My very first phone... I loved it to death, it was amazing... Ericsson T39 (sans Sony

Then I moved up... Surely everybody knows this timeless classic...
Then I got a brilliant Sagem MyX-5...
Unfortunately, the Sagem was stolen from me at school, so I had to go back to the Nokia for a while, before I had this beast passed down from my sister... (very similar to the photo, i don't remember the exact model and this is the closest I could find)
My neighbour was on a contract, and when he upgraded he was kind enough to give me his old phone! It was a Razr V3 and I rather liked it...
The Razr eventually crapped out for some reason, and my neighbour again upgraded and gave me his old Slvr V7, which again I rather liked (although I have since come to realise how awful the Motorola interface truly is)...
Then I made the smartest decision regarding phones, and moved onto Sony Ericsson! I entered into a contract with 3 and chose this as my phone... It was an incredible phone with a fairly decent camera (but unfortunate video capture)...
Finally, as my contract gave me a free upgrade, I went with a very nice C510 (which matches to my K800i camera wise, although is much worse in low light, and on the upside has rather good video quality), which is by far the nicest phone I have owned. I got an 8GB memory card for it and use it for my portable music library, and even some videos.
It has lasted me 8 months (unbelievably, after dropping it multiple times, and even a quick swim in a river didn't break it!), and I hope it can continue to last me until it dies (or I upgrade in 10 months)...
Anyway that's my phone collection up to now, and I have to say it's been quite a nostalgic trip down memory lane!