New furniture in my new apartment in Switzerland...
So when do I get to move in with you???
New furniture in my new apartment in Switzerland...
<3 my white iphone lol
Just a heads up..
I had an iPod Classic that worked perfectly, without fault for months.. then I purchased TuneUp Gold.. and each time after that, when I plugged my iPod in to sync, it would erase my whole library. Very randomly it would allow me to sync regularly, but when I plugged it back in again to sync, it would erase and so on.
I'm not positive if it was directly related to TuneUp or not, but I went through 3 iPods and it did the same thing on all of them.
TuneUp does work amazingly well, though.
Oh and I use my iPhone 3GS as an iPod now and no problems syncing (and I still use TuneUp).
Now that's messed up. Wish u both good luck.
Just curious... how old are you?
The Mrs. and I split a box. Haven't had them in years and it'll probably be years before we have them again, but they were good and brought back memories of when we were kids.
Went on a bit of a tshirt run today..