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iChrisLH said:
12" Powerbook 1.5ghz, 80gb hd
23" Cinema Display
Wireless keyboard and mouse
iPod nano
Bose Speakers
Bose Triports
160gb external
M-Audio 49 key keyboard
26" TV
14" LCD
eMachines 2.6ghz

To the right of this is my photography studio...

How do you like that desk? Do you mind my asking how much it was when you bought it? I use a corner desk right now, but I need more space and am trying to decide between a larger corner desk and a wide horizontal desk. Any suggestions? Thanks! :D
My setup

17 inch imac
1 160 gig lacie hd
1 120 gig wd hd
sound sticks
60 gig ipod photo
wacom tablet
17 inch del monitor peeking in on the side connected to my pc


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I think it's basically done. Behind me is another desk and a TV. To be added is the Epson R1800 that is sitting at my mom's house (graduation present). I also need to buy a TV table so Batman may be evicted if it suits me to have the TV there (which it does). Batman will find a home to the right under the window, which you can't see.

These are three photos taken and put together using Photoshop's crappy ass photo merge. Quick and dirty. Anyway they are 20 second exposures because nothing I did helped the massive reflection in the best movie poster ever!! (note: I'll be unavailable June 30th. I also have that day off work already scheduled. I have no intentions of leaving the movies without seeing Superman at least 3 times). Even with nothing but the light of a 17" crt behind me (running windows), there is still a reflection.

To the left is my new baby Ibanez Acoustic/Electric. Sex.

The tiny looking image on the left are three paintings I did for a woman as a job...they were good so I hung them (eric clapton, prince, elton john) not my favs but they're great artists.
jessica. said:
These are three photos taken and put together using Photoshop's crappy ass photo merge. Quick and dirty. Anyway they are 20 second exposures because nothing I did helped the massive reflection in the best movie poster ever!! Even with nothing but the light of a 17" crt behind me (running windows), there is still a reflection.
Try putting a diffuser on your flash and bouncing it off the wall/ceiling joint behind you. :)
ChrisBrightwell said:
Try putting a diffuser on your flash and bouncing it off the wall/ceiling joint behind you. :)
Yup I did that first thing. It still had issues with the fan.
Also know those posters are about 12" from the top of the ceiling and not far from the desktop as you can see.
40" long to be exact with 9' ceilings.
Anyway, i'll grab it in the daylight I'm sure.
Vpc 7

For VPC 7, don't ask too much...

Imagine a 486 with XP installed on it...that's more like it...

But it's always there when you need it...
ChrisBrightwell said:
Hopefully you'll grow out of buying Bose before long.

Actually for the price of the speakers and the quality, size and simplicity, I am quite pleased. As for the headphones, they are very light and fairly portable and have alot better sound quality then the ipod headphones :p

p0intblank said:
How do you like that desk? Do you mind my asking how much it was when you bought it? I use a corner desk right now, but I need more space and am trying to decide between a larger corner desk and a wide horizontal desk. Any suggestions? Thanks!

The desk was 150 at the time I bought it from best buy. To the left in that picture I also have another one of the smaller sections that I use for drawing and such, it was 99. Overall it is a nice desk, I would actually like a glass desk that is a little wider and with a raised level for the monitor though.
jessica.; lovely wall pictures; except for the middle. You must excuse my distain for the horrible remake of Superman especially so soon after Christopher Reeves Died. But each to their own. Now I'm definately looking forward to the X-Men 3.

btw, the story line & narration of Superman Returns is just too off for me, even though the movie is traditional in setting.
Hi everybody and greetings from Finland!

This is my setup

PM G4 450mhz Cube/1gb ram/40gb HDD/Tiger 10.4.4
Apple Pro Speakers
ACD 17" Acrylic
Apple pro Keyboard(black)
Logitech MX900 BT-mouse
iPod Mini 4gb
Airport Extreme Base Station

Then i also got a iMac G3

iMac G3 350mhz Slotloading/384mb ram/60gb HDD/10.3.9
iMac original keyboard
Apple pro Mouse(black)

I'm sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand!
My setup

My setup


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Mike Teezie said:
Nice setup - interesting and different. I'm assuming there's a reason why the monitor isn't centered?

I also use the monitor as a TV and from where my bed is located it is more comfortable to watch it this way.
Prom1 said:
jessica.; lovely wall pictures; except for the middle. You must excuse my distain for the horrible remake of Superman especially so soon after Christopher Reeves Died. But each to their own.
... I have to ask.

Have you actually seen the new Superman movie?
Toom said:

Nice. Hanging LCDs on the wall is so cool.

If I can make a suggestion, I would consider putting those cables to the screen inside something white, so that they are hidden.

I would like to see a setup with big Cinema Display on a wall mount and the cables hiddden inside the walls.
biblo said:
Hi everybody and greetings from Finland!

This is my setup

PM G4 450mhz Cube/1gb ram/40gb HDD/Tiger 10.4.4
Apple Pro Speakers
ACD 17" Acrylic
Apple pro Keyboard(black)
Logitech MX900 BT-mouse
iPod Mini 4gb
Airport Extreme Base Station

Then i also got a iMac G3

iMac G3 350mhz Slotloading/384mb ram/60gb HDD/10.3.9
iMac original keyboard
Apple pro Mouse(black)

I'm sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand!
Hi Biblo!
Your links don't seems to work out. Could you fix the links, I would be fun to see your Cube setup!
.mp3 said:
Hi Biblo!
Your links don't seems to work out. Could you fix the links, I would be fun to see your Cube setup!

Ok.Links are fixed.

There something updates or like that in server.I put pictures in imageshack now.I hope that you guys see pictures now.
biblo said:
Hi everybody and greetings from Finland!
Hi. Nice setups. :)

I'm sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand!
Don't worry, man. Your English is far beyond what my Finnish or Swedish will ever be.

For future reference, though, try to put a space after a period at the end of your sentences. Without that empty space, it all kind of runs together and becomes difficult to read.
Here's my setup, doesn't include my Thinkpad, as I didn't happen to have room on my desk:p

Tech specs are in the sig.


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Ryan T. said:
Here's my setup, doesn't include my Thinkpad, as I didn't happen to have room on my desk:p

Tech specs are in the sig.

Nice setup. I have those Logitech z-2300's aswell. They are sooo sweet. What you think of 'em?
Melkor said:
Nice setup. I have those Logitech z-2300's aswell. They are sooo sweet. What you think of 'em?
awesome speakers, one of the better purchases I've made recently.

although the 24" Dell may be my favorite newer toy ;)
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