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iGary said:
Can't wait to see the MBP on that desk of yours I like so much.

Me neither! :D Its time for an upgrade. (IMO) If someone actually buys my goddamn display! (hint hint ;), Check the sig) Luckly, my neighbor is going to buy the iBook so that is taken care of.
dogbone said:
Nice shirts.

Haha. Thanks. This was taken a while ago. I've expanded my wardrobe since then. :) I live in Shanghai and there's great shopping here, especially for fake clothes (that are often higher quality than their real counterparts). And the prices are dirt cheap.

HckySo said:
That's a very lovely looking room there!


Rickay726 said:
i think thats my favorite setup iv seen yet.

It's my favourite too. Haha. Although I wish I had an iBook or PowerBook to go with the iMac =( and a wireless keyboard and a whole crapload of other stuff... well, i can dream.

Moshiiii said:
Awesome Crib! What do you do for a living?

I don't. I just live. I'm a student. I moved here from Canada and I attend a private international school here.

It looks like you live in page 12 of the ikea catalog

Heh, but I only have a few things from IKEA... and the only thing from IKEA in that room is a shoelace rug that's not visible in the photos.

jrk07 said:
I need a laptop too...MacBook Pro would work nice enough, but alas, no money.

Also, "About a Boy" huh? :cool: Awesome movie!

Yeah, money is usually a problem... :(
Yup, great movie.

cruxed said:
You my friend, have an awesome setup.

Thanks. :)
cleanup said:
Haha. Thanks. This was taken a while ago. I've expanded my wardrobe since then. :) I live in Shanghai and there's great shopping here, especially for fake clothes (that are often higher quality than their real counterparts). And the prices are dirt cheap.


It's my favourite too. Haha. Although I wish I had an iBook or PowerBook to go with the iMac =( and a wireless keyboard and a whole crapload of other stuff... well, i can dream.

I don't. I just live. I'm a student. I moved here from Canada and I attend a private international school here.

Heh, but I only have a few things from IKEA... and the only thing from IKEA in that room is a shoelace rug that's not visible in the photos.

Yeah, money is usually a problem... :(
Yup, great movie.

Thanks. :)

Could you be a lifesaver and tell me where you got that bed/bed spread? At first I thought it a futon but i'm not sure.

If you could link it you would be my savior!
mortey said:
Could you be a lifesaver and tell me where you got that bed/bed spread? At first I thought it a futon but i'm not sure.

If you could link it you would be my savior!

Sorry. The apartment came fully furnished so the bed was already there. But I think the duvet cover is from B&Q.
i noticed that your .tk page doesn't show ads before getting to the actual page. when i used .tk, ads showed up for 15 seconds before getting to my page. how do you get that to work?
Muffe said:
Oh, and age is 12.

btw. Someone did have here setup, where was a iBook, iMac + LCD where were the same picture all of them. Whare did u get that pic? :rolleyes:

when do you turn 13? i am 12, but now worried that i am soon to be not the youngest here on macrumors. fiddlesticks!
For those that think I am an obsessive-compulsive neatnick:

Deadlines suxxorz:

toothpaste said:
You live with your parents, right? Start paying rent, paying for food, car payments, electrical bill, phone bill, internet, so forth and so on and we'll see how many computers you can afford.

very, very true. i'm 15, my dad has a six-figure income, but i have to work my ass off to get what i want (20'' ALUM ACD + intel mac mini). my LCD on my thinkpad from the 1990s broke the other day, as my dad got it for free from his position at his work place, and my beige dell desktop was thrown out. it's ridiculous how kids my age have all this shiet and nothing to show for it.
iGary, I bet you can't wait for your quad! :D

btw, i just noticed you're drinking Smart Water- the stuff that His Steveness drinks!

Awesome setup.

iMac 17" with 1.5GB RAM and an extra 19" monitor on an LCD arm. iBook 1.2Ghz 512RAM in the drawer ("the charging station"). Sony Erricson cell phone and 1GB iPod nano on desk.

Click picture for flickr page and notes.
iGary said:
For those that think I am an obsessive-compulsive neatnick:

Deadlines suxxorz:


LIES! He put all that stuff there on purpose! How do I know? Simple. See, there are 2 bottles of smart water, and yet there is a jar right next to them, and socks, and...he needs to pee and...yeah I have nothing to back up my claim...

shrimpdesign said:

iMac 17" with 1.5GB RAM and an extra 19" monitor on an LCD arm. iBook 1.2Ghz 512RAM in the drawer ("the charging station"). Sony Erricson cell phone and 1GB iPod nano on desk.

Click picture for flickr page and notes.

Very nice. :D
shrimpdesign said:

iMac 17" with 1.5GB RAM and an extra 19" monitor on an LCD arm. iBook 1.2Ghz 512RAM in the drawer ("the charging station"). Sony Erricson cell phone and 1GB iPod nano on desk.

Click picture for flickr page and notes.

i think you need some more water in that fish tank, also give it a good clean :rolleyes: :D
macOSX-tastic said:
... a 30 inch display... i cant possibly fill all the space!!!!!!!

Really? I cold fill all that space and more. Just think, you'd never have to use expose to show all open windows because you'd be able to see all of them all of the time! Though with all those windows visible you'd need to use expose to highlight the current program's open windows much more, so I suppose it's a give and take, but I'd gladly give that give to take that take.
As soon as my imac intel came in (first mac, ordered on a tuesday night, day steve jobs released the imac intel) I took down my 19" viewsonic crt and my pc and sold them both. Currently to the right of my imac is my windows laptop sitting on the desk (mainly use for a little gaming and when I go on vacation to check email and watch over my servers). I don't keep to many computers around as I only need two (desktop and laptop).

toothpaste said:
I hope you know that you are my hero :D . How do you keep that room so immaculate? My desk is a mess, the only thing I can clearly see is my mouse and keyboard. :eek:
haha I have no time for mess and I work way too much to keep things so messy. It gets cluttered every so often and I fix it.

Looking at these threads, I think my icurve is upside down. Is it?
jessica. said:
Looking at these threads, I think my icurve is upside down. Is it?

If you're referring to the photo of iGary's iCurve, I think *his* is upside down.:p

This is a photo from Griffin's website...


  • prod_icurve.jpg
    9.3 KB · Views: 62
cleanup said:
Heh, but I only have a few things from IKEA... and the only thing from IKEA in that room is a shoelace rug that's not visible in the photos.

you have ikea there? we just had one open up here in Japan. Very exciting. I enjoy cheap/trendy furniture.
hofnar said:
you have ikea there? we just had one open up here in Japan. Very exciting. I enjoy cheap/trendy furniture.

Only two in China, one in Shanghai and one in Beijing. All the products and prices are virtually the same as back home, though (Canada).

Yes, cheap and trendy is good.
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