The others are right that it is none of your business what is spent and I'm not sure that everyone here is even old enough to worry about student loans so how could they be spending that money on computers?
Funny stuff.
First, the word is you're. Second, I'm going to defend student loans here simply because you imply that one who needs student loans could possibly be in a position to be jealous of another with money. I have money, I earn a great living and my parents are in a tax bracket that you couldn't even fathom, and yet, I have student loans. It is in fact a decision I made. The status of said loans is not something I'd mention here, but I can say that I have them and I have never found myself to be jealous of those with what appears to be a nicer "setup" than me. I simply have what I need/want and that basically covers it. Moreover, those with student loans spending all of this money on their machines are only cheating themselves when they will either fall short one semester and go nuts or find out that in 4 years they must pay that back with interest usually.
While I think MonkeyHugger is entirely out of line implying that we're selfish, I think you're out of line implying that he
would be jealous because he has student loans. In my opinion I find myself envious of people's education and never envious of people's possessions. That's just me, what they know is what I want, not what they have.
My defense of such loans is simply because those very loans grant people a chance to learn. We live in a world where the cost of education is out of control. People bitch about gas prices, look at the cost of only gets higher as the years go by. By the time my would-be children see college they'll probably need loans too. It's not what I want for them, but the alternative is to try to go through life without a degree and that is career suicide in my opinion. I'd rather have one computer, one monitor, and two degrees than 2 monitors, 2 computers and no degree.