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Mariah Carey Uses Apple Powerbook

Hi, I'm Mariah Carey and this is my setup. An Apple PowerBook looks great even in a squillion dollar mansion.

It looks so much better when it's on a diva's lap though.

I hope you all like my setup. I hope you all like my music. I know you all like me - because I'm the sexiest, vainest, most egotistical prima dona in the World!

mad jew said:
You're not Mariah Carey, you spelled egotistical correctly.

Yeah, but she mis-spelt "donna" in prima-donna. Could be MC after all, although, who's taking the photograph?

Is it humid up there mad jew? Nasty down here.

Roll on MWSF, then we'll start seeing some cool new setups.
Chundles said:
Yeah, but she mis-spelt "donna" in prima-donna. Could be MC after all, although, who's taking the photograph?

Ha! Good catch. :D

Chundles said:
Is it humid up there mad jew? Nasty down here.

Roll on MWSF, then we'll start seeing some cool new setups.

I'm in Adelaide at the moment with some family and it's quite nice. I hope the weather's treating you nicely too. I can't wait for the ice-cold Intel iBooks. :p

DarkBlue-G5 said:
Damn. I've been rumbled! :)

It happens to the best of us. :p
DarkBlue-G5 said:
Hi, I'm Mariah Carey and this is my setup. An Apple PowerBook looks great even in a squillion dollar mansion.

It looks so much better when it's on a diva's lap though.

I hope you all like my setup. I hope you all like my music. I know you all like me - because I'm the sexiest, vainest, most egotistical prima dona in the World!

So why is your PB not in your siggy :confused: :p
Dark said:
That is by far the coolest thing i have ever seen.....ever.

Im totally feeling a black Imac.

Oh heres a pic of my setup. Bad pic. took it with my other camera really quick.

you see that guy sitting on that amp on his desktop....or his ass atleast

Nobody's going to see this, with MacWorld hours away.

Okay, I'm wildy brand new, but I kind of owe all of you for the speakers I just got for my birthday, so I'm thanking you by posting my last and current set-up (the latter completed just tonight---I *ought* to be in bed!).


G4 dual 1.25 GHz with 20" display


G5 Quad 2.5 GHz with 23" display and Altec Lansing speakers. :)

In case you're wondering, the lighting isn't *that* drastically different between the two pictures. We moved and one room had Coca-Cola red walls while the other has really unpleasant brown ones. As soon as we're able, we'll go back to the red! One thing that *is* somewhat obscured by the lighting is signficantly better cord control than we had at the previous house.
Polcamilla said:
Okay, I'm wildy brand new, but I kind of owe all of you for the speakers I just got for my birthday, so I'm thanking you by posting my last and current set-up (the latter completed just tonight---I *ought* to be in bed!).


G4 dual 1.25 GHz with 20" display


G5 Quad 2.5 GHz with 23" display and Altec Lansing speakers. :)

In case you're wondering, the lighting isn't *that* drastically different between the two pictures. We moved and one room had Coca-Cola red walls while the other has really unpleasant brown ones. As soon as we're able, we'll go back to the red! One thing that *is* somewhat obscured by the lighting is signficantly better cord control than we had at the previous house.

Nice step up ;)
Platform said:
Nice step up ;)

Yeah, that's an awesome setup. I especially love the phone. I tried hard to get one of my grandma's when they moved out of their house and into a retirement complex, but both rotary phones were spoken for.

rickvanr said:
Yeah, that's an awesome setup. I especially love the phone. I tried hard to get one of my grandma's when they moved out of their house and into a retirement complex, but both rotary phones were spoken for.

We bought the phone after hearing a horror story from my mother about a Boy Scout who couldn't call his parents bring a medication he needed because he didn't know how to use a rotary phone. I love the way it looks and sounds (because it's got a real metal bell, it's very easy to tell my phone from that of any neighbor when it rings while I'm outside) but I still hardly use it because I'm a fidget and feel trapped by the cord. In fact, our cordless is sitting right beside it right now.
BakedBeans said:
my new 20inch imac with isight. 1.5gb ram 2.1g5 and bt kayboard and mouse


and the view other people see

I have to say - I was really gutted when this had to go back with a faulty fan - i recieved a refund and then BANG the new imacs came out

pretty lucky and happy now
Should have a new setup by this weekend.

Power Mac G4 MDD
Dual 867MHz
Combo Drive

Most of this is going to be upgraded, of course. I also picked up a 17" Apple LCD Studio Display. :)
BakedBeans said:
I have to say - I was really gutted when this had to go back with a faulty fan - i recieved a refund and then BANG the new imacs came out

pretty lucky and happy now

Wow congrats it doesn't get any better then that! Thats going to be a niceee upgrade!
streetkarp said:
In Picture Setup
setup :

Imac G5 20" 250GB
Epson RX620 printer
JBL Creature Speakers
160GB Western Digital external HD
1st Generation Ipod 20GB
1st Generation iPods didnt come in 20GB. They debuted at 5GB and then briefly hit 10GB for a few months before the 2nd Generation came out.
UMHurricanes34 said:
1st Generation iPods didnt come in 20GB. They debuted at 5GB and then briefly hit 10GB for a few months before the 2nd Generation came out.
Actually, the 10 GB model (along with the 20 GB model) was the 2nd gen iPod. The 1st gen includes ony the original 5 GB.
UMHurricanes34 said:
1st Generation iPods didnt come in 20GB. They debuted at 5GB and then briefly hit 10GB for a few months before the 2nd Generation came out.

looks too me that it has a dock connecter on the bottom of the ipod, so it could be 3rd generation or 4th.
ph0rce said:
looks too me that it has a dock connecter on the bottom of the ipod, so it could be 3rd generation or 4th.
It's a 4th gen. If you zoom in on the second picture, you can juuust make out the gray clickwheel.
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