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The speakers are great, I got them refurb from Klipsch for $50 w/ free shipping, so thats not bad. The only bad thing is that the speakers are almost too good and you can really tell when you're playing a low quality mp3 file or really any playback of a sub-par audio source.
Looks very nice, I'm looking at getting the Apple wireless keyboard and mouse but can't decide because of the cost, what do you think of them?

What size is your monitor btw, looks very sexy.

The apple wireless setup is a little expensive, it was $136 after tax. I really like the look though, and am really pleased with the mouse. The scroll ball, no matter how much complaining I've seen about it, is really nice. I'm really digging the look and feel of the whole setup now.

The monitor is the 24" Dell, its great for the price, the only thing that I'm having problems with now is that the card reader doesn't work and the usb ports are sometimes sketchy, sometimes they don't recognize my ipods, its very strange and frustrating actually.
This is what used to exist up until a little while ago! heheh

What exists now?

Well, just the other day I ordered a Macbook Pro C2D 17" and hopefully I'll get my hands on an apple 30" cinema before the months end. But at the very moment? An oooold powerbook. ;)

Is that a G15 keyboard?
If so, do you like it?

Best Buy has these cheap now, I want to pick one up.

I like it a lot. It is a very solid keyboard that actually seems nicer than the newer one that came out recently that sports several different keyboard lights. I recommend it.
Been saving for ages and just picked up a new 24" iMac. Next on the list is a new 2nd monitor.


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I know this can't beat paulinbognor, but when I return my discolored whining MB and upgrade to a Santa Rosa MBP with Leopard, plus get a 20" 1920x1200 Cinema Display with HDMI and a(n) Xbox 360 Zephyr with HDMI ouput and HD-DVD drive, we'll see who's laughing...:p (And either an iPod Hi-fi or the Altec Lansing FX-6021)


Something that I accidentally cut out: Slightly to the right of the MB are two tickets to a Dave Matthews concert in Copenhagen this March...:D

Great to see another Mac user from Copenhagen :D
A slight update; got a few new toys in the last couple weeks…
1. Logitech Z-2200 2.1 speaker system (replaced Z-5500 5.1 set that I never used in 5.1 mode)
2. Apple iPod nano 8GB, black (replaced 30GB iPod video that I never watched videos on), with a BestSkinsEver full-body 1-piece shield
3. Motorola RIZR Z3 slide-style phone (replaced BlackBerry 8700c…no point in paying for mobile email if I’m always at a desk, is there?) BTW, I LOVE this phone.

This second picture shows my three favorite mobile gadgets: the nano, the RIZR, and my 1GB USB drive with capacity meter :D

Sorry the pictures suck, my camera is almost 6 years old. Shots of past workstations can be found on my web site at
What do you use the Nostromo gamming pad for?

I had one of these and it ran a bot for me in an old MMORPG i played. Sorta ashamed to admit after quitting I've realized cheating is normal in MMORPG's.

Mostly for World of Warcraft stuff. It's quite comfortable and extremely useful!
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