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ant_s said:
As per signature -

20" 1.8GHz iMac G5 rev.A
15" 1.67GHz PowerBook

Not my full setup, but the most interesting parts :D

Beautiful, that was my dream setup. So far I just have a 17" iMac. Probably settle for the poor man's version of your setup, with a 17" iMac and 12" iBook. Enjoy it!
motherduce said:
Beautiful, that was my dream setup. So far I just have a 17" iMac. Probably settle for the poor man's version of your setup, with a 17" iMac and 12" iBook. Enjoy it!

Poor mans setup?:eek:
my setup. in full 8mp goodness (for those nosey folks, like me :D )
Is the mac corner. HDD glowing blue under the monitor, my ancient amplifier that I wouldn't change for anything, my 2 Wharfedale Modus speakers, my Toshiba Pocket PC, EyeTV poking out there.
Xbox has been taken into the living room cuz I've realised... I havent played a game on it for about a year now :D ;)
Oh yea and thats a pic of me and my girlfriend whilst on holiday. over the past few days I've felt really loved up so yea :)
Is everything. My laptop on the left, with my game open. Currently making a little village level. Lava lamp and the mac corner. DVDs and games along the top. my aftershaves (CK one, Hugo Boss (the best, IMO), Versace Blue Jeans and Tommy Hilfiger).

extras include my Roland keyboard, Epiphone electric w/ Zoom GFX707 effects pedal and some random spanish acoustic (that I bought in Benidorm :D ).
raggedjimmi said:
my setup. in full 8mp goodness (for those nosey folks, like me :D )
Is the mac corner. HDD glowing blue under the monitor, my ancient amplifier that I wouldn't change for anything, my 2 Wharfedale Modus speakers, my Toshiba Pocket PC, EyeTV poking out there.
Xbox has been taken into the living room cuz I've realised... I havent played a game on it for about a year now :D ;)
Oh yea and thats a pic of me and my girlfriend whilst on holiday. over the past few days I've felt really loved up so yea :)
Is everything. My laptop on the left, with my game open. Currently making a little village level. Lava lamp and the mac corner. DVDs and games along the top. my aftershaves (CK one, Hugo Boss (the best, IMO), Versace Blue Jeans and Tommy Hilfiger).

extras include my Roland keyboard, Epiphone electric w/ Zoom GFX707 effects pedal and some random spanish acoustic (that I bought in Benidorm :D ).

Nice pic of you and your girl....maybe i should try that...but then the other chicks will get angry;)
Digging the Cube

raggedjimmi, you kinda look like some one I knew back in art school. How does the Cube look on the Dell? And what cable are you using? Composite, S-Video, or Component? Is that an Amiga under the Cube?
vohdoun; I have a 20" (2005FPW) monitor :)

DISCOMUNICATION; connected via nothing more than composite. Euro cube has no S-Video out signal so I'm just using the old cables. No big deal though. Looks fine for me :D

DISCOMUNICATION & DarkBlue-G5; It is an Amiga 600 :) not set up because I can't find my power brick! It's around here somewhere though. Truly a remarkable machine. if I could somehow network it up with my PowerBook I'd cry. dunno what I'd do though! short of transferring all my old DeluxePaint picture floppies over.

It's silly. I got my Amiga around 1991 and it was my only main console (because of its incredible and plentiful games) until about 1997 when I got my N64. But still played often when I had the plug, until a year or so ago. Talk about a long life!

EDIT: notice the phone too. its hard to make out but I called it "iPhone"! The rest are just "kitchen" "study" etc. no imagination my parents!
I was wondering why there happen to be alot of ppl who have brand new powermacs or imacs as well as a new ibook or powerbook. granted i know i would have alot of new macs if i had more money than i knew what to do with, but it just seems like an entirely impractical idea to have both. sure some ppl need the portability as long as a good desktop, but with expensive as macs are why waste the money? i swear im just not jealous
jamesi said:
I was wondering why there happen to be alot of ppl who have brand new powermacs or imacs as well as a new ibook or powerbook. granted i know i would have alot of new macs if i had more money than i knew what to do with, but it just seems like an entirely impractical idea to have both. sure some ppl need the portability as long as a good desktop, but with expensive as macs are why waste the money? i swear im just not jealous
You sound poor. :rolleyes:
jamesi said:
I was wondering why there happen to be alot of ppl who have brand new powermacs or imacs as well as a new ibook or powerbook. granted i know i would have alot of new macs if i had more money than i knew what to do with, but it just seems like an entirely impractical idea to have both. sure some ppl need the portability as long as a good desktop, but with expensive as macs are why waste the money? i swear im just not jealous

No "brand-new" but fairly new Macs my Rev B iMac back in October for a good price when Apple announced the new Rev C iSight-equipped iMacs, and then later on, once I'd realized that I was committed to using a Mac and no longer wanted to even touch a Windows machine, I bought a PB for portability. Yes, I was lucky enough to be able to have been able to afford to buy both machines within a short period of time, and yes, I felt that the expenditure was justified. I use the iMac when I'm at home and I use the PB for toting around town or for trips out of town. A "waste of money?" Not at all. I couldn't easily carry my iMac along on a flight to CA and I needed/wanted to have a computer and internet connection available while away from home. My PB was well worth the money I'd expended simply to have it available for my use during that time away from home.

That said, both of my machines are now a few months old and I'm not rushing out to replace them with the newer versions which have since appeared on the market.... I certainly don't think that I need to do so, my current machines are more than meeting my needs. However, others may feel that they need to replace their current Macs (regardless of age) with the new intel-based ones. That's their choice, their money and their prerogative.

raggedjimmi said:
my setup. in full 8mp goodness (for those nosey folks, like me :D )
Is the mac corner. HDD glowing blue under the monitor, my ancient amplifier that I wouldn't change for anything, my 2 Wharfedale Modus speakers, my Toshiba Pocket PC, EyeTV poking out there.
Xbox has been taken into the living room cuz I've realised... I havent played a game on it for about a year now :D ;)
Oh yea and thats a pic of me and my girlfriend whilst on holiday. over the past few days I've felt really loved up so yea :)
Is everything. My laptop on the left, with my game open. Currently making a little village level. Lava lamp and the mac corner. DVDs and games along the top. my aftershaves (CK one, Hugo Boss (the best, IMO), Versace Blue Jeans and Tommy Hilfiger).

extras include my Roland keyboard, Epiphone electric w/ Zoom GFX707 effects pedal and some random spanish acoustic (that I bought in Benidorm :D ).

Very nice. Highlights of that set-up would be the second monitor hooked to the iBook, the speakers look like they would do a fab job, also appears that you have everything just where you want them, and that it what is so neet to look at these set-ups because you can tell things about people by looking at them.
I've got my "sometimes" setup going on today!

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