I thought it looked great in the store. I'm slightly worried about any possible glare, but I think I'll love it once I unpack it and start using it. I'm glad to hear you have had positive experiences with this monitor as I really regretted the last monitor I bought.
Yeah, I was looking for a lower cost alternative to the Apple display. While this monitor cannot be expected to be of the same caliber, I felt that the price was very on par with its quality and it met my budget requirements.
Picked up an Apple Cinema Display 27in on Craigslist. Great deal and will be looking for a second
How much?
Bought it for $350. Seems like a good deal considering the prices on eBay. And it was is great condition!
Flights to Syd's Knee (Sydney) to visit the US Consular General for my VISA interview so I (we, the family) can move to the USA.
Accommodation to stay the night. I like this little hotel, have stayed there previously.
Renewed my drivers license as it expires before I am due to relocate![]()
Woah your drivers license is so much more different than ours? Is that like a SIM card thing in it?
So how do you like it??????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upgraded my old netgear router. Couldn't pass one up on the refurb store for $85
Are theses durable enough to be everyday shoes?
Let me know what you think about that Norelco. I've been considering getting it for awhile now. The price is just hard to swallow.
Nice McAllisters, saving for a pair Strands now.
Picked up an Apple Cinema Display 27in on Craigslist. Great deal and will be looking for a second
grabbed this little guy on sale from tarjè(target) for $150. the two mario bros games had me sold