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Did you get those all new? I only ask because that means you were getting very nice computers when you were very young.

Nope all of the computers i got used. imac g3 i got for free.

Also what do you use your Treo for?

E-mail mostly, but i also text message and make phone calls. its my cammera, and i play video and super nintendo on it. I actually got it by accident. I bought a treo 650 refurb for 99 dollars, sent it back becuase of like 10 dead pixels, and the cingular sent me a 750 back by mistake :)

Not trying to sound like an arse, but I'd like to know[/QUOTE]

No it's really fine. Im not like the other macrumors kids who claim not to be spoiled. I am very lucky for a kid my age. I barter all of my stuff on craigslist. Its pretty amazing actually. You slowly accumulate untill you have very nice things. I started with a 500 dollar compaq laptop, and an xbox. I got all of my macs through bartering and gaining a little each time. The TV was a bar mitzvah present (and yes i realize no 13 year old needs a tv like that, but im not complaining).
Did you get those all new? I only ask because that means you were getting very nice computers when you were very young.

Nope all of the computers i got used. imac g3 i got for free.

Also what do you use your Treo for?

E-mail mostly, but i also text message and make phone calls. its my cammera, and i play video and super nintendo on it. I actually got it by accident. I bought a treo 650 refurb for 99 dollars, sent it back becuase of like 10 dead pixels, and the cingular sent me a 750 back by mistake :)

Not trying to sound like an arse, but I'd like to know

No it's really fine. Im not like the other macrumors kids who claim not to be spoiled. I am very lucky for a kid my age. I barter all of my stuff on craigslist. Its pretty amazing actually. You slowly accumulate untill you have very nice things. I started with a 500 dollar compaq laptop, and an xbox. I got all of my macs through bartering and gaining a little each time. The TV was a bar mitzvah present (and yes i realize no 13 year old needs a tv like that, but im not complaining).

I'm impressed, you have nice things, and your still very level headed. kutos to you!
Sorry about the crappy pic. Blackberry's dont really take great pictures. Anyway, this pic doesnt show everything, but most of this stuff is brand new!

So, 2 15" MBP, 24" iMac(not pictured), iBook G4, 80GB 5.5 Gen iPod, 30GB 5 Gen iPod, 40" Sony Bravia, PS3, Bose 3-2-1, Verizon FIOS.

BTW, Fight Night Round 3 is amazing in 720p on the 40". I recommend it.

EDIT: Actually, now that I look at the big picture, you can kinda see the iMac waaay in the back left.


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No it's really fine. Im not like the other macrumors kids who claim not to be spoiled.

ummm How bout you do you research before telling everyone they are spoiled. People like myself (15 and 14 when I got my MBP) actually wokred for their money. I worked for nearly a year to afford my computer. So no, not eveyone is spoiled. Thanks for letting me get that out.
haha no boys dont let this turn into the under 18's thread.

But ye im 16 and i have saved and much like what you have done benbarsh i sold things off and made money, and im still saving for a 20" iMac when the new ones come out i should have enough. I currently at the moment have a 12" iBook G4, it does me just...
How about you think about wear you live aaron lee. How many cars does your family have? How many rooms does your house/apartment have. A kid our age who lives in a lower middle class family could not get a job, to get money. Some of my friends who qualify as lower middle class don't even have a family computer! And usually when they do, its a pentium I running windows 95. What do you qualify as work? I did something entrepreneurial and made money. Did you work at Micky D's or for your folks even. Any kid with your kind of ****, or mine, is spoiled. Whether they deserve it or not, having a MBP and a PS3 isnt an everyday 13 year old thing. Neither is having 3 macs and a 32 inch lcd. If spoiled isnt the word you want to use, how about fortunate. Were both fortunate. And with my comment, i didnt mean to target anyone, i just didnt want zap2 to feel bad for his appropiate and reasonable questions.
ummm How bout you do you research before telling everyone they are spoiled. People like myself (15 and 14 when I got my MBP) actually wokred for their money. I worked for nearly a year to afford my computer. So no, not eveyone is spoiled. Thanks for letting me get that out.

Other doesn't mean all...there are MR teens who are spoiled!
How about you think about wear you live aaron lee. How many cars does your family have? How many rooms does your house/apartment have. A kid our age who lives in a lower middle class family could not get a job, to get money. Some of my friends who qualify as lower middle class don't even have a family computer! And usually when they do, its a pentium I running windows 95. What do you qualify as work? I did something entrepreneurial and made money. Did you work at Micky D's or for your folks even. Any kid with your kind of ****, or mine, is spoiled. Whether they deserve it or not, having a MBP and a PS3 isnt an everyday 13 year old thing. Neither is having 3 macs and a 32 inch lcd. If spoiled isnt the word you want to use, how about fortunate. Were both fortunate. And with my comment, i didnt mean to target anyone, i just didnt want zap2 to feel bad for his appropiate and reasonable questions.

So basically what you're saying is that because of someone's age they're only allowed to have certain things whether they can afford them or not? That's absurd.

End this discussion now and get back to posting setups before the mods come in here and smack you all around.
I like your set up. How is the apple tv connected? I like how your desk has that bookshelf over it. But i'm sure it annoys you that you can push your monitor back

Thanks for the comments. I've got my Apple TV hooked up via HDMI. And as for the desk, I would gain sooooo much desk space if that top part was removed (or at least a little higher). I used to not have the monitor at an angle (it would be directly in front of me) and had no room to study whatsoever.

Now the only problem is that next year, as a sophomore, I'll actually be moving into an even smaller room because I'm moving into Fraternity'll be interesting getting all of my stuff to fit
Thanks for the comments. I've got my Apple TV hooked up via HDMI. And as for the desk, I would gain sooooo much desk space if that top part was removed (or at least a little higher). I used to not have the monitor at an angle (it would be directly in front of me) and had no room to study whatsoever.

Now the only problem is that next year, as a sophomore, I'll actually be moving into an even smaller room because I'm moving into Fraternity'll be interesting getting all of my stuff to fit

Hey what fraternity are you in?
My bed with my TiBook to check email before I go to work or class. Used to e-mail sick or send in assignments beacuse im too lazy to go to class. Also used for checking if classes are canceled.
A nice video projector with HDCP at 1080i.
From left to right. PS3, 360, CD 17" MBP, HP 1020 Laser Printer, Philips Speakers, Big Disk 500Gb and Video projectors. Not shown is the iCurve, Orginal iMac Keyboard, V230 moouse, eyetv hybird, T-Mobile SDA, Shuffle 512mb and Ultrasone Headphones.
The view outside my room everyday. I live in a dorm so there is a pool and palm trees.

BTW the window in the tibook is Apple Remote Desktop being used on the MBP 15 feet away.


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nothing much here,

BlackBook (read Signature for specs) hooked up to and old Dell CRT,
Altec Speakers (Behind the CRT)
40GB External (From old Dell) [behind the 5Gen iPod)
2g Shuffle (next to 5Gen iPod),
Modded PSP (internal mods and Blue faceplate :D)
1st gen DS, VZW Samsung a930, a Bell Landline,
M-Audio 49 Key, Logictech Wireless Optical Mouse & Keybord,
some CDs and DVDs and a December Calender :D

Overview shot:

Changed Front Row:

My Old HP Pavilion XL918:
How did you do this?

Head into -
System > Library > CoreServices > Front Row.App (Show Package Contents) > Resources

the images are in there, just edit them (back up first!) and they will show in front row.
(you may need to change permissions on the folder and you may need to quit front row in Activity Monitor to overwrite the images)
Head into -
System > Library > CoreServices > Front Row.App (Show Package Contents) > Resources

the images are in there, just edit them (back up first!) and they will show in front row.
(you may need to change permissions on the folder and you may need to quit front row in Activity Monitor to overwrite the images)

Hehehe. This will be fun.

I'm thinking of making the "selection" icons look like an :apple: TV, with the blue glow and stuff.
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