Fixed the wii, so just picked up animal crossing and a wave bird on the bay.
Two awesome pickups. I never got around to snagging a silver wavebird. It was a great controller, but I only ever had gray.
As for me, I'm playing a little catch-up here on some of my more exciting purchases.

New watch:

New Nikon D90. Got a heck of a deal on it; and since I only ever rent lenses, I figured it would be a good opportunity to upgrade my body - but I'm doing away with my Canon 40D and accessories. Still debating if I want to embrace the 4/3rds stuff, and get an OM-D. It sure would be nice with all my travel. Decisions, decisions. For the time being, though, I'm VERY happy with this guy.

Couple other games:

And finally, fireworks! Yay! Family is coming over in just a couple hours.

Happy 4th of July!