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miniConvert said:
I like how you've colour co-ordinated your setup, very clean. It's a shame there isn't more Apple hardware on display, though.

I had the Apple Wireless Desktop, but just switched it to the Logitech, I like the feel of the keyboard better, and the mose rocks. I have an AirPOrt Express on a bookshelf next to the desk, and I got the new Samsung 23" over the Apple for three resons, one it has a tv tuner, two I can plug in my 360 via HD, three it is $400 cheaper, and side by side the Samsung looks better.
dops7107 said:
An unorthadox monitor! We don't see too many Samsungs, or white monitors, around here. But looking good!

That thing just blows the apples away on HD content. I have my 360 hooked up to it HD component and nothing compares. The color and contrast are just plain better thatn the apples, plus it is a tv, and I can run PIP while working on an essay (essential during MLB season).
joshwest said:
where did you pick that monitor up, and what model is it
I got it at Best Buy and it is the new Samsung 23" LCD (LN-S2352) The whole thing is 3" thin and weighs 17lbs. About the only thingg it does not have is an HD tuner, but I have cable anyways (does anyone use tuners anymore).
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Who would even build that. That's probably the least useable thing ever. You can't tell wtf is going on on the screens.
calebjohnston said:
Who would even build that. That's probably the least useable thing ever. You can't tell wtf is going on on the screens.

Quake III...duh...hehe just kidding....I agree, saw it on digg :cool:
calebjohnston said:
Who would even build that. That's probably the least useable thing ever. You can't tell wtf is going on on the screens.

stop being so freaking negative. jesus.
calebjohnston said:
Are you kidding me? Being negative?

I said a screen setup like that is useless for gaming, and it is.

Yeah but think about photoshop on those screens NICE!:eek: :D
technicolor said:
It wouldn't be so bad if the keyboard and mouse weren't so damn close to the setup. It seems like you'd have to move your entire torso to get a good look at your left and right views.

It'd be pretty cool to play something on it if it were a little further away.
count chocula said:

anybody get that? saturday night live several years back. i hope i didnt just make myself look silly.:p

Yah & then they're like what is donna summer's backwards & stuff like that. haha i remember it, I was like 12.
I agree about photoshop on those monitors.. that would be very nice. I'd still like to have one large main display off by itself, but ah well.
I only remember it 'cause it was the first thing I watched since I moved from california at that time. haha... but yah I'm your age.
shortys408 said:
snip snip[ / IMG][/QUOTE]

You should make your PSP white :D w/ clear white buttons!


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