Wow, Island Roots! Where exactly are you? :confused
Didn´t have the chance to shoot with it yet.
$21 eBay, not bad for 100+ episodes of family guy. Nearly endless entertainment value
Coconut records new single just came out today, and a new speck hardshell for the new macbook pro
I love the blue! Chimay Red is a close second. Haven't had either of those beers in ages though. My local bottle shop only sells white.
YEAHHH! got my new bass today at guitar center along with a TSA approved hard case Fender Jaguar in Hot Rod Red finish (its actually nicer than it looks in teh pic). Sweet sounding bass, very fast to play, beautiful finish, marvelous bass. The case is the SKB-44, at 120$, I found it cares well enough my beloved bass and will very likely survive the plane trip back home. OH, and I also bought the cheapest strap while my "Police Line Do Not Cross" leather strap ships from amazon
Very nice totally jealous.
She deserves an amp!