I think it's basically done. Behind me is another desk and a TV. To be added is the Epson R1800 that is sitting at my mom's house (graduation present). I also need to buy a TV table so Batman may be evicted if it suits me to have the TV there (which it does). Batman will find a home to the right under the window, which you can't see.
These are three photos taken and put together using Photoshop's crappy ass photo merge. Quick and dirty. Anyway they are 20 second exposures because nothing I did helped the massive reflection in the best movie poster ever!! (note: I'll be unavailable June 30th. I also have that day off work already scheduled. I have no intentions of leaving the movies without seeing Superman at least 3 times). Even with nothing but the light of a 17" crt behind me (running windows), there is still a reflection.
To the left is my new baby Ibanez Acoustic/Electric. Sex.
The tiny looking image on the left are three paintings I did for a woman as a job...they were good so I hung them (eric clapton, prince, elton john) not my favs but they're great artists.