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They're KRK Rokit 6 monitors. I spent a lot of time contemplating whether or not to buy them. Now I wish I bought them sooner. They're terrific.

Do you think they are better than Swan M 10's? I have a set of those and might be looking for a change.
Do you think they are better than M Swan 10's? I have a set of those and might be looking for a change.

They're a completely different type of speaker for a completely different use. The KRK's are studio monitors that will reproduce the most accurate sound possible and Swan M10's are consumer level speakers meant to sound good to the average listener. For accuracy and clarity, the KRK's will be much better, for pleasure listening to non-audiophiles, the Swan M10's may (or may not) be better. Personally I enjoy listening to music on my Yamaha HS80M's (studio monitors), but many find them too harsh and revealing for listening for pleasure.


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Here's mine. I'm a dev, so the screen area is essential for me! Screens are each 27" Cinema Displays, all going to a single 5870 in the Mac Pro.

Excuse the blurriness. I took a still frame from a video I recorded on my iPhone.

EDIT: Look down a few posts on this page for more details and a clearer pic.


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Here's mine. I'm a dev, so the screen area is essential for me! Screens are each 27" Cinema Displays, all going to a single 5870 in the Mac Pro.

Excuse the blurriness. I took a still frame from a video I recorded on my iPhone.

What do you develop? iOS apps, Mac Applications? :)

And I would love to see what do you have there more, gadgets etc. :)
Still Not Tidy

.....Please Santa, bring me a new desk and some risers for Christmas....:D This may not work....I'm Jewish:D:D


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My Current setup as I have no add-ons other than my Logitech mouse.


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If You Don't Need It

But seeing how everyone has like, 2 monitors, sound systems, and like wireless EVERYTHING, my laptop feels left out XD

Then don't buy it.....That lot in the photo's is just a part of my setup.....Also includes a 1000Watt DTS 7.1, an ATV2, Draytek Gigabit router etc.

And of course my iPhones....One 4 One 4S

But I use them all;)


A Roland board (which is why I need all the Mac's....Air and Pro go to the studio, iMac handles the grunt, NAS storage archives it all.

It's true though I shudder to even think what these all cost me....All up specced, all top of the range.

I reckon I could buy a decent car....:D
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Love it!!

Can we have a clearer pic please? :)

Have to say my 2 favourites so far :p
Would love to have a similar mac set-up!!

Thanks guys! Here are the pics (click to view full size).

Here's what it was in 2009 (note: It's a PowerMac G5 in this pic, NOT a Mac Pro)


And here's the current one (clearer than the old pic a few posts up, and higher res. Click a second time after it opens in a new window to zoom in):


I've also got images in-between these 2, so if you'd like to see the progress over the years, just let me know! :)

What do you develop? iOS apps, Mac Applications? :)

And I would love to see what do you have there more, gadgets etc. :)

I currently do iOS and Android. Probably going to start doing Mac App Store near the beginning of next year (sig has a link to my company/apps :))

In terms of gadgets, here's what's on my desk (the new pic I uploaded should be clear enough to see this stuff):

  • 2010 Mac Pro 3.33Ghz, 16GB RAM, 120GB SSD, 4TB HDD, ATI 5870
    3 x 27" Cinema Displays
    Logitech Z550 speakers
    Logitech Illuminated Keyboard (older version, I think there's a new one now)
    Logitech Performance Mouse MX
    2011 MBA 13" Base model
    2009 13" MBP (upgraded to 8GB RAM and 80GB SSD)
    2TB Time Capsule

Small gadgets (there's a lot since I test apps on all these!)

  • 2nd gen iPod Touch 8GB
    8GB iPhone 3G Black
    8GB iPhone 3GS Black
    16GB iPhone 4 Black
    32GB iPhone 4S White
    iPad 1 64GB
    iPad 2 64GB
    Google Nexus S

I also have an iCade that you can slightly see next to the Mac Pro :)

Also, for anyone wondering about the Xbox controller under the left monitor, it's for when I play games in Windows. That's about the only thing I use Windows for :p
What I need....Is that an Ikea desk? Maybe I can point a few hints in the right direction:)

Yup, it's 3 separate Ikea desks, but they fit together perfectly. It's really cheap too, although the desk legs (also Ikea) cost 3x as much as the actual surface :p

The best part is that you can make the desk as big or as small as you'd like! You can see where they're connected near the left and right monitors.
Thanks For That

Yup, it's 3 separate Ikea desks, but they fit together perfectly. It's really cheap too, although the desk legs (also Ikea) cost 3x as much as the actual surface :p

The best part is that you can make the desk as big or as small as you'd like! You can see where they're connected near the left and right monitors.

I have GOT to do something about my setup, before It completely drives me nuts!
Yup, it's 3 separate Ikea desks, but they fit together perfectly. It's really cheap too, although the desk legs (also Ikea) cost 3x as much as the actual surface :p

The best part is that you can make the desk as big or as small as you'd like! You can see where they're connected near the left and right monitors.

your games look kinda neat but apart from the game that is like frogger there is no way to tell or information on your website of any kind what the actual gameplay or purpose of the game is. Im not going to download a game that i know nothing about not even an in game screenshot just to guess what it does. you should update your website with screenshots gameinfo anything that is relevent to the actual game.
your games look kinda neat but apart from the game that is like frogger there is no way to tell or information on your website of any kind what the actual gameplay or purpose of the game is. Im not going to download a game that i know nothing about not even an in game screenshot just to guess what it does. you should update your website with screenshots gameinfo anything that is relevent to the actual game.

Thanks for the opinion. The game is actually not like frogger at all, but I completely see what you mean there. Most of my downloads don't come directly from my website, which is why I just have a "banner" for each game. I think I'll use your suggestion and add app info and screenshots for each :)

They're a completely different type of speaker for a completely different use. The KRK's are studio monitors that will reproduce the most accurate sound possible and Swan M10's are consumer level speakers meant to sound good to the average listener. For accuracy and clarity, the KRK's will be much better, for pleasure listening to non-audiophiles, the Swan M10's may (or may not) be better. Personally I enjoy listening to music on my Yamaha HS80M's (studio monitors), but many find them too harsh and revealing for listening for pleasure.

Couldn't agree more. I absolutely love my KrKs for that reason.

What is that big digital clock so many people have as their screensaver in this thread? Is it a standard one? Can't find it in my settings here, so guess it's an add-on..

Can someone give a hint please?

EDIT: Sorry, found it myself, google is my friend :D
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Just goes to show, we really need to add a FAQ section to the beginning of this thread(s). Screensaver is Fliqlo, desk is Ikea Galant, the keys aren't really black, the speakers are Swans M10s, etc.
This is not my usual setup, but due to a very bad back (probably caused by sitting in front of the computer for 12 - 18 hours a day) I'm attempting the standing desk thing before I convert my real desk to a standing desk.

Behind me in this picture is the Mac Pro setup you see in my sig. Its amazing but I can't find anything strong enough to support the desk yet so for now I have my Macbook Air set up on my painting table propped against my bookshelf to avoid "accidents" (aka the computer falling off the back).


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