Seems like you're sitting pretty close to that screen. How does that work out with such a seemingly low resolution for a computer monitor of that size?
Actually, I'm about 3 feet away, which I feel is absolutely perfect. Because it's a 37'' with 1920x1080, it's actually much easier to see/work on than a 30'' ACD at the same distance, because the stuff appearing on the screen is much bigger, but it's not too big like you're looking at a 1280x800 screen, it really feels like you're working with the same res as on a 1920x1200 monitor like the 23'' ACD. On the 30'' ACD, you're talking 2560x1600, which makes everything seem much smaller, while losing 7 inches at the same time, so it's even more crammed.
I've worked on the 30'' ACD, 24'' Dell, 20'' Dell, and this one 37'', and quite honestly, the 37'' is my favorite to work on, hands down. I love it! Getting a 37'' 1080p monitor/HDTV for $960 shipped is an amazing deal, especially with how crisp the text is, 8 ms refresh for gaming, and the sheer quality of the thing; (it's a VERY good monitor). I wouldn't have it any other way
P.S. There are numerous websites out, a few quite reputable, that finally have gotten around to trying this monitor out for use as a computer monitor, and many have ranked it the best buy for the price among Dell, Apple, Gateway, Samsung, etc. Keep in mind, it's got more inputs than I know what to do with (2 DVI, HDMI, VGA, Component, and lots more), and it's brighter than any monitor I've ever worked out. I've actually had to tone the backlight down because it's so bright.