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xparaparafreakx said:
Well I have mobile set up so everythin is in the back-pack.
I had this powerbook since I was 15 and im 17 now.
From left to right
iPod Shuffle 512mb, TiBook 1Ghz/512MB, 6x8 Bluetooth Tablet and USB Bluetooth adaptor.

Love the TiBook man, those were quite the creation...
Beautiful machines.
How is that BT Tablet? I am looking into getting one of those, how is it?
Geek Porn

A couple of people asked me to put up (and these are crappy) pics of the new setup.




jeepers that display is huge! the bluetooth keyboard looks tiny :D

One thing though, is it not odd haveing to move your head to see round the screen ? :p
neut said:

So what's the verdict? Is the 30" better than 2?

peace | neut

Absolutely. I can now view my images at 50% resolution, and with Expose, getting to the apps are no prolem. Big mistake on my part. Should have gone to the 30 from the start, at least in my line of work (photography and color correction).

Very happy with the new member - thanks, all.
iGary, very nice monitor. I love my 23, and I can only imagine how much nicer the 30 is. Congrats on the new family member.
The 30" is so awe inspiring. At the Apple store I love to watch people just walk up to it with their mouth's open. :p I can't imagine what it is like to accually have on in your home.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

It makes your *Dell* look so small and insignificant! :D Nice Tiger desktop (on the Dell) but you might want to change the theme to silver instead of blue. It'll look better.
xparaparafreakx said:
Well I have mobile set up so everythin is in the back-pack.
I had this powerbook since I was 15 and im 17 now.
From left to right
iPod Shuffle 512mb, TiBook 1Ghz/512MB, 6x8 Bluetooth Tablet and USB Bluetooth adaptor.
I like your "mobile setup"... very cool.
UMHurricanes34 said:
Love the TiBook man, those were quite the creation...
Beautiful machines.
How is that BT Tablet? I am looking into getting one of those, how is it?

I love it, two things to remember
Inkwell does not work with the current drivers that come with the tablet.
The tablet everymonth will not be able to power on when you push the power button. People do not know whats wrong but the solution to the problem is to remove and put back the battery and it works.

Bettery is very good, 20plus hours. Distance is good, i can use it around the house. I use it to present in class and piss off the tablet PC teachers.
iGary i like the background on the dell computer, at least you don't have to look at the MS field thingy...
I like the new setup, what'd you do with the old monitors?
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