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Fiio E7

My Pioneer SE-MJ3B's w/Grado cushions, I also added some soundproofing on the inside to take the edge off the bass levels, I know its a bit of a getto mod, But it works a treat!!!.




Sennheiser RS130's w/Pro-Ject Headbox II headphone amp.


JVC Air Cushions w/Now defunct Samsung mp3 player.


Skullcandy TI's w/ipod shuffle copy ( 7 year old Son uses this setup:D )


Sennheiser HD 215's ( DJ set )


Sennheiser HD 218's with some of the collection. Also seen is a Chu-Moy headphone amp in an Altoids tin and my Sony DAP :cool:


Not seen are my matching pair of Sony in ears - one white one black ( I'll get the model up later. ), Philips in-ears and My Grado SR60i Prestige. ( Still on order :(

Other sources include 3 cd players - Denon, Technics and Cambridge Audio.
Teac tape deck and Technics Slbd22/Sl1200mkII turntables.
At home I usually run my Headbox II from teh line-out on my Cambridge Audio Azur 640A amp.
Unfortunately, Apart from the Denon cd player the rest of my audiophile gear is in storage :( Grrrr.
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I got some sennheiser hd 202 headphones... Not sure If a total audiofile would love them but their sure better than skullcandys and to me they are amazing sound quailty and range. The best part is they are only like somewhere around 50 buks! I highly suggest these to people who want some good over ear headphones but don't want to shell out 300 or 400.
how do you like the E7 amp? I just got a pair of M50's and am debating between the E7 and a NuForce amp

I like it a lot.

I can't comment on the NuForce amp but I can honestly say that the E7 did make a difference.

The M50's sound great out of the box unamped imo but the E7 added a nice little kick to it. Not that the M50's were lacking, but the amp did make them sound very, very nice.

I have the E7 on Bass Boost 3 and no distortion whatsoever.

I was extremely pleased and surprised and how much you get for the price for the E7 in terms of sound quality, build quality, and all the extras you receive. Rubber band to hold your devices together, carrying case for the E7, two screen protectors, usb cable all nicely packaged.

This was my first amp so I am no expert by any means. Hope this helps and hope you make a decision soon!
I've used Shure E5c's for years and they are still going strong.

Recently while on a trip, I picked up the B&W P5's and love them. I'm aware they are shunned by headphone nuts, but I find them to be perfect for me. They strike a great combo of comfort, noise isolation, sound quality, and portability. If they were any larger or heavier they would rarely get used, since I primarily use them when traveling.

I'd also never use an amp, so I have to have something suitable for iPod use.
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Man some of you guys have some expensive headphones!

I have these

in black and blue

and these
The desk picture is from my dorm--I've since graduated, but still have a similar setup:

Thinkpad T60p -> HeadRoom Micro DAC -> Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S. Caliente -> Sennheiser HD650

I also have Shure E500's, but they are currently out of commission because the cable broke. I'm sending them in for replacement soon.


These are one of my favorite headphones, the yuin pk1. Why take pics of some generic looking buds? They retail for $159 :eek:

The most amazing jaw dropping sound signature. Robust! They need to be amped to really flourish though because their are 150ohms. :eek:

Recommend a good amp for the pk1's? Thinking about picking them up - to use with an iPod classic 5.5 at work and for travel.
good heaphones but your probably paying 25 % of the money for the beats by dre brand name and logo. THese are great and yes, i do wan tthese but i know I could get the same quality phones for 25% cheaper or more.

You pay a premium for aesthetics (and for some people - myself included), sometimes that's worth it. We're all Apple users here, paying a premium is an old hat for us.
i bought myself the Stretch headphones, impressed so far, just need a portable amp now

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