My Pioneer SE-MJ3B's w/Grado cushions, I also added some soundproofing on the inside to take the edge off the bass levels, I know its a bit of a getto mod, But it works a treat!!!.
Sennheiser RS130's w/Pro-Ject Headbox II headphone amp.
JVC Air Cushions w/Now defunct Samsung mp3 player.
Skullcandy TI's w/ipod shuffle copy ( 7 year old Son uses this setup

Sennheiser HD 215's ( DJ set )
Sennheiser HD 218's with some of the collection. Also seen is a Chu-Moy headphone amp in an Altoids tin and my Sony DAP
Not seen are my matching pair of Sony in ears - one white one black ( I'll get the model up later. ), Philips in-ears and My Grado SR60i Prestige. ( Still on order
Other sources include 3 cd players - Denon, Technics and Cambridge Audio.
Teac tape deck and Technics Slbd22/Sl1200mkII turntables.
At home I usually run my Headbox II from teh line-out on my Cambridge Audio Azur 640A amp.
Unfortunately, Apart from the Denon cd player the rest of my audiophile gear is in storage
