Wow, looks really nice. Have you Photoshopped most of the room to be in B&W or is it actually like that? - if it's the latter then it's very impressive looking.
What size displays are those?
Dude i love those photos (is it?) of Walt Disney? Where did you get them?
Cool lamp TSE!
My setups been evolving steadily over the last couple years, just got a wireless keyboard.
(Got my amp on a shelf under the desk, speakers out of shot)
My bro's setup made up from my hand me downs.
Might get him a new mouse/tracpad for xmas.
Cool lamp TSE!
nice desk...where did you get it from?
Not the best setup in the world, but not the worst.. I don't have anything to organize the cables with right now, but I'm working on it.
Not the best setup in the world, but not the worst.. I don't have anything to organize the cables with right now, but I'm working on it.
Feeling a little cluttered/messy right now. Might do some rearranging or something.
What desk is that?
same thing i want to know