Did you get those all new? I only ask because that means you were getting very nice computers when you were very young.
Nope all of the computers i got used. imac g3 i got for free.
Also what do you use your Treo for?
E-mail mostly, but i also text message and make phone calls. its my cammera, and i play video and super nintendo on it. I actually got it by accident. I bought a treo 650 refurb for 99 dollars, sent it back becuase of like 10 dead pixels, and the cingular sent me a 750 back by mistake
Not trying to sound like an arse, but I'd like to know[/QUOTE]
No it's really fine. Im not like the other macrumors kids who claim not to be spoiled. I am very lucky for a kid my age. I barter all of my stuff on craigslist. Its pretty amazing actually. You slowly accumulate untill you have very nice things. I started with a 500 dollar compaq laptop, and an xbox. I got all of my macs through bartering and gaining a little each time. The TV was a bar mitzvah present (and yes i realize no 13 year old needs a tv like that, but im not complaining).
Nope all of the computers i got used. imac g3 i got for free.
Also what do you use your Treo for?
E-mail mostly, but i also text message and make phone calls. its my cammera, and i play video and super nintendo on it. I actually got it by accident. I bought a treo 650 refurb for 99 dollars, sent it back becuase of like 10 dead pixels, and the cingular sent me a 750 back by mistake
Not trying to sound like an arse, but I'd like to know[/QUOTE]
No it's really fine. Im not like the other macrumors kids who claim not to be spoiled. I am very lucky for a kid my age. I barter all of my stuff on craigslist. Its pretty amazing actually. You slowly accumulate untill you have very nice things. I started with a 500 dollar compaq laptop, and an xbox. I got all of my macs through bartering and gaining a little each time. The TV was a bar mitzvah present (and yes i realize no 13 year old needs a tv like that, but im not complaining).