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FearFactor47 said:
Well, today my ISP installed my wireless router, so I now have wireless internet. I also got an iSkin today for my keyboard, iKlear to clean the computer and a LArobe blue case :).

Here are some pictures I took with my phone camera (Sony Ericsson K806i).
You might want to shrink those pictures before people get annoyed by them.
Ooops to late.
You might want to either resize those or provide links to the images - not everyone is on broadband.

edit - redeye be beat me to it.
Powerbook 12'' 1.5ghz
1.25 gb ram
Logitech Z-680
Acer AL2032WD 20" Widescreen

my first mac, and now going for an Intel Imac
(first ill have to wait for the mac arrive to south america :( )

benjamindaines said:

Original iMac G5 - 17" 1.8Ghz, 1Gb RAM.
17" AOC monitor using 'Screen Spanning Dr', with lucky charm!
250Gb WD External Drive
Griffin Powermate
JBL On Stage Speakers, with 6Gb iPod Mini
2Gb Nano (in case)
Casio Exilim EX-S100 Camera
A few non computer related bit's and pieces, although the watch is a Fossil Atari Ltd. Edition :)
Here is my setup...

$6,000 worth of Macs here!!! :eek:

Specs are in the sig!


  • setup2.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 597
  • boxes.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 260
Arip said:
Powerbook 12'' 1.5ghz
1.25 gb ram
Logitech Z-680
Acer AL2032WD 20" Widescreen

my first mac, and now going for an Intel Imac
(first ill have to wait for the mac arrive to south america :( )


Definitely one of the nicest setups I've seen. :D
Heres mine. This isn't a very good shot.
Ryan T. said:
Here's my setup, doesn't include my Thinkpad, as I didn't happen to have room on my desk:p

Tech specs are in the sig.

I am really considering buying a second monitor to hook up to my iMac, similar to what you have done. I really like the look of it and it would be a tremendous help. Seeing the way it looks for you makes me want one even more!
It's a work in progress.. but it's getting there.


17" Core Duo iMac w/Bonus BAD VIDEO CARD!! It probably has to go to the Mac Doctor soon...

iBook G4 1.2ghz

2G iPod 10GB
iPod Video 30GB

Off to the right I have a CRT on a second little computer cart with an extra keyboard and mouse - mainly for the iBook to use as a dual screen.

Also - Mac Classic II in the bottom left hand corner there :)

+bonus iPhoto filters because I was bored and the picture I took was pretty crummy to begin with.
Toom said:

I just pictured three of those monitors side by side, but spaced out evenly. It would look so nice. :) Just display three professional paintings and it'd be a mini museum!

Overall, though, awesome setup. Very nice!
Looks great Glenn. I ordered my iMac Core Duo yesterday, specs in sig, and it is estimated to ship on Feb. 28th...pretty long wait, but I will have pics once it arrives.
jessica. said:


I think it's basically done. Behind me is another desk and a TV. To be added is the Epson R1800 that is sitting at my mom's house (graduation present). I also need to buy a TV table so Batman may be evicted if it suits me to have the TV there (which it does). Batman will find a home to the right under the window, which you can't see.

These are three photos taken and put together using Photoshop's crappy ass photo merge. Quick and dirty. Anyway they are 20 second exposures because nothing I did helped the massive reflection in the best movie poster ever!! (note: I'll be unavailable June 30th. I also have that day off work already scheduled. I have no intentions of leaving the movies without seeing Superman at least 3 times). Even with nothing but the light of a 17" crt behind me (running windows), there is still a reflection.

To the left is my new baby Ibanez Acoustic/Electric. Sex.

The tiny looking image on the left are three paintings I did for a woman as a job...they were good so I hung them (eric clapton, prince, elton john) not my favs but they're great artists.

Where did you get the giant life-like Batman sitting in the corner...?
jessica. said:


I think it's basically done. Behind me is another desk and a TV. To be added is the Epson R1800 that is sitting at my mom's house (graduation present). I also need to buy a TV table so Batman may be evicted if it suits me to have the TV there (which it does). Batman will find a home to the right under the window, which you can't see.

These are three photos taken and put together using Photoshop's crappy ass photo merge. Quick and dirty. Anyway they are 20 second exposures because nothing I did helped the massive reflection in the best movie poster ever!! (note: I'll be unavailable June 30th. I also have that day off work already scheduled. I have no intentions of leaving the movies without seeing Superman at least 3 times). Even with nothing but the light of a 17" crt behind me (running windows), there is still a reflection.

To the left is my new baby Ibanez Acoustic/Electric. Sex.

The tiny looking image on the left are three paintings I did for a woman as a job...they were good so I hung them (eric clapton, prince, elton john) not my favs but they're great artists.

very well done on that set up. It looks like a crazy Jellyfish is swimming under your desk though. That sub is aces! Its just good to see all your loves in one photo i bet.
Dell 24"

Ryan T. said:
awesome speakers, one of the better purchases I've made recently.

although the 24" Dell may be my favorite newer toy ;)

What kind of resolution do you get on this awesome beast?
biblo said:
Hi everybody and greetings from Finland!

This is my setup

PM G4 450mhz Cube/1gb ram/40gb HDD/Tiger 10.4.4
Apple Pro Speakers
ACD 17" Acrylic
Apple pro Keyboard(black)
Logitech MX900 BT-mouse
iPod Mini 4gb
Airport Extreme Base Station
Great Cube setup!
Do you got a better picture of your Cube setup in day-ight?
BTW: I saw that you where a member at CubeOwner to ;)
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