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Please excuse my first (horrbile) attempt at a panoramic shot, this is what happens when you don't invest in wide angle lenses :rolleyes:


Current box (with red frog on it) specs in sig, as well as current two 30" panels. MX Revolution, Apple wired keyboard etc., you know the drill. Thinking about adding another 30", though I think the money might be better spent on a freshly minted Arrandale MBP :D

The setup won't change much cosmetically with the addition of the 2010 MP (if it ever happens :rolleyes:), but hopefully it will calm my nerves a bit by allowing me to be covered by AppleCare again.
Please excuse my first (horrbile) attempt at a panoramic shot, this is what happens when you don't invest in wide angle lenses :rolleyes:

If you take twice as many pics in portrait rather than half as many in landscape you don't lose as much content in your pic when cropping after automerge has had it's way!
I know its small, but my Camera phone does crappy and small panoramas. Once I figure out how to do a decent photomesh (suggestions?) in Photoshop, Ill update here.


take several shots from one end of the room to the other (best to use a tripod to get fluid motion) and take the files into photoshop and do a photo blend under file -> automate -> photomerge and from there tweak to your liking.
take several shots from one end of the room to the other (best to use a tripod to get fluid motion) and take the files into photoshop and do a photo blend under file -> automate -> photomerge and from there tweak to your liking.

what if I dont have a tripod? Just take them as steady as possible? Also, I tried taking three pics and doing the photomerge and its not working, its only showing the last one...

Anyone know where to get this desk arrangement?

iirc, thats the Z-Line Gemini Collection from Staples. Looks good and its cheap.
Here is my setup:

15" MBP Unibody
24" Dell Monitor Full HD
Apple Wireless Keyboard
Kensington Wireless mouse
Logitec 5.1 surround sound

other small stuff.. ipod , external hd, camera etc..

Only thing missing is a nice corner desk (hopefully soon)

The Monitor is currently hooked up to a cable box.


  • P1040105.JPG
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MacBook on a Logitech Alto Express stand
LaCie d2 Quadra 750GB
iPhone 3G white
Apple Keyboard+Mighty Mouse
M-Audio Studiophile AV-40
HP LaserJet 1022

looks great mousouchop!

  • Purchased a Wacom Intuos4 Medium
  • Replaced Dell S2009W with a Dell P2010H
Monitor has same panel but, unlike the old, has 4 USB ports, and a base that allows for around 6" in height adjustment and 90* swivel for vertical display. Thanks to the height of the new monitor I can finally use my mStand again!
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