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I don't get this.

When I was in college - and it's not a matter of "when I was your age", we're talking late 00s, technically I'm still enrolled, but am a full time worker now - had a part time job and, after spending money for books, transportation, food and very little clothing (say, a pair of jeans, a shirt and one or two haircuts a year) I managed to save very little, certainly not enough for a top of the line notebook; I got myself a used, battered piece of junk for roughly $100 which I resurrected with my mojo and, uhm, Slackware 10.

Seriously, what are these guys doing right?

Well I know in my case it was called student loans and if I was going to be in dept then I at least wanted to get something that I really wanted.
Painted the home office and added some surround sound.





Here is my fairly new setup, nothing fancy..

Windows 7 was installed only for that I could play Limbo ;)

Apparently there is some cable management to be done, but I have a subwoofer under my table so what can you do?

Are those Genelec 6010A ?
My wife was kind enough to buy a Dell P2411H as a random surprise for me. She now jokingly refers to my desk area as "Command Center" :D.


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nice. Genelecs really do sound fantastic. Where did you get the stands from if I might ask ? Getting Studio monitors to the right height has always been a bit of a hassle.

Here is my fairly new setup, nothing fancy..

Windows 7 was installed only for that I could play Limbo ;)

Apparently there is some cable management to be done, but I have a subwoofer under my table so what can you do?

akg k601 ?
which amplifier do you use ?
I don't think it will destroy my grooves for two reasons its not one of those much older mono boxed record players, its a stereo one and really very little has changed in its design.
My Toshiba has a very light tone arm as apposed to the old portible fidelity units of the 1960s which yeah would ruin records due to the very heavy tone arms they where fitted with.

Grooves get ruined no matter what.
Except that some turntables, especially if properly set up (which involves a perfectly flat surface and a perfectly balanced arm, because gravity and centrifugal force are your worst enemies - not to mention a fresh stylus!), are much easier on your records and give you much better quality (to the point of showing the damage done to the grooves by 70s cheapo turntables).
Has designed changed?
Theoretically not much, but engineering and manufacturing have taken quantum leaps, e.g. when it comes to cutting the sapphire or diamond stylus, a very important part of a turntable.
See, very little has changed in the design of the diesel engine, but I would take a Ford truck over a Lada all the same. :D

This model I have was Toshibas best offerings in 1978 the last owner provided me with the catalogue it came with and its the highest model out of all the others in it. The unit had a retail price of £800 thats almost 4 grand in todays money it features a digital clock, recording timer etc. So it was pretty state of the art at the time.

Come on, you are a Mac user. You should know better than this. ;)
The state of the art has nothing to do with digital clocks.
The state of the art in 1978 looked more like this:

It's a Michell Gyrodec, not very different from the 1960something Transcriptor Reference seen in A Clockwork Orange nor from the modern-day top of the line Orbe.

Does it look familiar?

IIRC Steve Jobs used to own one.
Johnny Ive must be familiar with this kind of design too, heh?

Of course, I'm not saying everybody should go the Alex De Large route for funding the purchase of such a beauty :)

I've tried a modern USB turntable priced at £150 not mine was a friends I was shocked at the build quality and OMG the sound quality was abismal it sounded like it was underwater,

Those are gimmicks to ride the wave of the vinyl craze.
No self respecting hi-fi turntable incorporates a pre, much less a USB DAC.
For the same price you could get a used wood&aluminum Pro-ject Debut II: built like a tank. ;)
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nice. Genelecs really do sound fantastic. Where did you get the stands from if I might ask ? Getting Studio monitors to the right height has always been a bit of a hassle.

I believe I ordered those from here

But then again, any microphone stand with 3/8" thread will do.

akg k601 ?
which amplifier do you use ?

I'm using Beresford Caiman DAC which has a decent headphone jack. I previously had Heed Canamp which I stupidly sold :mad:
Grooves get ruined no matter what.
Except that some turntables, especially if properly set up (which involves a perfectly flat surface and a perfectly balanced arm, because gravity and centrifugal force are your worst enemies - not to mention a fresh stylus!), are much easier on your records and give you much better quality (to the point of showing the damage done to the grooves by 70s cheapo turntables).
Has designed changed?
Theoretically not much, but engineering and manufacturing have taken quantum leaps, e.g. when it comes to cutting the sapphire or diamond stylus, a very important part of a turntable.
See, very little has changed in the design of the diesel engine, but I would take a Ford truck over a Lada all the same. :D

Come on, you are a Mac user. You should know better than this. ;)
The state of the art has nothing to do with digital clocks.
The state of the art in 1978 looked more like this:


It's a Michell Gyrodec, not very different from the 1960something Transcriptor Reference seen in A Clockwork Orange nor from the modern-day top of the line Orbe.

Does it look familiar?

IIRC Steve Jobs used to own one.
Johnny Ive must be familiar with this kind of design too, heh?

Of course, I'm not saying everybody should go the Alex De Large route for funding the purchase of such a beauty :)

Those are gimmicks to ride the wave of the vinyl craze.
No self respecting hi-fi turntable incorporates a pre, much less a USB DAC.
For the same price you could get a used wood&aluminum Pro-ject Debut II: built like a tank. ;)

if you read my info :D you'd see I managed to get it for £6.50 :p its an awesome unit, better than a lot of modern ones i've used. £800 in 1978 was an awful lot of money for a domestic appliance, I used an inflation converter and in todays money its like £3,600.

At the moment i'm in the process of buying quite a lot of 1970s pieces as I want a unique room and as such am giving it a sort of space age style with my own twist.

Plusif you google Toshiba SM3750 they make modern stylus for it I fitted a new belt and stylus the moment I got it I am gonna replace the belt in the cassette deck at some stage.

I also said in the catalogue I got with (which was a Toshiba Catalogue) it was the top of the range out of all the others Toshiba made, I didn't say anything about any other manufacture,

some people just seem to hate when they see something unusual in someones setup I don't get it:(
Grooves get ruined no matter what.
Except that some turntables, especially if properly set up (which involves a perfectly flat surface and a perfectly balanced arm, because gravity and centrifugal force are your worst enemies - not to mention a fresh stylus!), are much easier on your records and give you much better quality (to the point of showing the damage done to the grooves by 70s cheapo turntables).

Not taking sides on this little 'discussion', but just wanted to point out that centrifugal force doesn't exist! :)
Wow! Love the new iMac! Those wired keyboards with the numeric pads are the best. I with I had one. Punching the little numbers along the top of the wireless version gets old fast. Haha!

That red clock/picture frame is quite elegant as well

Thanks! I absolutely love it! It has a much more expensive and durable look than the (plastic) G5.

I wouldn't want a wireless keyboard, indeed - I still don't understand why they didn't made the wireless keyboard with a numpad, just as in the previous Apple Keyboard. :confused:

The clock is nice indeed. It was only ten bucks so I thought it would be nice on my desk. :D
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