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I was really tempted to get the TMA-1 over my Phiaton MS-400 last week, but the foldability of the MS400 and the semi-hard case it comes with is what made me decide on the Phiatons. It's just silly when I think about it. :eek:. Anyway, the MS-400 is a fantastic headphone, but I'm sure the TMA-1 sounds great, too. It also looks simple, but amazing!!
Got a pair of Shure 840's this week and they were pretty nice, the sound was good but the comfort was the worst I ever seen, I could not wear them for more then 10 minutes so just got a pair of new one.
Really awesome sound and the comfort is the best I've ever seen.






Beyerdynamics DT990 250ohms
I got a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-M50S. I am setting up a listening station in the living room and needed something between my ER4Ps and Senn580s as far as isolation is concerned.


Beyerdynamic's headphones are extremely comfy, good choice in that regards. You put them on backwards when you racked them on the plastic head though! What kind of amp are you using for those 990 250s? They're often quite bright and have good synergy with tube amps.


Nice pick, the M50s are gems for their price. Don't forget to wipe them down after every use so you don't crack their pleather pads after only a year or so!

Beyerdynamic's headphones are extremely comfy, good choice in that regards. You put them on backwards when you racked them on the plastic head though! What kind of amp are you using for those 990 250s? They're often quite bright and have good synergy with tube amps.
You are right, they were on backwards, I'm looking for a nice tube amp, something like a little dot, They are powered by an Cambridge Audio receiver right now and that sounds awesome.

And the head is made of glass and was made for holding headphones, mostly to display them in shops.

Nice pick, the M50s are gems for their price. Don't forget to wipe them down after every use so you don't crack their pleather pads after only a year or so!
Thanks for the suggestion. I am still trying to get used to the pleather and the tight fit, but I do sweat when I have them on for a while, so wiping them down makes sense. I looked into other (velour) earpads, but the consensus seems to be that they change the sound too much.

I also thought about getting some closed backed Beyers, but the M50s were priced lower and had a lot of positive comments on their sound quality. However, I am sure the Beyers are more comfy!!



Just received the amplifier for my new DT990's really an awesome USB DAC, there was a review where a 1500 euro USB DAC got an 5 and this one got a 10, it was the first time a 10 was given.
It's an Lead Audio LA-100
I'll jump on the DT990 bandwagon. Plus I think there's a general lack of beyerdyamic headphones and tube amps in this here thread!

Bererdynamic DT990 600ohm, Little Dot MKII


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^^ Wow that little dot brings me back. Used to have one a few years ago, and I loved that thing. What a throw back!

I am sad most people won't know the awesomeness of this cheap but rare set of cans. There are some hidden gems out there when people can get past the whole dr. dre beats thing..

Anyway, my light, comfy, yet jaw dropping Koss ksc35 headbanded with an ipod 3g. The ksc35s are definitely great cans for those who like the grado sound.

Can those little ear-muffs even be called cans. :D

Koss does make some very good low cost 'phones.
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Just got the Ex700s. Always coveted them but the price was out of my range. Picked up these for about half retail.

I think you just found my next headphones - the Bose MEI2's just are depressing.

Good to hear :). They're a bit hard to come around these days since it's been almost 3 years since they were released and the current flagship ex1000 replaced these a few months ago. Just beware that there are many many counterfeits out there.

I purchased mine through Amazon from DependableResource. They should have another refurbished one for around $160 on their online store.

Sony gets a lot of flack among the audiophile community but I've always loved their warm sound signature. The only downside so far to these phones is the sibilance but this is supposed to go away/diminish greatly after some burn-in.
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