Should have shouted 64 instead. Lol!
Impulse impulse! Did the same thing when I got my iphone 4! hehe
Should have shouted 64 instead. Lol!
Picked up a 16GB iPad 2 black *wanted white though*
As for my last purchase I had lunch at Portillo's yesterday. It was delicious as always.
That sounds bad. I don't have those issues except for some purple fringing at f/1.4. It's weid because I've got the same issue with my Nikon 35mm 1.8.
Bought this MBA Rev. A off CL for $200 with broken hinges, sent in to apple for repair and they replaced everything except the battery and keys on the keyboard! everything else is brand new.
I don't like ben affleck but this was a good movie...rented it from Netflix
Sigma isn't known for producing great glass with their smaller lenses... I had a 70-300 that was always soft no matter what.
Saw Battle L.A. with the girlfriend. More than a little disappointed. The first 40 minutes or so of the movie were fun. Then the Hollywood cheeseball lines (worse than usual) started to ruin everything. Began to get sleepy about halfway through.Oh well! Super 8 is coming soon.
My last real purchase aside from some gas. My first iPad! They only had a white one left so I got it seeing as I don't really care about the color. It's a white 32GB Wi-Fi.