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This is a good freemium model!

I like. Good demo with bonus features dangled out in front.
Easier for me to get family members introduced to better password storage, get their feet wet without saying just truet me its worth it! And they can upgrade when ready to expand.

That's the idea :)

We really strived to make the free version really well equipped and I think we did that and then went way beyond. Many apps require an in-app purchase for sync, and we include three sync options for free (Dropbox, CloudKit and Wifi)
If it requires 8.0, no one told iTunes this. I downloaded it on my computer and it installed on my Air running 7.1.2.

Just noticed this. Version 5 will not install on iOS 7, but you may have gotten version 4.5.3, which was the previous version of the application :)

You can check by going into 1Password, then Settings and it'll display the version near the review button
Just noticed this. Version 5 will not install on iOS 7, but you may have gotten version 4.5.3, which was the previous version of the application :)

You can check by going into 1Password, then Settings and it'll display the version near the review button

Just curious AGKyle, if a user got the application for free during the price mistake and after using it want's to donate/pay for it... is there any way to do this? I looked on AgileBits website and didn't see anything.
Awesome that you're enjoying the application! Thanks for the compliments and all, it's great to read these types of posts :)

Same for you man, love reading comments from happy users!

1Password never stores your data in the cloud either, unless you ask it to. In your case, the Excel file is not very well protected. Lets assume for a second that somehow you get a trojan installed on your computer from downloading something and running it. It's possible they could snag your file and begin running a password cracker on it. It wouldn't take long for them to crack an Excel file with a weak password. More complex passwords might take a bit longer but not much longer.

With 1Password we use a whole host of technologies to slow the password cracking system down. PBKDF2 is one such technology. It's designed to slow the process of checking a password down. It's not perceptible to a user in most cases but when you're running millions or billions of checks it adds up to a lot more time.

Plus, we can fill that data into webpages for you. If you want to sync to a Mac you can use Wifi sync so it never touches a cloud service.

The app is free, so, give it a shot and if you have questions let me know :) No harm in trying it and no harm in not trying it either. But the option is there for you if you wish.

We use the app store receipt (the one stored downloaded with the app) to determine when it was purchased and unlock the Pro features. So:

1) If you downloaded yesterday pre-version 5 release, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features
2) If you bought yesterday pre-version 5 release, but didn't install, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features
3) If you bought in December 2012 when we released version 4. Install version 5, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features.
4) Buy a new phone this week? Install version 5, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Unlocked Pro features for you.

At this point if you had version 4, you get the Pro features unlocked. It follows you so long as you use the same AppleID. Now, this isn't to say that there might not be other in-app purchases down the road (there are none planned at the moment) and I'm simply covering a hypothetical, but it's possible everyone may have to pay for that if they want it.

I have no idea if we'll ever do that, but what we tried to do with version 5 was give everyone who purchased version 4 the same features they had in version 4 in version 5 without any upgrade cost.

Hope that makes sense but I'm happy to clarify.

Version 4 doesn't have pro features, it was a paid application that some people got for free due to a pricing issue. This version has all the same features of version 5 (with some changes, like CloudKit being used in version 5, but Document syncing in version 4) and of course no TouchID, Safari Extension, App Extensions, etc.

If you upgrade your device to version 5 (and iOS 8) then Pro features unlock because you had version 4. No need to pay again (or pay at all if you got it during the price issue)

See above, give with both hands, take nothing away.

Thanks for the comment. This comment is correct though the second half is opinion and I may be biased :) But the first paragraph is 100% accurate and backed up by my comments above this one.

Thank you for clearing this matter up.:)
I simply cannot download this app for free ... I keep getting some message about it being free and that it will show in my purchased items. I press confirm, enter my password and continually get a message box that says, "This item will be added to your purchases and will be available even if your Family Sharing status changes".

I press "download" and the message box disappears then reappears again over and over. This is regardless of Family Sharing being on or off.
Does WiFi sync work only on Macs, or also on PCs?

Wifi sync can be done between a Mac or Windows PC and an iOS device.

You must have 1Password 4 for Mac or Windows and 1Password 4 or 5 for iOS. Previous versions of the desktop applications will not sync with version 4 or 5 for iOS.

Just curious AGKyle, if a user got the application for free during the price mistake and after using it want's to donate/pay for it... is there any way to do this? I looked on AgileBits website and didn't see anything.

We haven't really thought about it in that sense. It's not that big of a problem. I think if the bosses wanted to they could've changed the price but instead chose to leave it free knowing full well people would download it without paying. If they were fine with it, you should be as well.

If you're really in the giving mood, you could purchase one of the desktop applications (I can provide you a coupon to make it equal to the amount you want to "pay/donate") but only if you really truly need to equalize the karma, we certainly wouldn't hold you to it at all.

Thank you for clearing this matter up.:)

Anytime :) I'm just happy to be able to help.

I simply cannot download this app for free ... I keep getting some message about it being free and that it will show in my purchased items. I press confirm, enter my password and continually get a message box that says, "This item will be added to your purchases and will be available even if your Family Sharing status changes".

I press "download" and the message box disappears then reappears again over and over. This is regardless of Family Sharing being on or off.

Hrm, this is rather odd... It sounds like something is weird with the App Store at the moment. By chance are other free applications working for you if you try to install one of them?
Wifi sync can be done between a Mac or Windows PC and an iOS device.

You must have 1Password 4 for Mac or Windows and 1Password 4 or 5 for iOS. Previous versions of the desktop applications will not sync with version 4 or 5 for iOS.

Cheers! I'm rather tempted to stop using dropbox and change to WiFi sync instead.
Cheers! I'm rather tempted to stop using dropbox and change to WiFi sync instead.

Can't say I blame you given all of the news and such. That said, Dropbox has a pretty clear privacy policy these days which I believe was recently updated to be very to the point and easy to read.

Keep in mind your 1Password data is encrypted prior to going to Dropbox so it's not nearly as big of a deal to store our data in a cloud service so long as you use a nice strong master password, which you should be using anyway. Almost all of us on the team use Dropbox in some shape or form, if we didn't think it was safe we wouldn't use it ourselves :)

All I'm really saying is to be mindful that the news outlets are likely going to make it out to be a lot bigger deal than it is to drum up page views. Drama means more page views. The reality is often quite different than what they report. Everytime there's a major change in Dropbox we almost always have some post about it on our blog, we didn't for the privacy policy change recently but that's not to say one may not appear in the future. You should read up on our blog though as it does give some really non-biased information about the various sync services and how we make sure to protect your data:
Question AGKyle.

Lets say that I want to be able to use my fingerprint anytime I want to unlock the app. Is there any harm in setting the master password lock time to 30 days, and leaving the touchID to two minutes? Other than someone forging my fingerprint, everything should be good?

I wasn't sure if once the password was unlocked with the master password, the app was left in some vulnerable state and touch ID was just for convenience or if touchID and the master password were equivalent security.
Question AGKyle.

Lets say that I want to be able to use my fingerprint anytime I want to unlock the app. Is there any harm in setting the master password lock time to 30 days, and leaving the touchID to two minutes? Other than someone forging my fingerprint, everything should be good?

I wasn't sure if once the password was unlocked with the master password, the app was left in some vulnerable state and touch ID was just for convenience or if touchID and the master password were equivalent security.

Kind of depends on your settings.

I just posted some information in another thread, you can read that here:

It should help in understanding a bit more about how we have to use TouchID.

I am (sadly) without a TouchID device so I am a bit at odds with trying to help with TouchID questions. I'll do my best but you may have to be patient with me since I cannot test these results myself and have to confirm with colleagues. (/me taps his foot waiting for UPS to deliver today...)

The post does cover some of the security of it all but vaguely. The security depends on how you have that iOS keychain option set. If it's off then we store the "key" to decrypt the data in memory, the key is derived from the master password. Once the application quits, such as another app needing memory and iOS quits 1Password, hen the key is gone and we have to ask for it again. If you have the option turned on, then we store an obfuscated copy of your master password in the iOS keychain (there are precautions we take for this, see the above post for the details) and if you crank up the time on the TouchID unlock then we just grab the master password from the IOS keychain when your finger prints match. After 30 days (or your finger print fails to unlock 3 times) the iOS keychain item disappears and you have to enter your master password in. We did this because some people would end up forgetting their master password if we let them never enter it again ;)

Neither of these are inherently insecure, but understanding how it works can help you make a choice that works for you. I'm happy to dig into further details if you want, just let me know where you're wanting more info and I'll break out the big guns.
Thanks that makes a lot more sense. I knew the key had to be stored somewhere, even when using touchID, so I just wanted to make sure it was in the keychain.
Thanks that makes a lot more sense. I knew the key had to be stored somewhere, even when using touchID, so I just wanted to make sure it was in the keychain.

Yea, it's super tricky for us. Like the link I posted, we do require that we actually have the master password (or key) to decrypt. TouchID on its own simply cannot do this.

Many people seem to think TouchID can replace their login stuff, but it's simply not the case. TouchID only gives developers "Yes, this person's finger prints match" and "No, this person's finger prints do not match"

You can't do anything mathematical (which encryption is) with only a "yes" or "no"

Many other apps do not encrypt your data, and they have an advantage here because they just simply decide to let the application data be visible on screen or not based on TouchID's response. Much easier to implement in that situation. If we were to do that, we could use TouchID to decide whether or not to show you the unlock screen :) But using the iOS keychain lets us use TouchID in a neat way to get rid of the lock screen as well.
Very nice update with touch ID and Safari extensions - makes it the most useful app I have now :)
Any chance to get an iphone6 update (cos it seems a little big and blurry now in the main app) :eek:
Yes if you have all 3 types of devices. For me that makes it too expensive and so iCloud Keychain is a better choice.

I have all 3 but I use Windows and iOS most (Don't judge.)

Might consider. Especially since they are integrating with TouchID.
Very nice update with touch ID and Safari extensions - makes it the most useful app I have now :)
Any chance to get an iphone6 update (cos it seems a little big and blurry now in the main app) :eek:

I'm pretty sure all the images in the app are designed for the iPhone 6. Not sure if we're including 3x images yet, but I believe we are. If they aren't in there now it's because we didn't have devices to test on, but I don't think that stopped us and the 3x images are likely there already.

So to use 1password, I need a license for the Windows/Mac app and the app itself for iOS?

Correct, we do sell a Mac+Windows bundle on our website. You can of course try the trial versions from here:

That way you have 30 days to try each before buying and we'll be happy to answer any questions if you have them!

I have all 3 but I use Windows and iOS most (Don't judge.)

Might consider. Especially since they are integrating with TouchID.

TouchID is pretty awesome. I finally have a TouchID capable device so it's taking me some time to adjust, but loving it so far!
Anytime! Happy to answer any questions anyone might have, even if they're not really customer support related. I just enjoy talking about the application and related technologies. So, really love these types of questions :)

Kyle, Just a 1Password iOS question I'm hoping you can answer for me. Can the TouchID Sensor be used as a second factor method? Also I was just wondering if you had a link you could link me to that explains the differences between the two 1Password datafile types you now have?
I'm pretty sure all the images in the app are designed for the iPhone 6. Not sure if we're including 3x images yet, but I believe we are. If they aren't in there now it's because we didn't have devices to test on, but I don't think that stopped us and the 3x images are likely there already.

Yep, images seem OK - but I'm talking about the general app "resolution". Text for exemple is a bit blurry and everything seems big.
You can easily see that the app isn't "high res" yet looking at the top bar (where is the network and battery icon) and the keyboard, which are all bigger than on optimised apps.
The main result is that we don't get more items on the bigger screen that on iphone5 for exemple, as everything (except images...) is scaled up and not using all the new screen estate (don't know if I am making myself clear :D )
Kyle, Just a 1Password iOS question I'm hoping you can answer for me. Can the TouchID Sensor be used as a second factor method? Also I was just wondering if you had a link you could link me to that explains the differences between the two 1Password datafile types you now have?

TouchID can only be used with a "Yes/No" response. If we request that you provide your finger prints for the app then all we ever get back from Apple is a "Yes" or "No" that they match. This can't be used in a very useful way otherwise.

Keep in mind that to fully support a second factor in a lot of cases it has to be either factored into the math of how the data is encrypted, or it needs to be able to authenticate you are you in a way that blocks someone from gaining access to the data that isn't authenticated.

We cannot use it for math, because we only get a "yes" or "no" response.

We can't really use it in a great deal of ways for authentication because it's not communicating with a server or anything to grant access or not grant access.

This does limit how we can use TouchID. If you read back on a few of the last page or so you'll see some posts by me about how TouchID works and that might be helpful for you to read as it gives some inner workings type things.

The two data formats are outlined here:

Cloud Keychain (new):

Agile Keychain (old):

There are a lot of details there but some of the bigger changes:

* 256-bit AES encryption with Authenticated encryption with Cloud Keychain, 128-bit encryption in Agile Keychain
* AgileKeychain doesn't encrypt titles, urls, modification and creation dates. But CloudKeychain does encrypt titles and urls. AgileKeychain was designed in a time when the privacy of data wasn't quite as big. Unfortunately, due to Agile Keychain being used so much it's going to be a slow transition to get to Cloud Keychain. There are a lot of things to consider that we can't easily control or change in the immediate future but will need to roll out slowly. It's something we really want to do though.

Yep, images seem OK - but I'm talking about the general app "resolution". Text for exemple is a bit blurry and everything seems big.
You can easily see that the app isn't "high res" yet looking at the top bar (where is the network and battery icon) and the keyboard, which are all bigger than on optimised apps.
The main result is that we don't get more items on the bigger screen that on iphone5 for exemple, as everything (except images...) is scaled up and not using all the new screen estate (don't know if I am making myself clear :D )

Text should be clear because it's not rendered by us, that's fully iOS. All we can control with iPhone 6 and non-iPhone 6 are images. So, if you're seeing fuzzy text, that is either your zoom level or perhaps something funky with iOS. I have an iPhone 6 and absolutely no fuzzy text or images.

Are you perhaps using an old version of 1Password, like version 3? That's the only thing I can think of. If you goto Settings you can tell which version you're using. If it's 3 you're using a version of 1Password that hasn't been updated in about 2-3 years.
Text should be clear because it's not rendered by us, that's fully iOS. All we can control with iPhone 6 and non-iPhone 6 are images. So, if you're seeing fuzzy text, that is either your zoom level or perhaps something funky with iOS. I have an iPhone 6 and absolutely no fuzzy text or images.

Are you perhaps using an old version of 1Password, like version 3? That's the only thing I can think of. If you goto Settings you can tell which version you're using. If it's 3 you're using a version of 1Password that hasn't been updated in about 2-3 years.
I am using 1password 5.0.1
My zoom level is set to standard
I attached 2 files: One from the home screen, and one from 1password.
You can see the bit blurry and big texts.
Also, you can tell that the app is not High Res just looking at the top bar (with network and battery): it is bigger in 1password than in the system.
And it does that in all apps that are not iphone 6 optimized (meaning a lot for now).
An example (on a 6+) in this review:
You can see on the 2nd picture that unoptimized apps get bigger keyboard and bigger everything as result of an upscale and not from the use of all the new resolution and screen estate.


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    Photo 21-09-14 21 29 56.png
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To show you more on this I attached to this post 2 screens:
One from the Apple Messages app (so normal optimized system app) and one from 1password, both with keyboard open.
You can put these pictures next to each other and you will see that the keyboard in 1password is bigger.


  • Photo 21-09-14 21 45 26.png
    Photo 21-09-14 21 45 26.png
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  • Photo 21-09-14 21 45 40.png
    Photo 21-09-14 21 45 40.png
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To show you more on this I attached to this post 2 screens:
One from the Apple Messages app (so normal optimized system app) and one from 1password, both with keyboard open.
You can put these pictures next to each other and you will see that the keyboard in 1password is bigger.

Thanks for the screenshots. I can see something is definitely off about the text, though I'm not seeing that in the latest beta, perhaps it's fixed in the next update.

If you're still having this issue after the next update please get in touch so we can look into it more for you. I'd certainly like to make sure it's fixed if there's a bug.
Thanks for the screenshots. I can see something is definitely off about the text, though I'm not seeing that in the latest beta, perhaps it's fixed in the next update.

If you're still having this issue after the next update please get in touch so we can look into it more for you. I'd certainly like to make sure it's fixed if there's a bug.

I will keep you updated, thanks for the follow up ;)
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