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macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2003
In Iraq now
Reality check

You think Apple is letting you down?

Why did Steve nickname Motorola Scum-o-rola?

It's Motorola's botch-ups with the G4's that have kept us in this mess for so long.

The logic boards for having a G5 powerbook is about 6 months away (better than I thought, I was estimating a year). So Apple will have to go with PowerBook G4's from Motorola, and right now, late September looks like the earliest.

Problem is: Motorola could **** up again. And probably will given their track record.

And Apple is getting pissed. This was supposed to be their Year of the Notebook.

Please don't focus your anger on Apple, the chips should have been in production volume in *MAY*. This means we would have had the new PowerBooks announced at the June WWDC, and shipping in July. Motorola f'ed that up. And they are ***** up again.

However, there is a silver lining:

Steve is getting so pissed with Motorola, that he will do what it takes to make this round of revisions the last one that uses Motorola processors period, even if it means 6 months til the next revision. Which means all products will either go G5 or G3 1GHz+ (IBM).

Support Apple, and keep in mind that Scumorola is the one bending you over a barrel. By now, you could have had your new 15" in your hands already, if they kept their original schedule.


Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
Originally posted by DrGonzo
god i'm sick of this BS. apple needs to SAY something instead of keeping everyone on edge. when they finally do let us know what's going on i won't be relieved (unless it's something really awesome), i'll be even more pissed off that they waited that long to tell us something.

If they say,"we will be updating them in mid-september", nobody will buy one between now and then. Why would they announce Powerbooks now? Why should they? Unless they can be immediately available, I don't think Apple will announce them.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
Originally posted by Capt Underpants
If they say,"we will be updating them in mid-september", nobody will buy one between now and then. Why would they announce Powerbooks now? Why should they? Unless they can be immediately available, I don't think Apple will announce them.

Agreed. And the recent change in education pricing further indicates that they're trying to clear inventory.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2002
Originally posted by Flowbee
Agreed. And the recent change in education pricing further indicates that they're trying to clear inventory.

If, after months of lowered prices, Apple still has inventory to clear, then *few* are buying Powerbooks now and an announcement wouldn't hurt much. On the other hand, it could give folks the leverage to avoid having to switch to PC to get a current model laptop (as I had to do ... if I'd had any word from Apple, my lab could've stalled until September ... it's the uncertainty that kills).


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by praetorian_x
If this story is correct, I would bet that Steve is hopping mad at Moto, and will be pushing IBM chips into pb's ASAP. Now, when ASAP is, I'm not sure...

See something like this would scare the pi$$ out of me. The LAST thing we want is a product rushed to market. Rushing = mistakes = defective hardware = Me not being happy with my first Apple laptop :p

Is this a letdown? DUH. But honestly I wasn’t looking for Apple to release another G4 anyways. I want the brass ring. A G5 based 17” PowerBook. I’ve already got a grand and a half saved up. By next spring I might be able to pay off the laptop in full at the time of purchase and get a nice down payment on a 23” cinema display Mmmmm wide screen goodness.


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2003
Originally posted by Capt Underpants
If they say,"we will be updating them in mid-september", nobody will buy one between now and then. Why would they announce Powerbooks now? Why should they? Unless they can be immediately available, I don't think Apple will announce them.

Somebody will buy them, someone that needs/wants a laptop now, or people that really don't listen to the 'rumor mill' either are more or less totally clueless. Unless they can be immediately available? What's this? G5? Huh? Oh it'll still be another month before g5's start coming around, yet they were announced. I'm sure there are still people buying the g4's. They SHOULD announce them now because there are people who are going to wait for the new revision and it won't matter so what's the harm in releasing specs/date now?


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2003
In Iraq now

Apple is not going to announce anything that isn't in production.

Again, we would have them in our grubby little hands had Moto not bent us over...

Apple will likely announce them at Apple Expo still, unless Moto f's up so bad, that the powerbooks still aren't in production by then. However, for that to happen, Moto would have to f' up pretty bad. Not that they haven't already.

Keep in mind, it's still going to take 6 months *minimum* for Apple to make a PowerBook G5 simply due to the proper logic boards not being available until then. Which means that if all else goes as planned, we might see them by January.

But not sooner.

So worst case scenario, Steve's gonna be enraged that Moto ruined "the year of the notebook", cost Apple tons of edu sales and quarterly sales, and the new powerbooks may not ship until October or November if Moto screws up bad again. By which point, Apple will cut their losses, cancel the project, and then just work extra hard on the G5 powerbook to try to make it up to its loyal customers, and sue Motorola for breach of contract and lost revenues, kick it out of the AIM license (which Apple *does* have the authority to do by the terms of the license)...

If I'm gonna have to wait until September or perhaps October, I'm just gonna wait til January. Steve would have to make a detraction about this year being the year of the notebook, and then make the same claim next year, and then deliver with a bang...

Of course that's worst case.



macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2002
Re: Announcements

Originally posted by jaedreth
A... Steve would have to make a detraction about this year being the year of the notebook, and then make the same claim next year, and then deliver with a bang...

This "Year of the Notebook" comment has possibly been the most misinterpreted claim of all time. It meant that this was the year that people were going to buy a lot of notebooks (which has proven to be true), not that "This would be the year that Apple released new notebooks every month".

Even purely looking on the hardware front, I think that the intro of the 12" and 17" pb alone could make the "year of the laptop" claim pass muster.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2001
Re: Re: Announcements

Originally posted by mstecker
Even purely looking on the hardware front, I think that the intro of the 12" and 17" pb alone could make the "year of the laptop" claim pass muster.

I'm typing this from my 12.1 incher I got 3 weeks ago, and its HOT!!!
I get all the cool comments across the street from work (Verizon) in the WiFi cloud in Bryant Park. Plus, I shut up all the PC weenies at work when I open it up, show them the features (BT, WiFi, DVD burn) then tell them I paid $1750.

This IS the year of the laptop. It beats the 550MHz Ti I bought my girlfriend.

This is small and portable enough for NYC and Tokyo, but has the features the iBook lacks.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2003
In Iraq now
Year of the Notebook

You're right there, MStecker.

Steve is a Visionary and he has seen the trends to come.

He knew this would be the year that Notebooks start being favored over Desktops, because they are finally getting powerful enough to do most things. You only need one workhorse at home to do all the high end stuff, but I'm sure every one in the family wants their own portable.

And it was a fabulous release, back in January. The 12" and 17" are awesome computers. However, Apple had more planned for us, more bang and shock and awe, and now Motorola has f'ed it up.

The PC market is taking advantage of Motorola having Apple over a barrel. I see new designs announced on TheRegister constantly for the latest PC, and their specs are totally kicking Apple's aging product line... Doesn't mean their support, service, and quality of product are anywhere near Apple's, they aren't.

However, PC users don't know/care about that, they want it cheap. And they want it fully loaded. And I've seen plenty of notebooks that are cheaper than ours that have features ours don't. We still have other features they don't have, period, but for the most part, PC users don't really care about that...

Just like black entertainers like the Jackson 5 back in their day, they had to be profoundly better than their white counterparts to even be noticed, let alone recognized or accepted. I'm not a Michael Jackson fan, but at the time, they did turn a lot of heads.

The same goes for Apple. The entire industry is tainted against Apple, and Apple has to do better than the competition at a lower cost to even be noticed, and Motorola is majorly ***** Apple's plans.

I'm using a Dell running WinXPPro right now, and believe me, I wish I was at home using my iBook (16 VRAM) running 10.2.6.

It's my only Mac. And it will be until I can get myself a G5. I will wait for G5. However, I'd rather have another portable.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
Re: Re: Costing apple money...

Originally posted by illumin8
I completely agree. With all of the production delays and problems in getting the 15" PB updated (rumors that heat dissipation problems prevented release in January, and now rumors of Mot delaying it further), I am amazed at the sheer audacity of Apple refusing to even offer their customers some information.

I am completely amazed that Apple still sticks by their guns with the "no future product announcements" policy. At this point, they are losing back-to-school product sales to the Dells of the world, where if they would just announce that "hey, we're having problems getting parts for the new Powerbooks, but trust us, it'll be worth the wait," people would probably wait. It's all of this keeping their customers in the dark that is causing Apple to lose sales.

Steve Jobs and his reality distortion field is sometimes very bad for business.

Maybe apple hasn't said that because they can't guarantee anything about the new books. There's no telling when or even if motorola can get things sorted out in a reasonable time. It certainly doesn't look like it. And as for G5 powerbooks... sorry guys, it's simply not going to happen as soon as everyone thinks. january? no. next july? MAYBE. That's the best case scenario. remember, there aren't even sufficient chips yet to satisfy orders of G5 desktops which were introduced over a month ago....


macrumors 68000
Jul 27, 2002
Re: Reality check

Originally posted by jaedreth
Why did Steve nickname Motorola Scum-o-rola?


Steve is getting so pissed with Motorola, that he will do what it takes to make this round of revisions the last one that uses Motorola processors period, even if it means 6 months til the next revision. Which means all products will either go G5 or G3 1GHz+ (IBM).


And how, if you don't mind me asking, do you know all this "Steve" info?

Sounds like a fantasy to me. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
Well just think about it this way. By the time the new 15" PB's come out they'll be on their 1st, or maybe 2nd revision. :D :D :D


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2003
Re: Audio

Originally posted by Plutoniq
Not only that, but I think you'd be equally satisfied with makin' music on an Ibook, the G3 is, and has always been a very worthy processor for audio on a Mac.

The guy from Fischerspooner swears by his G3 iBook. I'm pretty sure he's done almost every Fischerspooner song with it.

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
Originally posted by DrGonzo
Somebody will buy them, someone that needs/wants a laptop now, or people that really don't listen to the 'rumor mill' either are more or less totally clueless. Unless they can be immediately available? What's this? G5? Huh? Oh it'll still be another month before g5's start coming around, yet they were announced. I'm sure there are still people buying the g4's. They SHOULD announce them now because there are people who are going to wait for the new revision and it won't matter so what's the harm in releasing specs/date now?

It is a totally different matter with the G5. If Apple announces faster powerbooks while it is still selling slower powerbooks, no one will buy the already outdated Powerbooks. (duh). The New Powermacs are a totally new architecture. Completely different scenario. Lets say Apple announces that the current G5 line will be replaced, a month after release with a line that goes like this: low end: 1.8, Middle, 2.0, High, 2.2. Almost everyone would wait to buy the new (lower priced) 1.8 GHz machines instead of buying a 1.6 GHz machine now and getting a machine that will be EOL'd in a month. And BTW, people are buying the G4's because they don't need the power of the G5, and the prices are lower. Therefore, I guess we can agree to disagree. :p

-Capt Underpants
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