The new 1Password 5 update for iOS 8 rocks.

It makes logging into sites with Safari so much easier now. No more opening up 1Password to cut and paste the site password back into Safari. I look forward to trying the other new features as well.
Those that haven't tried 1Password yet, need to. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Awesome that you're enjoying the application! Thanks for the compliments and all, it's great to read these types of posts
Must say I'm really loving the integration with touch ID and the extension. That's making things so much faster for me on the phone.
Folks, this is a very good app. It's a must-have for me.
Same for you man, love reading comments from happy users!
My point is that my passwords are never stored anywhere that anyone can touch them. They are not on a remote server/cloud that is protected.
The type of encryption is not the point. The point being my password files are not available anyone but me.
1Password never stores your data in the cloud either, unless you ask it to. In your case, the Excel file is not very well protected. Lets assume for a second that somehow you get a trojan installed on your computer from downloading something and running it. It's possible they could snag your file and begin running a password cracker on it. It wouldn't take long for them to crack an Excel file with a weak password. More complex passwords might take a bit longer but not much longer.
With 1Password we use a whole host of technologies to slow the password cracking system down. PBKDF2 is one such technology. It's designed to slow the process of checking a password down. It's not perceptible to a user in most cases but when you're running millions or billions of checks it adds up to a lot more time.
Plus, we can fill that data into webpages for you. If you want to sync to a Mac you can use Wifi sync so it never touches a cloud service.
The app is free, so, give it a shot and if you have questions let me know

No harm in trying it and no harm in not trying it either. But the option is there for you if you wish.
feemium for new users? how do they define a new user? someone who buys today or someone who bought a while ago but signs up tomorrow?
not very clear but I guess it explains it was never free even for those who got it legit yesterday? (by legit I mean they honestly downloaded it via an advert somewhere proclaiming it to be free and someone who got it a week ago but doesn't sign up till next month. hmm too much what ifs and buts
We use the app store receipt (the one stored downloaded with the app) to determine when it was purchased and unlock the Pro features. So:
1) If you downloaded yesterday pre-version 5 release, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features
2) If you bought yesterday pre-version 5 release, but didn't install, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features
3) If you bought in December 2012 when we released version 4. Install version 5, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Install version 5, unlocked Pro features.
4) Buy a new phone this week? Install version 5, your app store receipt says you had version 4. Unlocked Pro features for you.
At this point if you had version 4, you get the Pro features unlocked. It follows you so long as you use the same AppleID. Now, this isn't to say that there might not be other in-app purchases down the road (there are none planned at the moment) and I'm simply covering a hypothetical, but it's possible everyone may have to pay for that if they want it.
I have no idea if we'll ever do that, but what we tried to do with version 5 was give everyone who purchased version 4 the same features they had in version 4 in version 5 without any upgrade cost.
Hope that makes sense but I'm happy to clarify.
Thanks, I updated the original post to let users know the update so they wouldn't get confused.
From what I understand if you keep 1Password on the iOS 7 version (and stick with iOS 7 like I will) then you get all the premium features on the iOS 7 version for free. Those who are on iOS 8 or want the features of the iOS 8 1Password version need to pay.
Version 4 doesn't have pro features, it was a paid application that some people got for free due to a pricing issue. This version has all the same features of version 5 (with some changes, like CloudKit being used in version 5, but Document syncing in version 4) and of course no TouchID, Safari Extension, App Extensions, etc.
If you upgrade your device to version 5 (and iOS 8) then Pro features unlock because you had version 4. No need to pay again (or pay at all if you got it during the price issue)
ouch. give with one hand take away with the other
See above, give with both hands, take nothing away.
All previous users of 1Password 4 (those who purchased the program before iOS 8 release) get a free program upgrade to iOS 8 that also includes the extras that would normally be an in app purchase. Anyone who purchases the program after the release of IOS 8 does not get the free in app extras.
I see nothing dishonest about Agile Bits. They are and have been very upfront with their customers in regards to updates and prices. They haven't charged for every IOS program upgrade. And even if they did, a person doesn't necessarily have to upgrade every time.
The company has a good presence on this forum, as well as on the internet itself.
If you aren't a current user of the program, give their 30 day trial a shot.
Thanks for the comment. This comment is correct though the second half is opinion and I may be biased

But the first paragraph is 100% accurate and backed up by my comments above this one.