return my old pair to Best Buy because the silver piece around the 3.5mm jack at the end of the cable came loose and it aggravated me. But still exchanged them for another pair. I thought about the Ultimate Ears 500 there at the same price point but I haven't heard anything about them.
How are the ibeats??
I like them, I listen to mostly hip hop so the extra bass is good. They're just as good as Klipsch s4i, V-Moda Remix, Vibe II, and Beats Tours. I've had all of them and the Tours had better bass but broke after a month. These are holding up fine after a month.
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Just got these delivered today. Denon AH-D7000s, running through a Pro-Ject USB Box and Headroom II.


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i got Monster christmas trees on my CK10s now. i'll post a pic later. they look like they'll rape your ears if you put them in. and they do. they feel as if they scratch the sides of my brain. but they do improve the sound and the isolation.
They do look so comfortable! I want a pair now. Quick question though: Has the colour faded anyway due to use?

Nope been using them for just a month so far..I don't see how the color would fade off. And yes they are super comfortable!
Nope been using them for just a month so far..I don't see how the color would fade off. And yes they are super comfortable!

Being that it's beige, I thought if it got dirt on it or anything it would fade into it. But glad to know that. I might send you a PM later to ask you something. :).
Great choice. I have the AH-D2000s and love those. I can only imagine how the 7000s sound.

Unbelievable. That's how they sound (and how they feel).

And as wonderful as everything sounds, my greatest impression is how clean it sounds.

They made me want to go re-rip my entire CD collection in Lossless.

Skullcandy Holua for my iPod touch. Decent upgrade to the default apple iBuds, retail for around 100usd, but I got them for only 15usd off Amazon with a 20usd Amazon gift card which I bought for 10. Overall sound quality is hollow and not very full compared to good earphones, but they got nice bass. The chord is annoying too and poor quality, because it gives off a small amount of constant static and you can hear when tap it.


The real stuff. Audio Technica ATH-AD700s for iMac and/or ps3 while gaming. I use it with an Astro Mixamp and Labtec LVA-7330 and the immense soundstage of these makes for very accurate pseudo surround sound with the mixamp's processing. Widest soundstage I've tested of any headphone so far-- even larger than some 300-400usd Sennheisers. Very bright and full highs/mids, while the bass is tight and punchy, but lacking in terms of actual boom that you'd should feel otherwise. Got them for 100usd off Amazon.
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I just ordered a pair. How are they in terms of sound isolation and quality compared to the Beats? I currently have Beats Tour w/ Control Talk .

About the same with less bass and better highs. I like the Beats but can't pass up these for half the price.
About the same with less bass and better highs. I like the Beats but can't pass up these for half the price.

Perfect. Going to pair them up with Comply foam tips for better seal. Thanks for the info.
I just posted these in the last thing you bought thread


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I'm a Canadian as well and any recommendations as to where I can order some a-JAYS four for myself would be greatly appreciated!

I just ordered a pair. How are they in terms of sound isolation and quality compared to the Beats? I currently have Beats Tour w/ Control Talk .

Hey, I'm from Vancouver and I notice you're from here as well. Where'd you order yours from?
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