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macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2002
Charlotte, NC
If this is true, we probabley should expect iMacs to be delayed as well. Which is a bit annoying. I've been holding out for the next updates. I guess I'll wait a bit longer. :(


macrumors newbie
Jun 2, 2003
yorkshire sausage

please tell me this is a sick nightmare or long have we been waiting for this????!!

if the 15" has not been released by august 15th i suggest we all storm apple hq and take them ourselves..

and then realize the pb's are not actually stored at apple hq...

and then apologise and clear up the mess...

apple - please make the price VERY competitive and this powerbook....and some free games would be nice!


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2003
Man...looks like I won't have much summer left to enjoy these powerbooks before school starts again...

As long as they SHIP before the end of September, that's fine with me. Please don't let me down Apple :(


macrumors member
Jul 7, 2003
Well I'm waiting for a 12" powerbook update... and all the recent rumors have been saying to expect powerbook updates in mid september, so that's what I've been expecting for a while, and this doesn't change anything. I'll be very surprised if Apple doesn't release updates in mid September.

I admit, pretty darn annoying for the 15" people who have been waiting for song long though :-/


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2003
god i'm sick of this BS. apple needs to SAY something instead of keeping everyone on edge. when they finally do let us know what's going on i won't be relieved (unless it's something really awesome), i'll be even more pissed off that they waited that long to tell us something.


macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
MacBidouille says that it has a reliable source... but then here at MacRumors it's on page 2.;) i guess we can just hope for the best.

alot of people at ThinkSecret forums think that it will be announce/released at Siggraph in the next couple of weeks. but that might just be like me thinking that they will definitely be updated at WWDC.:(

"Tired of that problem, Steve Jobs gives, in private, to Motorola a nickname "scum-a-rola".

LOL :D at least that's something new. scum-a-rola!!

and more good news... G5 PowerBooks could be ready in 6 months with speeds starting at 1.8 & 2GHz!!!

since we've all become so good at waiting... why spend money on another G4... when you can just wait for the G5 PowerBooks.


macrumors regular
Jun 28, 2003
Bloomington, MN
Maybe June - NO
Maybe July - Not yet
Maybe August - ?
Maybe September - ?

Everybody knows that they have to be coming in the near future. But I am beging to think that Apple may not even know.


macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2002
I've been waiting for so long, that I became really tired of waiting.

I had a 12" PowerBook (that I liked very much) that I sold just before the WWDC - because - surely - new laptops were right around the corner. 970 Powerbooks even! Then I bought a 17" Powerbook from Amazon. I figured that, with the 30 day return policy, I could return it if there were substantial MWNY announcements. Unfortunately, I had to send it back just before MWNY to get my refund.

Now, rather than pull the trigger on something that I'll regret (an expensive Powerbook that's about to be updated), I found myself a nice (unused!) 600Mhz ibook for just over $600 on eBay.

I figure it'll hold me over until we FINALLY get new PowerBooks.

The iBook's a real downgrade from the 17" PowerBook that I had sold, but it's better than my windows machine.


macrumors member
Jan 6, 2003
Costing apple money...

This delay is costing Apple real money now. People going back to school are buying laptops *now*. August would limit the damage, but with a significant loss of possible sales. A September release would not help much, except for those who start *late* in September and are willing to wait, but these are sales Apple would have made anyway.

And with a transition to the g5 coming up perhaps as early as MWSF, I really think that Apple has to be unhappy with Moto over this.

Not that they didn't already have reasons to be upset...


Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
Well this would definitely rule out my ability to get a new 15" before school since I leave for school September 1st/2nd. My dad has been saying he wants to buy me a replacement for my aging Lombard, but only during the summer before I go back, so all I can say to this rumor is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! For the love of God, WHY!?!?!?!?!?!


macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2003
Originally posted by joephish
I admit, pretty darn annoying for the 15" people who have been waiting for song long though :-/

Yes. Much agreed. I've said too much on this topic already to warrent any further aggravation to myself or others.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I have always expected the PB's to come out mid-September, not in August like some of you thought.

I don't care when they come out, as long as I get to surf for porn on a G5!!!!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2002
Los Angeles
MacB has the MOST accurate rumor speculation

they were DEAD RIGHT with the G5 stuff

i believe them --- PB's in Sept

for now, I'm still having a love affair over a 17" I purchased, which is soon to be updated (but I don't care -- I'M IN LOVE!)


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2003
Portland, OR
Yeah. Damn lack of summer PowerBook release. So much for going down to my coffee shop and caffeinating while utilizing the wifi. Err, my classes are over by noon. I guess I'm okay.


macrumors 68020
Jul 4, 2002
Muncie, Indiana
Apple should have known this would happen if they picked the 7457 processor from Motorola. No matter how good their chips may sound, Motorola can't deliver.

We've waited so long already, we might as well keep using what we've got until the G5 Powerbooks come out. Put those credit cards away.

Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
For the past month I have been trying to convince myself that I'd be happy settling on a G4 when the 15" comes out, but if it is going to take this long, it does look like I will end up with a G5 afterall. By the time the 15 does come out, it will end up with a G5 from how long Motorola is taking.


macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2003
I just hope the 12" has the same specs (i.e. level 3 cache) as the others in the line so that the pro audio world can use it for serious location recording/composing.

Powerbook G5

macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
St Augustine, FL
At this point I'd be happy if they removed the logicboard and all the parts from the 15" Ti and just transplanted it into an AlBook. I just want a 15" with the new case. I know I may be flamed for this, but I just never did like the look of the Ti model all that much.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
Re: nooooooo..........

Originally posted by a6rnh
if the 15" has not been released by august 15th i suggest we all storm apple hq and take them ourselves..

and I thought I was the only one who entertained such fantasies ...


posting this from a new Toshiba laptop ... only two years until I can start thinking of my next upgrade ... who knows, maybe I'll get used to Winblows ...



macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
Re: Costing apple money...

Originally posted by praetorian_x
A September release
And with a transition to the g5 coming up perhaps as early as MWSF

Who here really believes that Apple will release G5 Powerbooks only 4 months after releasing an upgraded model?

February or March, whenever MacWorld Tokyo is next year, might be easier to swallow but it's also likely that any problems with a transition to a completely new processor could delay G5 PBs ... well, another 6-12 months.

I understand the business value of timing annoucements and keeping information internal to the company for routine businsess, but there comes a time when the uncertainty created by unending silence completely negates any potential value. Apple is well past that time and should be forthcoming about its plans ... alienating its loyal customer base doesn't seem smart when one's market share is shrinking ...


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Wel DUH! This is Moto we're talking about here. New 'Books in late Sept. That's when the rebates end, and there are a couple of trade shows coming up. Minor speed bumps, possible price drops, feature parity.

I try not to get my hopes up too much about these things, and find I am seldom disappointed.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2003
Portland, OR
Since getting involved in the whole rumor culture surrounding Apple releases after being turned into a Switcher (minus the hardware purchase), I've been nothing but disappointed.
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